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Chapter 1535 Dao Boundary big accomplishment

At this moment, Southern Heaven Divine Land.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Empress Fei Yue was alone, and struck out an ancient immortal technique. With only one person’s power, he stopped 30 Supreme Treasures, making them impossible to move forward.

As for the rear, although many Powerhouses in Southern Heaven Divine Land have increased their confidence and become more powerful, giants such as Martial Fate Pavilion still have the upper hand.

“God List, you haven’t shot yet?” Lu’s Heavenly God instantly sounded transmission.

“Qin Nan is dead, everything is over,” God List’s Spirit said indifferently.

“Oh, Qin Nan is dead, but those people are also self-to prove the emperor, and it will be a threat to you in the future.” Lu’s Heavenly God thought: “As long as you are willing to take a shot, Cang Lan, I can divide you half.”

“It’s a deal!”

God List’s Spirit didn’t have any nonsense, the magic seal came out and summoned a illusory shadow of the emperor god, forming an army.

It didn’t take a shot or leave, just waiting for the benefits.

“Grand Dao is all sealed.”

Empress Fei Yue expression has not changed in the slightest, and the vast Grand Dao light blooms on his body, turning into a ray of terrifying ice, which instantly swept the entire Heaven and Earth.

World seems to be transformed into a country of ice and snow, and she is the Ruler here.

“It is indeed Empress Fei Yue. After God List joined the war, he can still stabilize the situation.” Until now, Lu’s Heavenly God was awesome about Empress Fei Yue, but the corner of his mouth quickly revealed his confusion: “but , You do n’t want to keep them. ”


The entire Southern Heaven Gate trembled suddenly, and the endless blue light poured into the dark depths of the broken place, turning into an ancient Boss array.

“Southern decree, 6 cents come back!”

Strands of ancient immortal light, immediately blooming deep in the formation, 6 crystal clear and near-transparent, majestic and vast bones, slowly emerged.

All the Powerhouse giants who were fighting were stiffened and trembled.

Although these six corpses were also scarred and imposing, but the trace of aura, they had a substantial suppression on them.

This is like Martial Ancestor Cultivator, facing a peak Martial God!

“You have such a degree of control over Southern Heaven Gate?”

Empress Fei Yue was a little surprised, and the pump light was slightly dignified.

“Of course!”

Lu’s Heavenly God once again used the means to control 6 corpses, bypassing Empress Fei Yue, forming an ancient formation and killing everyone in the Martial Fate Pavilion.


Martial Fate Pavilion and other giants, their faces changed drastically, like the enemy.

Empress Fei Yue in the distance, shoots a finger, a Supreme ice, turned into 100 ice dragons, surrounded by 6 corpses.

She would stop the body and stand alone.

“Hugh think!”

God List loudly shouted, the golden robe on his body flew directly, and evolved into a picture of the emperor and god, shrouded down.

“Forget to say, these 6 corpses are not ordinary corpses. They all practiced the same kind of immortal arts during their lifetime, and their power can be shared!”

Lu’s Heavenly God sneered, magic seal changed.

Suddenly, the six corpses screamed simultaneously, and the immortal light blooming on them all came together, condensing into a terrible illusory shadow up to thousand zhang.

illusory shadow aura shakes all ice dragons into shatters.


illusory shadow roared to the sky and shot it with his big hand.

At this moment, the deepest part of Southern Heaven Gate.

“Qin Nan, mobilize all the power to make Dao Mark and Dao Fire merge successfully!” Suddenly, the animal skin ancient scroll evolved, a young illusory shadow shouted in it.

When Qin Nan noticed entering the Southern Heaven Gate early, it arrived immediately.

It’s just one step late, and everything that happened before it didn’t see it.

Qin Nan refreshed, and immediately suppressed the divine power that had reached Earth God 2-layer, which was still soaring.

The majestic and mighty power seemed to have spirituality. After being aware of it, all of them rushed into Dao Mark and Dao Fire.


in an instant, a monstrous dao light, soaring into the sky.

The whole deepest darkness was illuminated again, and that respectful horror thing rose up again with a strong sense of fear.

This time, they are not shocked by the coercion of War God, but the aura of Qin Nan within the body, which makes them feel cold.

I only saw that among Qin Nan’s dantian, Dao Mark and Dao Fire ceased to exist.

It is replaced by one piece of half the size of a slap, round and edgeless, pure Leisureless, like the azure color Crystal Stone born of chaos.

Qin Nan can clearly feel that the dao light in this Crystal Stone is at least ten times more powerful than Dao Mark and Dao Fire.

And there is also a sublimation in essence.

“Martial arts boundary, on top of Four Extreme, is named Dao Boundary. Dao Boundary is divided into Dao Mark, Dao Fire, Dao Crystal, and Dao Jade. Condensing Dao Crystal is Dao Boundary big accomplishment.”

The young indifferently said in the animal skin picture.

“Dao Boundary big accomplishment?”

Qin Nan’s mind was shaking. He didn’t expect that he had reached such a point in unconsciously.

“However, the gap between Dao Boundary big accomplishment and Four Extreme will not be particularly obvious. Only Dao Crystal Perfection, condensed Dao Jade, clear comprehension Own Dao, and Four Extreme will have a different as heaven and earth. “

The youth continued to say, what suddenly came to mind, intentionally or unintentionally Asking Dao: “Qin Nan, did War God inform you of the whereabouts of the Endless Vault Book before it merged into your body?”

Qin Nan hearing this frowned, saying: “Endless Vault Book, what is it?”

Although this animal skin painting never killed him, War God was alert and vigilant, and he didn’t fully believe the former in his heart, so he didn’t say it.

“It didn’t tell you? Could it be that guy, do you have a backhand–“

The youth frowned, and while he was thinking, he suddenly felt something, and stared at Qin Nan’s dantian.

Qin Nan is also expression startled. After the birth of Dao Crystal, it has not yet ended its transformation.

I saw the size of a thumb, aura was like a deep, a 7-pronged Purple Gold War Dragon, I do not know where to swim, around Dao Crystal, formed a god secret technique seal.

Qin Nan’s mind suddenly gave birth to an inexplicable clear comprehension.

This is a method left by War God, and at a critical time, he can save the day if he urges.

But his War God’s Spirit was also a restlessness that gave him a feeling.

If it is less than 10000, you must not urge, otherwise it will lead to terrifying danger!

“this is–“

The young Hitomi suddenly shrank, and his mind fluctuated violently.

Qin Nan doesn’t know, it’s very clear.

The dragons of all battles are surrounded by roads. Once urged, you can summon War God will, which is 50% of War God’s deity, to help out.

War God, that guy has been dead for more than 10000 years, how can he show such horror means?

could it be that it had been laid out before it fell?

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