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Chapter 1500 25 Across the Continent

According to the animal skin picture scroll, the death of princess has a lot to do with himself.

He has achieved 10000 ancient first gods, and still has the 10000 ancient first gods with Dao Mark and Mysterious flames. The ‘fate hand’ naturally deprives him of his love.

“Anyway, I will save you and make you a Dao Companion.”

Qin Nan said in his heart, and vowed.

“Apart from this, now I still need to refining Princess Miaomiao’s body into a unique aura that belongs to her and merge into that crystal.”

The voice of the youth, this time rang in everyone’s ears: “Life and death meet, aura is not dispersed, and when the time comes, you can reshape Remnant Soul.”

“Just so, this crystal cannot be transformed.”

Qin Nan slightly startled, subconsciously looked towards the crystal of death.

In the depths of the crystal, a silhouette of a white short-haired woman emerged, and a delicate smile appeared on the exquisite pretty face, saying, “As long as I can reshape the soul of princess, it doesn’t matter if I don’t change shape for the time being.”

At first, she became a death crystal, Princess Miaomiao, giving her life Source Strength.

Although they are two people and now love the same person, speaking from a certain perspective, it is still an ‘enemy’, but she will never forget that friendship.

“Fire of Grand Dao!”

The young man in the picture of the animal skin immediately shots a finger, a strange flame, envelops Princess Miaomiao’s figure in it.

Until the end, an aura flashing with white saint light floated out.

It seemed to like Qin Nan very much, and fluttered around Qin Nan before finally flying into the death crystal.

Crystal aura, suddenly changed, in the death, with a life.

The Mysterious youth in the picture of the animal skin saw this, glanced at Qin Nan, and the corner of his mouth evoked an arc of curvature, which disappeared.

The seeds have been buried.

Next, just wait quietly!

“Qin Nan, what’s going on? Princess Miaomiao she–“

Martial Fate Pavilion and the others saw this scene and couldn’t help but open the mouth to ask.

“Princess she is not dead, and sooner or later I will reshape her soul.”

Before their words were finished, Qin Nan said softly. Although there was hope now, his heart was still full of pain and perseverance.

Until a long time later, after taking a deep breath, he suppressed all thoughts.

“Seniors, many thanks for your help this time, so that I can succeed.”

He stood up, bowed deeply to Martial Fate Pavilion and the others.

He knew in his heart that although Lu’s Heavenly God and Southern Heaven Gate came to the Dier Continent as will, Martial Fate Pavilion and the others all came by the deity.

If it dies, it dies completely.

This friendship is as heavy as a mountain!

“Qin Nan, you 10000000 Don’t say that, we’re helping with trivial things, just you …”

Martial Fate Pavilion, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord and the others are all talkative.

“Seniors, don’t worry, I’m okay. I still have Seniors, and summon all of the Heaven Defying Union.”

On Qin Nan’s body, a moment of terror suddenly broke out, breaking through the one after another of Dier Continent.

The dazzling divine light rushed into the clouds and dyed the large sky.

His eyes also became cold, Murderous aura like rainbow.

In the past, when the emperor was the emperor, Southern Heaven Gate killed Jiang Bilan. Later, he self-to prove the emperor, Southern Heaven Gate, and so on, united the world to hunt him down, and now when he was sealed, he still killed him. princess.

Now that he has proven 10000 ancient first gods, this blood debt is also the time to pay them back 10000 times!

“Okay!” Martial Fate Pavilion and the others refreshed and immediately nodded.

After a few hours, Cang Lan Continent, Demigod’s Country.

Everyone’s eyes are still focused on Dier Continent. Although they saw the divine light, they still want to know whether Qin Nan is a god.

As for Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and God List Three Great Giants, they have understood everything in their hearts and have been under unprecedented pressure to begin secret planning.

“Hey kid, stop stomping! How many times have I told you, Qin Nan succeeded in impossible!”

In a well-known city, in a popular pub, a beard man said politely.

“haha, that’s right!”

The others laughed loudly.

“Do n’t talk nonsense here, Qin Nan Union Master is the first self-to prove the emperor in the world. Others cannot succeed, he will definitely succeed!”

A handsome teenager, about 5 years old, with a flushed face, faced with the ridicule of the crowd, still not shrinking.

“Lin Shenghao, if you don’t agree, why don’t we take a bet now? I bet 500 Emperor Crystals, and if Qin Nan is the god, I will give it to you, if not-“

Beard big man laughed, extremely confident.

At this moment, a sound, without any warning, sounded above the entire Ancient City.

“Fellow daoist, my name is Qin Nan.”

Just 8 words, let beard big man, and all Cultivator in the tavern, as well as Cultivator in the entire city, expressions are all stunned.

More than that, in addition to this city, Qin Nan’s voice rang above every city in Demigod’s Country, Central Region, and other Four Great Continents.

This is the means of Heavens Secret Clan, once secretly arranged.

“Is this really … Qin Nan?”

Countless Cultivators have a look of astonishment on their faces, Qi Qi brushed his head up, and looked towards the void.

The same is true of Burning Heavens Emperor and the Eastern Region Cultivator, as well as the disciplines of the major forces and the ancient existence of that one.

“Southern Heaven Gate suppressed the Cang Lan magic seal of Cang Lan Continent, making all Cultivators unable to ascend, and tampering with Heaven List and Earth martial arts rules with God List!”

“Let us all Cultivator of Cang Lan Continent, must pass Martial Spirit to cultivation!”

“Must also carry Emperor’s Fate, refining divinity, in order to prove the emperor and god!”

Just 3 paragraphs, so that countless Cultivators, with a shocking expression on their faces, the entire world view, has been hit by terrifying.

Lu’s Heavenly God, Southern Heaven Gate, and so on, are complexion greatly changed. I never thought that Qin Nan actually came.

“They see martial arts as a chessboard, they see beings as chess pieces, manipulate them at will, and play against each other. They cannot be Heavenless!”

“Today, I have become the first god of ancient 10000!”

“Fellow daoist, if you are unwilling and unwilling to be a soulless puppet, after 3 days, you can smash the Southern Heaven Gate with our Heaven Defying Union and break all the constraints! Create one-“

“The real Cang Lan era!”

ps: Late update, I’m really sorry.

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