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Chapter 1461 Ancient Saint Bones

“Not good !”

3 Martial God Powerhouse, their faces suddenly changed, a strong sense of crisis, rising in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, they found a terrible thing.

Their bodies, like an invisible imprisonment, could not move at all, they could only watch this blade cut off.


The terrifying blade light suddenly disappeared.

Qin Nan’s figure returned to the original place. The whole process was less than 3 breaths, as if everything had never happened.

3 Martial God Powerhouse, but sweaty and pale.

They have no doubt that if the knife was really cut off just now, then their three people will probably fall directly into this great hall.

“How could there be such amazing power!”

This in an instant, Battle Abyss, Battle Desolation Martial God, etc. All Powerhouses, expressions are simultaneously moving, almost can’t believe their eyes.

This is 3 Martial God 3-layer Powerhouse!

A Great Emperor giant in Qin Nan, not only can suppress them, he has only used one sword!

To what extent does Qin Nan’s true strength reach?

“Do you still think that what I said before is funny?”

Qin Nan looked towards Gu Li Martial God.


Gu Li Martial God’s face suddenly froze, completely speechless.

“Even if you are strong, what can you do? When you enter the Divinity’s Contest battlefield, you will not be able to attract Martial God Thunder Tribulation-“

Gu Li Martial God reacted quickly, grabbing these two points and fighting back.


Before he finished speaking, he could hear Battle Abyss shouting loudly, and his body strode in front of Qin Nan, expression seriously said: “Qin Nan little friend, I apologize to you for your disrespect for Gu Li, and look forward to little friend Don’t take it seriously. “

“No problem.”

Seeing this, Qin Nan did not continue the attack, and the expression eased slightly.

“Battle Desolation Senior and Gu Li said a lot before, but I feel that those things are not important right now. The important thing is to let Qin Nan little friend meet Saint Bones. What do you think?”

Battle Abyss Asking Dao.

“no problem.”

The major Powerhouses present spoke up.

Although Gu Li Martial God’s remarks just made them all very reasonable and began to favor which side of Gu Li Martial God, Qin Nan’s stab just now completely shocked them and shaken their minds.

Such a horrible person might have a chance to be Self-granted Divinity.


Gu Li Martial God expression was slightly gloomy, and his brain flashed through one after another thought.

Although he had a lot of conflict with Qin Nan just now, he believes that Qin Nan will inevitably be recognized by Saint Bones.

After that, what should I do to persuade everyone in War Clan?

“Then thank you for your trouble, senior.”

Immediately after, Qin Nan and Seven Luminaries Sword’s Spirit followed War Clan’s Powerhouse and flew to the deepest part of this War Clan.

“So rich fighting intent.”

As he continued to deepen, Rao was Qin Nan, and his eyes were astonished.

The fighting intent in this depth has condensed into substance, transformed into the Great Mountain rivers, and the ancient battlefields, one after another, and there are faint fluctuations of spirituality, which are about to turn into spirits.

“No wonder Bronze Mirror will make me stay in War Clan. If there are these huge fighting intents, maybe I can condense some of the power of War God, and merge with within the body emperor’s power, a little transformation …”

Qin Nan’s heart moved.

Time passed, and after counting the breaths, Battle Abyss and the others stopped, with an ancient mark on both hands, mutter incantations in his mouth, like some kind of Mysterious ceremony.

Not far from them, there was a gundam-hundred zhang, which made people feel extremely thick, like an ancient stone palace like the towering Divine Mountain.

In the depths of the stone palace, there is a terrible aura, fatly discernible, like an ancient Ominous Beast, sleeping in eyes closed.

“Qin Nan, how do you feel?”

Seven Luminaries Sword’s Spirit sound transmission Asking Dao immediately.

If Qin Nan can obtain the so-called ‘Saint Bones’ approval, it is naturally the best. However, even if it cannot get the support of the entire War Clan, followed by Battle Desolation Martial God and the others, it will be a great help.

“This aura …”

Qin Nan brows tightly knit.

Saint Bones deep in the stone palace gives him an inexplicable familiarity, but the aura between him and War God is completely different.

What exactly is this Saint Bones?

Could it be that related to the original mysterious beast scroll painting?

“Qin Nan little friend, if you walk out of the stone palace to 8 Thirteen Steps, if you are someone who is identified by Saint Bones, the door will open automatically, and Saint Bones will awakens from it.”

Battle Abyss ends ceremony and says.

“it is good.”

Qin Nan nodded, took a soft breath, calmed his mind, and walked step by step.

The atmosphere at the scene solidified instantly. Every time Qin Nan stepped out, everyone’s hearts seemed to sound a silent thunder.

Their minds could not help but hang up, inexplicably nervous.

Finally, Qin Nan took the final step, reaching 100 steps.


The whole between Heaven and Earth seems to be a blast of a Nine Heavens thunder blast, the extremely thick stone gate, flashing azure light, and slowly pulling away, blowing out one after another ancient storm.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw through the opened stone gate. In the deepest part of the gate, there was an azure-golden corpse with a height of ten zhang, rays of light dim, and sitting cross-legged.


The bones inside of both eyes suddenly ignited 2 Dao Fire, a terrifying matchless aura, which suddenly emanated, shaking the Noble Stone Palace forcibly.

The figures of all the people in the scene suddenly became small, as if this corpse was the master of this between Heaven and Earth.

“Saint Bones awakens!”

All War Clan Powerhouses, expressions became extremely excited, and even Gu Li Martial God is no exception.

This is a throb of Bloodline.

“Qin Nan is indeed Successor Ah of Saint Bones!”

Battle Abyss and Battle Desolation Martial God are both overwhelmed by emotions.

“Guy, when was this involved with this Saint Bones?”

Seven Luminaries Sword’s Spirit looked suspiciously towards Qin Nan, Saint Bones and other Mysterious powerful existences, obviously not Cang Lan Continent, is it possible that is that Qin Nan has acquired some kind of inheritance of Saint Bones?

Suddenly, Mysterious Saint Bones occupied the footsteps, and the 2 golden flames in the eye sockets began to burn violently, as if extremely excited, extremely excited.


The next moment, everyone in the audience saw a shocking scene.

The huge mountain-like horror Saint Bones, even in front of Qin Nan, single knees directly on his knees, making a loud noise, a voice full of choking and surprise, echoing between Heaven and Earth: “Master Your God … Your Majesty 83 The warlord … here … see My Lord here! “

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