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Chapter 1454: Enough


Through spiritual thought, after learning about the scene that happened inside, Monster God Restricted Area’s Lord and other Powerhouses all scolded and immediately passed down one after another spiritual thought.

For the formidable power of Ban Dragon Power, they are all very clear.

They now need to be rearranged to find a way to capture the bold thief.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As for the depth of Dragon Tomb, with one door of Emperor Technique, one after another attacked Dragon Tiger, immediately one after another explosion sounded.

However, the body of the Dragon Tiger did not suffer any injuries except for a few steps back.

“Dragon Tiger, I didn’t expect you to be such a demon, but it was still so vindictive. He betrayed the entire Monster Race, sacrificed his life, and let the two thieves leave.”

Xiao Yunshui and other Monster Children, no surprise at all about this scene.

Many dragon corpse were stolen, had nothing to do with them, and did not affect them, but in their opinion, the behavior of Dragon Tiger was ridiculous.

What does it mean to sacrifice yourself and let others survive?

“See how I can pack you guys!”

Dragon Tiger was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and with the magic seal in his hands, he was ready to play a powerful Emperor Technique.

“Fuck !, pit tiger Ah!”

However, his complexion quickly changed and turned slightly green.

The emperor’s power left by Qin Nan is very powerful and very majestic. It can also work, but it cannot use these emperor’s power, stimulate Emperor Technique.

This has something to do with itself. Usually, I rarely read the ancient books of the martial arts category. Naturally, I will not know that the emperor’s power of others is ultimately someone else’s and cannot be borrowed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Xiao Yunshui and the others did not show the slightest sympathy. The Emperor Technique of each door successively struck the body on its body, and set its shape back and forth.

And, over time, the emperor’s power on it has diminished.

Its body gradually began to be traumatized.

The emperor’s power left by Qin Nan is only to temporarily stop it from attacking, not to guard it.

“It’s planted this time, didn’t expect such a terrible death!”

Dragon Tiger sighed.

It is not afraid of death, but it hates the death of the wolf howling, more or less, and let it slaughter all sides, and finally die after fighting?

“Hahaha, Dragon Tiger, die!”

Xiao Yunshui, Xie Huiling, Wu Chengli, etc. Monster Child, seeing that layer of emperor’s power, only a thin layer is left, and now a loud laughter is emitted, eyes full of excitement.

They wanted to kill Dragon Tiger themselves from a very early age.

Now, finally he can get what he wants.


At this moment, a loud shout exploded among the demons, only to see the 3 Monster Emperor Senior Brothers of Dragon Tiger, with their expressions on their faces, and walking to the side of Dragon Tiger.

“What are you doing? Don’t back me up!”

Dragon Tiger’s face changed slightly. Although normally it always opposes the three Senior Brothers, it does not want to involve the three of them in this storm anyway.

“What do you guys mean? Do you know that Dragon Tiger has betrayed the entire Monster Race, and if you dare to help it, you are guilty of it!”

Xiao Yunshui and the others figure stopped, expression changes gloomy.

The other Monster Beasts were coldly watching their three people, ready to go.

“Of course we know!”

The three Monster Emperor giants ignored the Dragon Tiger directly and took a deep breath, saying, “However, Dragon Tiger is a generation of Monster Child, and the Disciple of Ban Dragon Martial God, no matter what kind of sin it commits, it should be done by Monster God. The master punished him personally, and you cannot kill him now! “

“Oh, good one can’t be killed! It’s already a traitor, where does Monster Monster God need to punish him personally? If you 3 don’t let it go, even you will kill!

Xiao Yunshui and the others hearing this, the corners of his mouth simultaneously sneered.

“Until the Monster God Restricted Area has spoken, the three of us will never let you touch it!”

3 Monster Emperor giants gritted their teeth and couldn’t move.

Although this time, the actions made by the Dragon Tiger made them extremely disappointed, but the Dragon Tiger is their Junior Brother. They would never watch the Dragon Tiger die in front of them.

Although at this time, the Dragon Tiger may die in the last ten of its eight-nines, they still have a delay.

“Senior Brother, you–“

The Dragon Tiger body shuddered.

“Just three of you? Not enough!”

Xiao Yunshui and the others showed disdain.

On their side, there are 9 Monster Child, all of them are Great Emperor cultivation level, there are a dozen Monster Emperor, and many Monster Beasts in the Martial Ancestor Realm world.

With just three of them, I’m afraid they can’t stop their breathe time.

“Three of them are not qualified, so am I qualified?”

Just at the crucial moment, an icy blade glow suddenly flashed in the sky, a huge crack emerged, and a faint sound came out.

The silhouette of Qin Nan and Xiaoworm reappeared.

When the Dragon Tiger closed the void, Qin Nan didn’t hesitate, and broke out the most powerful cultivation level, using Breaking Heavens Blade forcibly to shred layers of void tunnels that were closing together to reach the depths of Dragon Tomb again.

He knew his move was stupid and naive.

However, he will never leave his brother.

“you guys–“

The faces of Dragon Tiger and Wei An changed their faces, and they never expected that Qin Nan and Xiao Zhe would return again.

“You guys are back?”

Xiao Yunshui and the others have even revealed a shocking look in his eyes.

They can’t figure it out anyway, they have clearly escaped to live another day, and they will choose to come back?

could it be that these 2 guys were sick?

“Hahaha, one did not hesitate to sacrifice himself, the other had fled but still came back to die, and some of you really made me an eye-opener and looked at Ah!”

Xiao Yunshui and the others quickly reacted, all of them sent out an extremely loud laughter, as if encountering the most funny thing in this world.

“It’s just a pity, it’s not enough for you!”

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yunshui and the others’ eyes showed a thick color of excitement at the same time, and her demon blood was boiling to an unprecedented level.

Now they can not only kill Dragon Tiger and the others, but also catch these two thieves together.

At that time, they can become the heroes of the entire Monster God Restricted Area, and receive immense rewards.

As for the cultivation level of these 2 thieves?

These two people are only Martial Ancestor Realm. Although they can steal many dragon corpse and have certain ability, are they the opponents of many Monster Emperor?

“Is it?”

Qin Nan expression is still indifferent, a pair of eyes looks at all Monster Beast.

“So Qin Nan, is it enough?”

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