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Chapter 1400 48 Long time no see

Whiz whiz whiz !

At the moment when their two people flew out of the shape, from the Great Mountain in all directions to the vast sea below, there was a huge Monster Beast with a huge head bursting out, flying forward, hiding The sky and covering the earth, the scene is grand.

Since ancient times, Dragon Tomb has a high status in the entire Monster Race.

Every time it selects Successor, as long as it is qualified, regardless of Bloodline and race, all Monster Beasts will participate in it.

After counting ten breaths, Qin Nan and the worm’s body, among the many monsters, came to a mountain foot with a length of ten thousand zhang, entwined with a ray of Monster God light.

Under the whole mountain foot, an ancient training field with a length of 10000 30,000 feet is suspended.

Even when Monster Beast was present, they all changed into human figures, and still looked a little crowded.

“That is……”

Qin Nan’s gaze was quickly drawn to the scene on the mountainside.

If the worm noticed, the body of dignified Qin Nan would tremble slightly.

I only saw, on this half-mountain, there is an Ancient Palace up to the hunted zhang.

At the forefront of the palace, a young man and woman are standing, exuding a string of large emperor’s prestige pressure, and the cultivation levels are Great Emperor 3-layer to Great Emperor 6-layer.

Beside each youth and woman, there are 2 or 3 Monster Race giants, and the cultivation level has reached Great Emperor 8-layer to Great Emperor peak.

However, among such a group, there is one person who is extremely conspicuous.

This person has a pair of ice-colored dragon’s horns, wrapped around a trace of thunderbolt, and a left and right hand respectively holding a girl with a tall figure, a clear eyebrow, fair skin, and a similar appearance. In the eyes of the public, he did not hesitate, and made ridicule, so that the two girls were pretty red, their eyes were watery, and quite shameful.

Moreover, this person only distributed Aura, only Martial Ancestor 5-layer.

“Good jerk boy, on such an important occasion, it is so sloppy. After this God regains control of the Monster God Restricted Area, he will definitely repair him!”

The worm also saw this scene, with a very angry expression.

The soul of its dignified Dragon God has not been treated like this for thousands of years, and now a Monster Ancestor is embracing right and left here, can it be angry?

“All of you here, let me explain the rules of this time to you this time.”

Just then, with a loud voice, a shining middle-aged man shining from the divine light came from the top of Great Mountain.

“See Lord Dripping Dragon!”

The 1000 Ancestor and the Great Emperor in the palace were all saluted.

“No need to be extra.”

Dripping Dragon Martial God waved his hand and said, “This time Dragon Tomb selects Successor. In accordance with our Monster God Restricted Area rules, first, Monster God, Shaking Sea, and Ban Dragon, we will designate 9 Monster Children without the need to compete for the entrance. Order, go straight in. “

“And 9 Monster Child can get 2 or 3 Monster Emperor to help.”

In the Monster God Restricted Area, it is never fair to compete for any of the Cultivation Technique, treasure, Successor, etc. As long as the Bloodline is strong enough, it can occupy a great advantage.

The so-called Monster Child means that in the Monster God Restricted Area, the Bloodline reaches a certain height and can be seized.

Like Xiao Yunjue, Monster Child is the number one.

“Didn’t expect us to dignified Antique Purple Gold War Dragon Clan. In the Monster God Restricted Area today, there are only 3 Monster God seats, and among the 9 Monster Children, there is even an Antique Purple Gold. No War Dragon … “

The worm’s face showed self-mockery.

Their Antique Purple Gold War Dragon Clan is completely gone.

Of course, if you let him understood, today’s ‘Ban Dragon Lord’, because the Dragon Emperor and Nine Tails Monster Emperor were the ‘traitors’ last time, only 1% of the power in the Monster God Restricted Area is left, and it has to be absorbed The other geniuses of the other beasts have come to grow itself, I am afraid it is not the taste.

“Master Dripping Dragon, I disagree!”

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded among the demons, making everyone’s eyes all look at it.

The speaker is a Monster Ancestor.

“Oh? You talk, what do you disagree with!”

Dripping Dragon Martial God’s eyes froze slightly, flashing a cold light.

In Monster Race, there is a big taboo, that is, you cannot commit the following crimes.

“I have no complaints about this rule, like Lord Xiao Yunshui, Lord Xie Huiling, and Lord Wu Chengli. They do not need to compete for the order of entering the grave, and there are other adults around to help me. I think it is normal, but-“

The Monster Ancestor held back his fear and brace oneself.

In that Ancient Palace, there were 2 men and a woman, with thumbs up in their eyes, and the corners of their mouths evoking the curvature of a fatly discernable.

“Like the Dragon Tiger, the area of ​​Monster Ancestor has not yet proved the Great Emperor. Why can they receive this treatment like Lord Xiao Yunshui?”

As soon as this remark came out, many monster Ancestor’s faces showed anger.

“Yes, Dragon Tiger doesn’t deserve this treatment at all!”

“That is, it was among the many Monster Child that Bloodline was ranked 20th!”

“Also, this person often teases the Nine Tails family and the Hualing family among the entire force!”

One after another sounds rang throughout the training field. Obviously they have been complaining about this Dragon Tiger for a long time.

“This one–“

Dripping Dragon Martial God for a moment.

“Ahem, Lord Dripping Dragon Martial God, since they don’t agree with me, let me say 2 words.”

There was no panic on Dragon Tiger’s face, a low cough, and in those angry eyes, stood up.

“Let’s see what you do now.”

Xiao Yunshui, Xie Huiling, and Wu Chengli sneered at the same time.

In the Monster God Restricted Area, Dragon Tiger, against the protection of Lord Ban Dragon, has repeatedly opposed them, and they have long wanted to deal with it.

“Junior Brother-“

The 3 Monster Emperor giants behind Dragon Tiger, seeing this scene, immediately wanted to stop, there are some things they don’t want to be so fast, let everyone in this room know.

“First of all, tell you this group of weak beasts, Grandpa My Bloodline, and now among many Monster Child, ranked second is more than enough!”

The movements of the three giants were still a step slower. Dragon Tiger uttered an astonishment directly, exuding one after another vast sky Dragon Qi momentum on his body.

Even though it is only in the state of Martial Ancestor, but countless Monster Beast present, his face changed.

Even Xiao Yunshui and other Monster Child are the same.

“It’s Dragon Blood all awakens?”

In the eyes of all Monster Beast present, a shocking look was revealed.

They can’t think of anything. This is cynical. It seems that Dragon Tiger, which has never been practiced, can do this.

“Or is out.”

The three giants were helpless.

After this was over, they had to be rebuked by Ban Dragon Master.

“Besides telling you, even if you still don’t agree, you have to hold back, otherwise, I will definitely take turns to visit your sister.”

Dragon Tiger slow leisurely said.


Many Monster Beast complexion changed, yelling, but their steps took a subconscious step back.

Dragon Tiger has such a Bloodline, and its status must be taken one step further, and in the style of this guy, it can be said, it can be done.

“A group of weak beasts, fight me.”

Dragon Tiger’s eyes showed disdain, his hands stretched out, taking the two girls back into his arms.

“Didn’t expect, your cheek is thicker than before, and you want to take turns patronizing other sisters.”

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

“en? Who?”

Dragon Tiger frowned, an ancient ‘king’ word on the forehead, fatly discernible.

It all released Bloodline, but there are still people who don’t have long eyes?

“Qin Family, Dragon Tiger Mountain Range.”

That voice continued to sound.

“Qin Family? Dragon Tiger Mountain Range?”

Dragon Tiger’s pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole body shuddered slightly.

In the entire Monster God Restricted Area, even if it is the current Master Ban Dragon Monster God, it is unknown that it comes from the Dragon Tiger Mountain Range.

Dragon Tiger Mountain Range, in its heart, is the deepest secret, only two other people know.

Princess Miaomiao has been closed and has not yet appeared, that is to say–


Dragon Tiger couldn’t help swearing, and the complexion changes were very pleasantly surprised.

Did that guy come to the Monster God Restricted Area?

At this time, it suddenly thought of something, and the expression of surprise was slightly frozen.

What qualification surprises are there?

It stabbed him in the beginning and almost killed him with his own hands–

“Brother, long time no see.”

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