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Chapter 1435 Eight Candle Divine Pond

At this moment, on Qin Nan’s plain, it seemed to Qin Nan that there was a silence.

Although he was not Qiu Hong, the white eyebrow’s eyes like the sword old man made him have an obscure place in his heart and was deeply touched.

In this World, the white eyebrow is like the sword old man, and the name Martial Uncle, their cultivation level is unremarkable, even humble.

However, what they did, however, was extremely great. Even if they died, they did not want to be a burden.

one day as a master.

That may be the case.

“2 Seniors and 7 fellow daoist, although I know nothing about you and I don’t understand your feelings, but rest assured, I will make the name Qiu Hong be their Three Great Influences Nightmare. “

Qin Nan’s fists clenched, and in his eyes, a horrible sharp glow was revealed.

“Yupei works!”

Qin Nan didn’t stop at all, turned around, shots a finger, a Purple Gold order, and broke directly into the bronze pillar.

For a while, a light glow fell down, wrapped around his body, and disappeared on the plain.

This is the white eyebrow, such as the sword old man and the others, who lost his life and gained the opportunity that he could not waste.

“Not good !”

Purple Void Old Man and so on, Hitomi’s eyes simultaneously shrank.

Entering the deepest point of Drought Demon Immortal Tomb, all that is done.


If Purple Void Old Man was poured into the ice water, the anger in his heart disappeared, and cautiously passed a spiritual thought.

This time, things have evolved into such an ending, which has a lot to do with the fact that he just started to torture Qiu Hong intentionally. If not, you can threaten Qiu Hong with others.

“Zi Xu! You dignified Human God, so ignorant of scoring? Now immediately urge Supreme Treasure, forcibly open the bronze pillar, and take back inheritance, otherwise, you will wait for punishment!”

But with a sigh, a majestic scream of great majesty exploded in his mind.

The struggle for Drought Demon Immortal Tomb inheritance is different from usual. In case of 10000, we brought the religious Supreme Treasure.

After all, in their opinion, Qiu Hong is just a bait released by Remnant Nether Old Man. If Remnant Nether Old Man finally receives the inheritance of a Heavenly God peak Powerhouse, it will be a disaster for their Three Great Influences .

“As you bid!”

Purple Void Old Man wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and stared at the Mixed Sword Human God and Ghostless Old Man, simultaneously nodded.

“Han Mingli, you are now in formation, trapping Protection Spirit—”

“You and the three of us, urge Supreme Treasure-“

With the release of the one after another command, but for a long time, the three extremely divine light shined across the plain, and the power of terror was like chopping the peerless Divine Sword on the bronze pillar.

At the same time, Qin Nan’s figure fell into a great hall after a while of transformation.

“They are attacking the bronze pillar?”

Qin Nan felt a slight tremor on the ground, and immediately looked towards this great hall.

Although the ban on this place was laid out before the death of Heavenly God peak Powerhouse, but after the passage of these 100 years, plus the means of Three Great Influences, it must not be supported for too long.

He needs to get inheritance quickly, break through Martial God, and touch the threshold of that Boundary.

I just saw that the whole great hall is as big as thousand zhang, all around the wall, there is a huge painting carved and blinking divine light, presumably the deeds of Drought Demon Heavenly God.

In the middle of the great hall, there is a 30-foot-long stone pond. Around the stone pond, there are 8 unburned golden candles. Above the stone pond, there is a mouthful of white jade coffins covered with runes, hanging Strands of immortal energy.

Although I could n’t see through the mysterious, Qin Nan felt that the 8-candle stone pond was more mysterious than the white jade coffin.

“Oh, a kid from the Great Emperor peak actually came here first, Interesting.”

Suddenly, a husky voice sounded, and in the corner of the great hall, there was a black mantle covered in a black robe, revealing only a pair of eyes red light 佝偻 old man.

“Dare to ask Senior …”

Qin Nan was stunned, holding his fist Asking Dao.

With his current cultivation level, he failed to find out that the 佝偻 old man and the other’s cultivation level had reached at least Human God.

“A man who promised Drought Demon Heavenly God, a dying man stationed here.” Black robed old man looked at Qin Nan and said: “You are young and have such ability, I don’t want to embarrass you, this Drought Demon inheritance, you have acquired it impossible, you go. “

To get Drought Demon inheritance, you don’t have to go to the deepest point.

“Senior, I came here just to gain inheritance. How could I go so unclear?”

Qin Nan shook the head, no matter what, he must give it a try.

“Having a temper, having a character, and being foolish!”

Black robed old man heard Qin Nan’s words, his voice was cold, and he said, “Since you are so determined, then I will complete you, but if you are not qualified, you will be hit hard!”

“First, if you want to get Drought Demon inheritance, you must have 2 Drought Demon Purple Gold Tokens and 5 Drought Demon Red Jade Tokens! According to the rules, it should be the geniuses who entered this place to compete with each other, but now You are alone– “

The black robed old man blinks red light in his eyes. He admires genius, but also hates those geniuses who do not know the immensity of heaven and earth.

However, before he finished speaking, Qin Nan shoots a finger, all the jade pens were shot out, so that the black robed old man’s eyes immediately revealed a shocking look.

“It’s all in your hands? The people who could it be that Three Great Influences are dead?”

In the past 100 years, one of the most powerful Martial God geniuses he has ever seen, has only obtained 2 Purple Gold orders and 8 Red Jade Tokens, not to mention the person in front of him, just a Great Emperor peak.

“Interesting, really interesting. No wonder you refuse to leave.”

The black robed old man is also an extraordinary person. He quickly responded, shook the head, and said, “However, you may not pass this important second pass. You have immortal root on your body. This is eligible, but you must Master 4 of the 3 Extreme Boundary, otherwise it wo n’t work. “

In this world, the people who master the 3 poles, can be counted on one’s fingers, are all Powerhouses on top of Human God.

Great Great Emperor, this is impossible.


When his voice had just fallen, Qin Nan’s body suddenly had a magnificent momentum, raging up and rising, shining the entire hall of Nuoda into an azure-gold color.

“Senior, except that I have completed First Transformation in emperor’s power, which is comparable to Martial God 3-layer.” Qin Nan expression said calmly, “I have fully grasped Four Extreme Boundary.”

A short sentence, like a thunder blast, exploded in the palace.

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