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Chapter 1429 Name of Taboo

Qin Nan is completely unaware of this scene.

His current consciousness is like a one-piece of heavy boulders, falling continuously into an abyss.

“wake up.”

Suddenly, with a shout, a golden hand seemed to be coming in from the bottom, grabbing his consciousness, pulling up, and returning to the body.


Qin Nan eyes opened slowly and couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath of air. The pain of heartbreaking pain just now still exists.

“Bronze Mirror, many thanks.”

After counting ten breaths, when Qin Nan got used to it, he saw the corpse of Remnant Nether Old Man not far away, and immediately hurled his fists at this peerless ice shadow.

If it’s not Bronze Mirror, this time hard to avoid calamity.

“Do you remember, I told you before that there is a Boundary on Four Extreme Boundary?”

Brilliant Bingying turned around and looked at Qin Nan. Although she could not see her face, it also gave Qin Nan an inexplicable sense of surprise.

“Remember, what happened?”

Qin Nan reconciled his mind, Asking Dao.

“That Boundary, illusory, and promised 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, only a few people reached. Originally this time, even if you just want to touch the threshold of that Boundary, it is harder than heavenly ascension, but there is almost no hope. But now, Here’s your chance. “

The stunning ice shadow was paused, and said, “Release your Martial Spirit.”

“Release Martial Spirit?”

Qin Nan’s face was stunned.

You know, the Martial Spirit of each Cultivator of Cang Lan Continent is located deep in the flesh body, even his War God’s Spirit is no exception.

He came to Nine Heavens at this time. How can he release Martial Spirit?

could it be that–

Qin Nan suddenly thought of something, without hesitation, a conscious move: “Martial Spirit released!”


I only saw a dazzling azure light shining behind him. Although the illusory shadow of War God’s Spirit did not emerge, there was only this piece of azure light, but it still radiated a terrifying coercion, like The storm rolled in all directions.

in an instant, the whole earth, with a slight tremor, the one after another dark and strange towering tree, all danced without wind.

Even Black Ancient Altar, not far from Qin Nan, seemed to have encountered some kind of horror, shiver coldly.


Qin Nan’s eyes were immediately shocked.

This scene is completely different from the scene where he released War God’s Spirit at Cang Lan Continent.

“Qin Nan, it comes from Nine Heavens, not a Martial Spirit, but the soul of War God. In other words, you have 2 souls from the beginning.”

“You have insufficient cultivation level today to summon it out completely.”

Peerless ice shadow looked at the vast azure light, coldly said.

“The soul of War God? Then why at Cang Lan Continent, it has the light of Martial Spirit, and can still be promoted to the rank of Martial Spirit?”

Qin Nan heard this, immediately asking.

Normally, as his second soul, it is impossible to use it as Martial Spirit.

“Cang Lan Continent’s Martial Spirit was born after Southern Heaven Gate and Cang Lan Heavenly God tampered with the rules of martial arts. Dignified War God’s Spirit makes it self-equipped with such Martial Spirit mysterious. What are the difficulties?” “War God’s Spirit must have done it intentionally, so that you step by step on the road to martial arts.”

Qin Nan’s mind was shocked again.

This made him suddenly think of War God left pupil, Azure Dragon Saint Lord, Breaking Heavens Blade, and the War God body left deep in Southern Heaven Gate.

Now adding War God’s Spirit, the existence called War God, from the very beginning, to arrange each and everyone’s round, step by step guides him and helps him.

He can reach today’s Four Extreme Boundary. In addition to itself, these layouts of War God have contributed a lot.

“Bronze Mirror, you know so much …” After a long time, Qin Nan took a gentle breath and said, “Then you must know, the true identity of War God? Could it be that it is among these Nine Heavens? A Heavenly God Powerhouse? “

He knew that War God came from Nine Heavens, and he still remembers it very well, the words that War God left pupil told him at the beginning.

He has always been in the heart, but now he wants to know the identity of War God.

He also wanted to understand why War God had been picked by countless Cultivators?

“Heavenly God Powerhouse? Qin Nan, you have to remember that a person’s title does not represent the person’s cultivation level. For example, the person calls me Empress Fei Yue, but my true cultivation level is to kill Heavenly God easily.”

Peerless Bingying said here, the cold tone, rare dignified: “As for the true identity of War God, you still do not know, I can not tell you, otherwise, it will cause great disaster.”

She didn’t tell Qin Nan that as long as the real name of War God appeared within the realm, then this World, the hunted breath, would be destroyed.

Either Heavenly God or Great Emperor, all beings must be dead.

Because the true name of War God is in the entire 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, an extremely old and a terrifying taboo, even if she is at the current level of world culture, she dare not mention it easily.

“Great disaster?”

Somehow, Qin Nan’s heart suddenly made a ripple.

He had an inexplicable feeling, and it seemed that as long as he knew the real name of War God, he would remember something very important to him.

“These things will be mentioned later. Now you communicate War God’s Spirit with your thoughts, and use it to cultivation and try.”

Peerless ice shadow came back to his senses, and said.


The inexplicable feeling in Qin Nan’s heart disappeared immediately, and he no longer thought about it, and thought.


Suddenly, the vast azure light behind him was like boiling water, boiling, one after another mysterious suction, like an invisible long line, submerged into the depths of this Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

In Qin Nan’s within the body, one after another horrible power was born slowly, even though it was extremely scarce, but his digified 10000 Ancient Emperor’s Red Gold Emperor force was almost instantly suppressed and unable to move.

Qin Nan is very familiar with this power, exactly the same as the War God that the Azure Dragon Saint Lord gave him when he was at Emperor’s Fate Contest.

He also relied on the power of those War Gods to strip off the source emperor’s power of one after another from the Emperor’s Fate.

Otherwise, he simply has no chance to self-to prove the emperor.

“The power of these War God can only be absorbed by Nine Heavens, through the soul of War God.” Among the beautiful eyes of the peerless ice shadow, it seems as if an immortal glow is revealed: “The power of this War God , Combined with emperor’s power, to promote Martial God, you can definitely get a glimpse of that Boundary. “

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