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Chapter 1427 Remnant Nether Intentions

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All immortal light, shattered in response.

The Human God Powerhouse, Hitomi shrinks, as if encountering terrifying enemies, quickly exhibited an ancient Divine Technique, the figure disappeared in place, and entered into the distance.

“Who are you?”

The other Human God Powerhouse, didn’t expect this to happen, the moment the mind was stunned and Asking Dao arched.

From the skinny big hand just now, we can see that the opponent’s cultivation level is much better than them.

“Hey, it’s only been a few hundred years, even my voice is forgotten …”

With a weird laughter, under the eyes of everyone, in the deepest part of the woods, an old man wearing a tattered black robe with twinkling green eyes, exuding one after another heartwarming aura: Then the word Remnant Nether, do you remember? “

“Remnant Nether Old Man?”

“You are not dead?”

This in an instant, the major Human God Powerhouse, and Han Mingli and so on Martial God, their faces changed, and they couldn’t help but start talking.

A few hundred years ago, the reputation of Remnant Nether Old Man was very loud and well known.

This person has a weird personality and often tortures Cultivator. Their Three Great Influences, many of the discipline and Powerhouse, have died in his hands.

Although Three Great Influences teamed up to kill, and also arranged a lot of killings, in addition to reaching the Human God peak Boundary, the Remnant Nether Old Man’s cultivation level also received an ancient inheritance, mastering the Four Extreme Boundary. 3 poles, and the immortal root was refined, which led to repeated defeats.

Just when the Three Great Influences Headmaster was about to make a shot, Remnant Nether Old Man failed to be promoted to Earth God, and disappeared. He thought he had fallen completely. Didn’t expect him to appear here.

“Remnant Nether Senior, we have no intention of offending, and please anger, now we leave here-“

The Human God Powerhouse at Pure Immortal Palace reacted quickly, speaking, and reaching out to grab Qin Nan.

The top priority is to retrieve Yu Pei again. As for the matter of Remnant Nether Old Man, wait for them to return and then report to Headmaster.

After all, the fierce name of Remnant Nether Old Man is too great. If a dispute arises here, it will not do them any good.

“This kid has a fate with me, so let him stay here today. I’m in a good mood right now and don’t want to kill, you go away.”

Remnant Nether Old Man’s eyes narrowed slightly, exuding an invisible momentum.

“Remnant Nether Senior, you are–“

Human God Powerhouse’s face changed slightly.

“Give you time for ten breaths. If you don’t roll, you will be at your own risk.”

Remnant Nether Old Man grinned, exposing a row of dark and strange fangs, exuding one after another extremely scary murderous aura, staining the void around all with blood red.

The entire Nuo Da Forest also danced without wind, as if every big tree had come alive.

The atmosphere present was immediately solidified.

The major Human Gods and Martial God Powerhouse only felt fiercely on their chests, and innumerable chills grew out of their hearts.

“Senior Brother, what do we do?”

Han Mingli and the others, take a deep breath, sound transmission Asking Dao.


The major Human God Powerhouse’s face changed for a while, then they looked at each other, and gritted their teeth. Sound transmission said: “Now quickly to report Headmaster, let’s leave this place first!”

Although they can only play Human God 1-layer at the cultivation level in this place, even if they are united, it is extremely difficult to defeat Remnant Nether Old Man.

Not to mention, this forest restricted area, Remnant Nether Old Man has been laid out for at least 100 years.

Moreover, Remnant Nether Old Man can stay here for such a long time, which must involve some secret top secrets.

“Senior, we are leaving!”

The various Human God Powerhouses arched their hands, tiptoes, and flew into the void.

Han Mingli and so on Martial God Powerhouse, fiercely stared at Qin Nan with a few words, and turned into a light glow, submerged into the distance.

The Murderous intention that originally hiding the sky and covering the earth disappeared in a blink of an eye.

“It’s really dangerous this time.”

Qin Nan was relaxed in his mind.

If Remnant Nether Old Man didn’t show up in time, he would be hard to avoid calamity this time.

Thinking of this, Qin Nan immediately raised his hand and fisted in front of Remnant Nether Old Man: “Many thanks Seniors came to the rescue, this kind of gratitude, Junior must be remembered.”

“You come with me.”

Remnant Nether Old Man’s momentum has converged, says differ.

“What did Senior say?”

Qin Nan immediately opened the mouth to ask, except that Remnant Nether Old Man ignored him and just walked forward. Qin Nan didn’t ask much again when he saw this, but followed closely from behind.

After all, at the cultivation level of Remnant Nether Old Man, if he was going to hit him, he would certainly not be able to escape.

After counting the breaths, Qin Nan followed the Remnant Nether Old Man and came to the depths of this weird forest.


Qin Nan’s eyes stared, and he was immediately surprised.

All I saw was that there was a huge lacquered Black Sacrifice altar, and the altar was filled with a lot of bones, exuding a slight bloody smell.

Obviously, these bones have not died long.

Apart from this, behind the altar, there is an ancient trail shrouded in pale white mist, which is full of wonderful power, and I don’t know where to go.

“Boy, your cultivation level must have reached Four Extreme Boundary, right?”

Remnant Nether Old Man stopped and looked towards Qin Nan. There was a little blood light in the green light in his eyes.

“It has indeed reached Four Extreme Boundary.”

Qin Nan nodded, didn’t hide.

“Tsk tsk, at a young age, has already reached Four Extreme Boundary, but unfortunately the group of people just had no eyes, otherwise, they will definitely not leave directly, but will try to take you back to Sect …

Remnant Nether Old Man smashed his mouth. The blood light in his eyes suddenly rose, and the whole person seemed to be a world-class demon. His voice was harsh: “boy, I save your life, you take this picture of you body, come back to me! “


The dark and strange altar immediately trembled, exuding one after another black light, like the snake of hell, swarming towards Qin Nan, winding Qin Nan layer by layer.

At this time, he did not hesitate to expose himself to save Qin Nan, in order to lose Qin Nan.

He has been stagnated in Three Extreme Boundary for too long, which has made him extremely impatient. Now that he sees the Four Extreme people appear, how can he stand up to it?

As long as the young man in front of him dies, he arrives at Four Extreme Boundary, plus everything he has prepared for hundreds of years, he will definitely get the inheritance in Drought Demon Immortal Tomb!

After getting inheritance, he broke through Heavenly God, became Human Immortal, and even higher boundary, it is very possible!


Qin Nan froze slightly, and then reacted. Not only did he not show the slightest fear in his eyes, but expression was indifferent, saying: “This time you saved me, so I want to tell you, don’t take me away, otherwise you will die. “

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