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Chapter 1400 25 The arrival of Human God

Meanwhile, the top of Great Mountain.

Unlike the foot of the mountain, there is a huge lake at the top of the mountain, exuding a terrifying chill. If the cultivation level is not enough for the Great Emperor peak to come here, it will be directly frozen and lose its vitality.

“Jiang Dingshan, Yang Bailong, even if your two people join forces today, they can’t stop me!”

A young man wearing a fairy robe with 3 scars on his forehead, a pair of eyes, like a lightning, with a Martial God 6-layer cultivation level, uttered a howl, and his body swelled with obscure divin symbol.

“Han Mingli, you are too arrogant!”

The other two youths who have reached the cultivation level also reached Martial God 2-layer. The anger, the shape changes, the magic formation spreads out, and the two ancient Divine Techniques operate at the same time.


The other Martial God Powerhouses are constantly shooting, Divine Technique broke.

Even though there are only more than 20 people on their side, less than 30% of the training field at the foot of the mountain, but their battle is more terrifying, and the power spreading between each breath is enough to kill a group of Great Emperor.

If it weren’t for a strong divine power, their battle would shake the entire Great Mountain and shatter it.

At this time, the expressions of Han Mingli, Jiang Dingshan, and Yang Bailong suddenly flickered, and the other Martial God Powerhouse immediately noticed something, expression expression stunned.

I only saw that there were more than a dozen emperor lines, passed through the invisible divide power, broke one after another chill, and flew to the three purple-gold color Tokens.

“Is there a Great Emperor at the foot of the mountain?”

No one didn’t expect that this would happen suddenly.


Han Mingli 3 people took the lead to react, and all the Divine Techniques were ready to break out.


Suddenly, the lines of Emperor Lines simultaneously shattered, turning into several thousand jumping knives, rushing to the four sides.

“Technique within the technique? The eagle worm is small–“

“Not good !”

Before the words were finished, the 3 Han Mingli were keenly aware that the remaining 3 Emperor Lines wrapped three purple-gold color Token layers and flew out of this lake at an amazing speed.

The technique within the technique just now is not a cover for them.


The Martial God Powerhouse present could not help revealing a shocking look in their eyes.

You need to know that even if they are united, it takes a certain amount of time to break them down, let alone force them through. How many emperor’s powers in this area do it?

“Qiu Hong? It turned out to be him?”

Han Mingli’s eyes immediately fell on the training field at the foot of the mountain. After seeing Qin Nan, after the lightly startled, the divine power was running, drinking loudly, and exploding in the sky: “Qiu Hong, give you last One chance to surrender Drought Demon Purple Gold Token! “

They are not at all curious about how Qiu Hong did it. In this world, there are too many strange ways.

“He even grabbed Drought Demon Purple Gold Token?”

Many Great Emperors on the training field at the foot of the mountain have a strong shock on their faces.

They absolutely did not expect that Qiu Hong even did such a thing after winning ten or five Drought Demon Red Jade Tokens.

This guy’s guts are too big, right?

“Masterless object, why give it up? Goodbye.”

Qin Nan faintly smiled. Under the eyes of many Martial God Powerhouse and Great Emperor giants, he turned his toes into a stunning rainbow, flew out of the training field, and fell into the sky.

After all, this Great Mountain top has more than 20 Martial God Powerhouses, and everyone is at least the Boundary of Martial God 3-layer. In case of 10000, he must now leave here quickly.

“Teacher…Senior Brother!”

In the training field, Xu Dongjue, who was hit hard, shouted quickly: “Qiu Hong took away our 5 Drought Demon Red Jade Tokens!”


At this moment, Rao was the state of mind of Han Mingli and the others, and could not help but complexion greatly changed.

If so, how could’t it be all the tokens were all taken away by Qiu Hong?

When Drought Demon Immortal Tomb opens then, how can their Three Great Influences seize inheritance?

“Master, Elder, there was an accident in the fight–“

“Everyone gave me an order. Now I’m going to do my best to break the power here, and then use all means to hunt Qiu Hong with all my strength-“

Han Mingli After all, the three were Peak geniuses in Three Great Influences. In an instant, they reacted and passed on one after another spiritual thought.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But for a long time, the light of the emperors and gods shone simultaneously, and the two majestic forces that shrouded at the foot of the mountain and at the top of the mountain were also shaking and trembling violently.

Time passed little by little, after hunted breaths, outside Drought Demon Battlefield.

Qin Nan’s figure flickered in the sky, and the speed was not weaker than a Martial God 2-layer Powerhouse.

Suddenly, his body was slightly shaken, and in the midst of it, an invisible giant eye appeared, staring closely at his body.

“After such a long distance, can I still lock my body?”

Qin Nan’s eyes were startled.

It seems that the geniuses in this group of Nine Heavens are much stronger than the means he has imagined.

“If they continue to follow me, they will surely catch up with me, and the Powerhouse in their respective forces may come, I must find a hiding place.”

There was a thought in Qin Nan’s mind.

He doesn’t have Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand now. He can’t cut off this invisible blockade, but can only use other methods.

“Just go there.”

Qin Nan quickly settled on the lord intent and moved towards the other side.

After a few ten breaths, Han Mingli’s voice passed an ancient Forbidden Technique, crossing countless distances, and suddenly exploded in Qin Nan’s mind: “Qiu Hong, now you–“

“Less give me nonsense.”

Qin Nan’s emperor’s power shook off the sound directly.


After a few ten breaths, Qin Nan’s footsteps slowed slightly. In front of him, it was the strange and icy lacquer Black Forest he had encountered before.

It is inferred from aura here that even if many Martial God Powerhouses, even more terrifying Powerhouses, arrive, they can block one or two, and it is very possible to find vitality.

However, as soon as his figure was about to fly into this forest, he suddenly felt something, his face suddenly changed.


Above this piece of Heaven and Earth, it seemed to be hit by a horror. The void of several hundred li suddenly collapsed and shattered, one after another, like a vast sea of ​​terror, rushed to all directions.

One after another, the horror aura, in the depth of the smashing void, appeared like a volcanic eruption, one after another, and moved the sky.

These auras surpass Martial God and reach Human God that Qin Nan has never seen!

“Bold thief, die for me!”

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