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Chapter 1421 martial arts Extreme Boundary


Suddenly, on a young corpse with ragged clothes and blood on his chest solidified, one after another incomparably dreamy rays of light burst out, and one after another incomparably vast strength of life burst out, covering the whole body.

Even the deadly wound was repaired a lot, and the silent Emperor Heart began to beat again.

Although the vitality of this body has completely dried up, under the Soul Strength of Qin Nan, it can still recover.

Of course, after all, this is not a real snatch, and it cannot achieve a real rebirth. At most, it can only last for 3 months. This body will be completely exhausted, and only a new flesh body can be found.

But for Qin Nan, those three months are more than enough.

“The cultivation level of the Great Emperor peak is comparable to the flesh body of the Great Emperor 5-layer, and his age is not much different from mine. If it is placed on the Cang Lan Continent, it can already be called the genius genius.”

Qin Nan slowly opened his eyes, spiritual thought glanced at this strange body, and his eyes began to show a startled look.

Wherever he appears casually, you can meet this level of genius. Then in Nine Heavens, how much is this genius equivalent to this physical master, or a genius stronger than him?

Is this the difference between Cang Lan Continent and Nine Heavens?

However, what Qin Nan didn’t know was that he could come to this place and found that this body was all shot by Ancient Evil’s Road in secret.

Moreover, the genius Powerhouse among Nine Heavens and so on, although there are many times more than Cang Lan Continent, but I do not know how many times, but the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, the vastness, the Cultivator in Nine Heavens is endless, far from Cang Lan can compare.

With such a huge Cultivator lineup, and the strong conditions of spiritual energy, immortal energy, etc. in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, there are many peerless talents, which is also reasonable.


Suddenly, the power of the Great Emperor in this body began to become fiercely agitated. In the vagueness, it seemed that there was a faintly discernable red golden rays of light, which was emerging.

Qin Nan’s soul came to Nine Heavens, lost his shackles, and broke through.

Coupled with Qin Nan itself’s Boundary, it has reached the point of 10000 ancient first emperors. Now his soul has re-entered a new body, and naturally let this body break through.

“I don’t know what dangers I will encounter next, and now I will use this momentum to restore my cultivation level.”

Qin Nan flashed a thought in his mind, sitting cross-legged now, will radiate, ready to draw emperor’s power.

“Hey? What is this?”

Qin Nan expression froze slightly.

He found in his body’s mind that there was the size of a fist, showing the color of green, exuding one after another faintly discernable immortal light ‘jade stone’.

If it was his original body, he could draw emperor’s power with a single thought.

But just now, when he thought about it, this weird ‘jade stone’ exudes a powerful suction, taking root between Heaven and Earth.

“This is the immortal root.”

Bronze Mirror’s frosty voice sounded: “On top of Martial God, there are Human God, Earth God, and Heavenly God 3 Boundary, and above that is the fairy.”

“If you want to become a fairy, you must have an immortal root.”

“The immortal root can be born of Innate or Acquired. It is numerous and numerous. Similarly, among the immortal roots, there are divided into high and low, and so on. You will know when you ascend into Nine Heavens in the future.”

It seems that in the eyes of the Bronze Mirror women, it is a waste to talk to Qin Nan now.

“This immortal root, how couldn’t it be the same as Martial Spirit of Cang Lan Continent?”

Qin Nan frowned slightly.

You know, Martial Spirit in Cang Lan Continent is exactly a game of Southern Heaven Gate to arrange.

“It’s completely different. Cang Lan’s Martial Spirit is a human change, but Nine Heavens’ immortal root was born in response. Now that your Boundary is too low to understand the difference between the two.”

Bronze Mirror woman impolite saying.

“Man-made change, born of the Tao?” Qin Nan thought for a moment, then shook the head, and said, “that’s all, now some of it has nothing to do with me.”

After saying this, Qin Nan’s spiritual thought directly communicated with the immortal root in his mind.

In an instant, one after another vast spiritual energy, and a ray of immortal energy, flew from all directions in succession, immersed in his within the body, making the power of the incomparable Great Emperor transform. .

Not only that, this cracked place is also extremely simple. As Qin Nan absorbed it, instead of reducing the slightest spiritual energy, it became more intense.

“The immortal root of Nine Heavens is really quite good. If you use it to absorb it, it will be nearly ten times faster than itself.”

Qin Nan secretly thought, the mind was completely silent.

Time passed slowly. After 6 hours, I only heard a loud bang. On Qin Nan’s body, one after another red golden emperor bloomed, dazzling and majestic.

The power of the Great Emperor within the body has completely transformed, becoming the emperor’s power of the 10000 ancient first emperor.

“Other people’s bodies are, after all, other people’s bodies. Although my Boundary keeps up, the emperor’s power within this body is only half of what it was before.”

Qin Nan glanced up, stood up, and started knocking out an Emperor Technique.

Entering an unfamiliar body, and without the War God left pupil, War God left arm, and Breaking Heavens Blade, it will be a little unaccustomed.

“Now I can play my usual 40% battle strength, and it’s okay, so first look at this all around first, and then look for the place of fortuitous encounter, breaking through my current Boundary of itself.”

After a while, Qin Nan had a thought in his mind, but before he could act, he suddenly realized a problem.

What’s his next Boundary?

If not, how can he break through?

“Bronze Mirror …”

Qin Nan spoke immediately, ready to ask.

“In Nine Heavens, there are practice Boundary and martial arts boundaries, Martial Saint, Martial Ancestor, Martial Emperor, Martial God, Human God, etc., these all are practice Boundary, and martial arts boundary refers to a person’s what level of understanding of martial arts and so on. “

“The martial arts boundary you are in is not the 10000 ancient first emperor, but the Four Extreme Boundary, namely Strength’s Extreme, Intent’s Extreme, Domain’s Extreme, and Heart’s Extreme, also known as Extreme Boundary.”

“People who arrive at Extreme Boundary have no one can match at the same level, and they can compete cross-level. If the two poles meet, in most cases, they will be damaged and fallen at the same time.

The Bronze Mirror woman seemed to have expected Qin Nan to ask, and coldly started.

However, she still didn’t tell Qin Nan that in the immense 9 Heavenly Immortal domain, those who arrived at Extreme Boundary were as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, rare, rarely seen, or various The peerless talents of Great Ancient Sect, Ancient Clan, etc., are either a horror overlord in the 9 Heavenly Immortal domain.

Like her.

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