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Chapter 1419 Reentering the Ancient Path

“Disappeared again?”

Old Daoist Yin-Yang and the major Martial God Powerhouses have changed their faces suddenly.

“Southern Heaven Sir and God List, Emperor’s List, and 8 Martial God Powerhouse, can’t stop them?”

The impact on other Cultivators is even greater.

Even Southern Heaven Gate, God List, and Emperor’s List are extremely wrong at this time.

You know, the sword has disappeared a full 3 times, and now the fourth disappearance is that’s all, and it has even quietly broken through the blockade of the rule wall.

“Could it be that–“

Will of Southern Heaven Gate, God List, Emperor’s List flashed a thought at the same time.

In today’s Cang Lan Continent, even if the sword holds a trace of immortal intent, it is impossible to have such powerful power.

The only possibility is that there are some horrible Powerhouses who are shooting secretly to support the sword.

So are these Powerhouses, Continuous Desolate’s Spirit, etc., or some hidden existence of 1000 ancients?

Of course, Three Great Giants couldn’t think of it. There was no Powerhouse in the dark to help Qin Nan and the others.

From the beginning, Old Daoist Yin-Yang calculated their position for the first time, the second calculation, and the arrival of Southern Heaven Gate, God List, Emperor’s List, lowering the wall of rules, etc., all in the deduction of Demon Hair Sword God in.

Demon Hair Sword God left behind, just to resolve these crises, one after another.

“Yin-Yang, everything else, you handle it!”

Southern Heaven Gate will did not continue to think about it. After passing a spiritual thought, it disappeared with God List and Emperor’s List will.

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to stay alive. In order to prevent problems before they occur, they need to work together to tamper with the Heaven and Earth rules in preparation for future Conferring the Title of God’s War.

“As you bid!”

Old Daoist Yin-Yang came back to his senses, and his eyes revealed a complex color: “didn’t expect, the means you prepared far exceeded my expectations. This plan has made you successful. “

In his opinion, Qin Nan and the others this time did not hesitate to take such a big shot, in order to bring a psychological shock to all the Cultivators of the major forces.

Slayed a dozen Great Emperor giants, dozens of Martial Ancestor Powerhouse, resisted the 3 Martial God 2-layer Powerhouse, and finally left in the presence of giants such as Southern Heaven Gate.

Although Qin Nan itself has also suffered a lot of damage, not only will most of Cultivator’s hearts be afraid of Qin Nan and the others, but Qin Nan and the others will not be weak. , But has the ability to terrifying.

This idea was born, and the joint pursuit of the major forces in the future will inevitably be reduced to a joke.

“Give me orders–“

Old Daoist Yin-Yang thinks for a while, and gives the order again.

However, he didn’t realize at all that the ideas of Southern Heaven Gate and the others, as well as his idea of ​​falling into the plot against Demon Hair Sword God.

Qin Nan’s journey to Nine Heavens was originally a simple matter. It only required serious injuries and teleportation.

However, it’s heaven-defying that the soul enters Nine Heavens. When such heaven-defying things are to be done, various accidents will inevitably occur during the period. In order to avoid such accidents, we have not hesitated to arrange this overall situation, hide the sky and divert everyone’s attention.

This is the true purpose of the whole plan.

The passage of time bit by bit, when Qin Nan’s soul entered the familiar abyss, under the help of Old Daoist Yin-Yang and the others, the news of one after another, like a storm, swept away The entire continent.

“Qin Nan appeared and was seriously wounded by the 3 Martial Gods!”

“I heard that his flesh body is about to collapse!”

“It’s not just a crash, but also a Legendary beast Sealing Soul Nail. Even the employee’s power cannot be used!”

“Although Qin Nan has become the first emperor of 10000 years, if I continue to do so, I am afraid it will be difficult to seal the future!”

“Still wanting to seal God in the future? If you go on like this, Qin Nan and the others will not be able to escape the hunt, and sooner or later will fall!”

“Well, since 10000 years ago, the first Great Emperor, how domineering it is? Unfortunately, he has no future …”

These Cultivators, except for a few people taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, most of them are simultaneously shaking their heads and regretful.

There are even some people who originally had some ideas in their hearts, but after knowing this, they cooled down and lost their courage.

Also at this time, Demigod’s Country, deep in Lost Herb Garden.

“Xiao Nan’s flesh body, was seriously injured, and was also broken into the Legendary beast Sealing Soul Nail?”

On the ancient Platform, a woman with fair skin and a charming face, exuding an invisible coercion, opened her eyes and a pleasant voice, at this moment seemed a bit cold and killing.

“Princess, although Qin Nan Young Master was injured, but the power that Qin Nan Young Master has demonstrated has brought a lot of impact to the Cultivator of all major forces.”

A green skirt woman said cheeringly.

“Well, don’t look at the person who fancy you.” Princess Miaomiao waved her fist, suddenly said resolutely: “You go and tell Cherry Aple Tree old man, this Princess promised him, see him tomorrow.”

“Princess!” Shocked in the green skirt woman beautiful eyes, “You really want to go to that place? Once that many Seniors, but all died in it, no one succeeded–“

“So what? If others don’t succeed, it doesn’t mean this Princess won’t succeed.”

Princess Miaomiao ill-humored saying: “Moreover, Xiao Nan has become the first emperor of 10000, and has left this Princess far behind. If this Princess does not become strong and powerful, how can you cover him?

green skirt woman expression froze.

Just for this, is the infinite danger completely ignored?

At the same time, the Central Region, the Ancient Evil Abyss.

Qin Nan is standing on an ancient training field, not far from him, there is a very ruined Ancient Temple.

In the past, his War God left pupil could not see the existence of this Ancient Temple. Now he does not need any pump technique to see it clearly.

Stepped forward, opened the temple door, everything inside was still the same.

That weird ancient painting is still as dark as ink.


Before waiting for Qin Nan to take any action, this dark ancient painting suddenly trembled, as dark as ink, moved towards all around receded, and a Mysterious incomparable ancient Boss road emerged, straight into the depths of the void, invisible The end.

“many thanks.”

Qin Nan’s eyes flickered, and with almost no hesitation, the soul flew into the painting and stepped onto the ancient Boss Road.

He once said that he would not go to Nine Heavens until he proved the emperor and broke the Southern Heaven Gate.

But today, the situation is different and he has to go for his goals.

Be worthy of yourself and all those who support him.

However, what Qin Nan absolutely didn’t expect is that when his body disappeared on the ancient road, an azure light suddenly burst out in the temple, a piece of animal skin emerged, and evolved into a pair of Mysterious ancient painting.

If Qin Nan were here, he would definitely find that this animal skin and ancient painting are exactly the same as those he encountered in Source Dao Heavenly Mountain.

“Ancient Evil, do me a favor.”

“Don’t teleport randomly, choose a place suitable for him, and have a lot of Powerhouse and genius.”

“Also, prepare him a flesh body …”

A gentle voice sounds slowly.

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