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Chapter 1300 97 Like a hot knife through butter

“The war has begun!”

Emperor List’s Spirit, God List’s Spirit, terrifying existences around Cang Lan Continent, as well as the lords of the major forces and those Martial God Powerhouse, are closely watching everything that happened in Southern Heaven Divine Land through various means. Even the pursuit of Qin Nan stopped.

When Demon Hair Sword God lifted the sword south, no matter what the outcome, it was destined that all the power of Southern Heaven Divine Land could not chase Qin Nan. Without the shots from Southern Heaven Divine Land, they ca n’t break through giants like Martial Fate Pavilion and Source Dao Heavenly Mountain for the time being.

Obviously, all of this is a big picture planned by Demon Hair Sword God and the others. In addition to sending Qin Nan a ‘certificate of congratulations to the emperor’, he will also help Qin Nan’s upcoming killing game. Resolve.

“Senior, you…”

Qin Nan looked at the scene in the water curtain and opened his mouth, as if there were 10000 words to say, but when he reached the mouth, he could not say a word. His current mood, even his oneself, no longer knows how to describe it.


Qin Nan’s mind flashed one after another, until the end, his fist clenched slowly, and in his eyes was replaced with a decidedness: “What you have done, I will certainly not disappoint Qin Nan!”


Among his left pupil, the golden rays of light suddenly became extremely dazzling. At this moment, the formidable power of the War God left pupil was also urged to the extreme by him.

As Breaking Heavens Great Emperor said, Demon Hair Sword God paid such a huge price that he can’t live up to it, and he must not miss the slightest detail of all the details of this war!

As for other emotions, everything else you want to say, wait until this war is over!

“The opportunity is here, hurry up!”

Xiao Yunjue, Meng Langxie, Zang Xuanyun, and the others, who thought they would die, came back to his senses immediately after the initial shock, and quickly urged their respective cards and disappeared here.

For them, life is more important now!

“Qin Nan …”

Sheng Tianjing, Zhuang Cidao, and Su Qingning looked at the silhouette like a Divine Mountain in the air in the air. They gritted their teeth and disappeared.

The most dazzling rays of light of Heaven and Earth no longer belong to them. Now they can only survive well, and one day, they will challenge this silhouette!

Meanwhile, Demigod’s Country, Southern Heaven Divine Land.

“Demon Hair, you’re so restless!”

3 times and 5 times are called miscellaneous. Rao is the 7 big Martial God’s state of mind today. I can’t help spitting my eyes, killing intent, and the world’s unparalleled Divine Technique. Hit the endless Demon. Intent, tearing layer after layer.

“Demon Hair Sword God, I didn’t fight with you last time. Let me see at this time. How capable is your first Martial God, dare to call us miscellaneous!”

“Wonderful Promise, South Heaven Realm!”

Heavenly Capital Martial God coldly smiled, Divine Seal froze, and immediately after he drew one after another immensely vast Southern Heaven’s Aura within the body, in a blink, permeated into all directions, making it into another World.

After this method was shown, he is the Ruler of this World. Not only can he double the battle strength, but he can also use this World ’s mysterious to make a more terrifying killing move.

“This insignificant skill, don’t take it out and shame it, there isn’t so much time to waste with you.” Demon Hair Sword God stopped with a blood knife in his hand and looked at 8 people: “Cut.”


In an instant, the endless Demon Intent turned out to be combined with the Heaven and Earth Rule, condensing into a handle of an incomparable gigantic Blood Sword, moved towards the entire world, and moved towards the 8 Martial God giants. .

Not only that, each Blood Sword seems to have a peerless Swordsman waving, and one after another extremely terrifying sword technique has erupted.

“Let’s do what you say? How can you master this power?”

The faces of the 7 big Martial Gods and Heavenly Capital Martial God changed instantly.

You know, the power of speech follows this kind of power, which is the Nine Characters Martial God of the Nine Characters Ancient Sea, a Divine Technique of self-created. To this day, even the existence of Southern Heaven Gate cannot be exhibited. .

“You are so shocked by your utterances, so this World Extinguishing Light, Calamity Ghost Dao, Heavens Secret Warriors, Nihility’s Sword, Three Reviving Dreams, Source Dao True Meaning, etc., how couldn’t it be Completely scared? “

When Demon Hair Sword God’s indifferent voice fell, the whole Heaven and Earth changed immediately.

A light that can penetrate all the horrors in the world, a Grand Dao that seems to be composed of countless evil spirits, and the mysterious Heavens Secret Road rune, like the Mysterious one in the non-existent Heaven and Earth Grand Dao Swords, and so terrifying Divine Ability, bloom at the same time.

In an instant, the entire Southern Heaven Realm seemed to have been hit by dozens of peak Martial Gods and was directly destroyed. Many Divine Mountain, infinite Divine Formation, and so on, also seemed to be drowned by the torrential river, and looked bleak and lightless.

The entire Southern Heaven Divine Land was shaken!

“These Divine Ability …”

The 7 Big Martial Gods and Heavenly Capital Martial Gods are both shrinking pupils and shaking their hearts.

“World Extinguishing Light and Calamity Ghost Dao are Divine Techniques of Martial Fate Pavilion and Calamity Forest self-created!”

“Heavens Secret Wushuang is not the power of Heavens Secret that the former Heavens Secret Grandma can master!”

“Also Nihility’s Sword, 3 years back to dream these all are Nihility Sword God, Returning Dream Island’s Lord Divine Technique Ah!”

Among the many Divine Mountain, one after another is extremely terrifying, simultaneously sounded.

Not only them, but even Emperor List’s Spirit, God List’s Spirit, terrifying existences, etc. who watched this scene.

With so many terrifying Divine Ability, Demon Hair Sword God is in the hands of everyone, which could it be that means that those terrifying existences are all on the side of Demon Hair Sword God, come to heaven-defying together?

“Demon Hair, how dare you dare to steal my Divine Technique!”

“Demon Hair, that person turned out to be you in disguise, I and you are absolutely irreconcillable!”

“Demon Hair, you—”

However, in this instant, one after another, the incredibly angry voice, through some of the disasters in Southern Heaven Divine Land, rushed into the sky and exploded. It is truly the terrifying of today ’s Nine Characters Martial God, Calamity Martial God, etc. existences.

“Learn your Divine Technique, why are you angry?” Demon Hair Sword God didn’t raise his eyelids, said indifferently: “Southern Heaven Gate, if you haven’t come out yet, I will bury them all.”


The entire Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is boiling, and the terrifying Divine Technique that only saw that door burst out with the power of heavens-frightening, just like the major beings, simultaneously descended on Southern Heaven Divine Land , Hit the world with a blow.

“Demon Hair, didn’t expect you to have this method! But just because of this, do you want the Master to appear? 7 seniors, come and help me, take out Heavenly Emperor Chart!”

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