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Chapter 1000 365 Undercurrent

A moment later, in another space.

Qin Nan’s body has just surfaced, and two voices are ringing in his ears.

“Fuck, is this red thunderbolt silhouette the Weeping Blood Thunder Emperor more than 3000 years ago?”

“This girl is really nice.”

Sima Kong and the worm are both staring attentively.

Qin Nan glanced at it. In the picture, Wan Fenghun, Jiang Kongzhou, Blood Runes, and other geniuses Martial Emperor, as well as those Peak Emperor giants, and Weeping Blood Thunder Emperor, the shocking look on the face, has not been completely dissipate.

Obviously, Qin Nan’s sudden disappearance has brought a lot of shock to their hearts.

“Time is tight, we continue.”

Qin Nan looked away and said.

Today, plus the bug and Sima Kong need to start the Heavenless Dao Platform, then a total of 420 Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw is needed. Now they have 180 on their hands, which is still 2 100 40, and the pressure is not small.

After that, two people made a dragon and continued to search for Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw.

Maybe it was the luck of the 3 people. Until the end of the 7th space transformation, they used 6 Peeping the Heavens Dragon Mirror. Each time they saw the picture, there were only 2 Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claws. More than ten.

Of course, they weren’t gaining nothing. In the 7th space, they were attacked by dozens of Martial Ancestor Realm and 3 Great Emperor giants. After defeating and looting them, the total number of them and reached 2 100 30.

“So rich Force of Void.”

The worm’s figure just appeared in the 8th space, and he was surprised to have opened the mouth and said.

Qin Nan looked up towards all around, only to see the whole space, Heaven and Earth showed a weird off-white two colors, and in the mid-air there was a strand of gray aura floating, exuding one after another intense Void fluctuations.

This eighth space is a void space.

“Uncle Ao Que, these are not the key points. You must quickly implement Peeping the Heavens Dragon Mirror. The small this time gives you blessing luck.”

Sima Kong frowned.

“Stay away for this God. How could it have been 6 times in a row without your luck?”

The worm rolled his eyes and hit Peeping the Heavens Dragon Mirror.


As soon as the picture came out, the eyes of the three people were attracted at the same time.

I only saw a gray and white treasure tower in the mirror, 13 layers high. Even through the mirror, you can still feel the meaning of the one after another desolate void. .

Obviously, this treasure tower is in this eighth space.

“Only three.”

Sima Kong was the first to see the three Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claws at the top of the treasure tower, and her face was suddenly disappointed and even a little skeptical.

“This Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord is really too pit, no, this God has to get some water for the soul and wash his paws well.”

The worm is also depressed.

“En? Zang Xuanyun?”

As soon as Qin Nan was about to retract his eyes, he saw four silhouettes flying under the treasure tower, namely Zang Xuanyun, Zhuang Qianzhui, Ji Qimei and Li Qimo.

After the Zang Xuanyun 4 arrived, they were nodded to each other, then raised their heads, took out the completely different 4 kinds of magic seals, and played out Talisman with flashing rays of light, which were affixed to the treasure tower.

“Little bug, what are they doing?”

Qin Nan slightly frowned, opens the mouth to ask.

Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw is on the top of the tower. Why didn’t they take it, and instead hit these Talisman?

“They played 4 types of transmission symbols corresponding to different positions. After combining with the treasure tower, they can use the Force of Void to form 4 types of auras that are extremely hidden and difficult to detect. The ancient Transmission Formation with very powerful formidable power.”

“People outside can come to this 8th space through this Transmission Formation.”

The worm glanced and said casually.

“People from the outside world teleported in? Could it be that they wanted to teleport the Three Great Influences and Nether Clan people here?”

Qin Nan froze slightly, and soon shook the head.

If it is only for this purpose, then from the beginning, it is entirely possible for major powerhouses to come in directly from the entrance of Source Dao Heavenly Mountain. Why waste so much effort?

“Little bug, wouldn’t it be possible to complete this ancient Transmission Formation without combining these transmission tokens with the treasure tower?”

Qin Nan suddenly realized something, and was shocked.

“Of course, this is the space created by Source Dao Heavenly Mountain’s Lord. Even in a powerful Transmission Formation, you ca n’t break in. Only with the Force of Void in this 8th space, can you do it internally or externally. . “

Little bug nodded.

“Is it?”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

That would be strange.

Each space transformation is random. It is not strange that the four of them meet in the same space. The most important thing is why the four of them met in the eighth space full of Force of Void. Is it?

And, just now in this 8th space, how did they find the location of the treasure tower?

It is too coincidence to say coincidence.

“Emperor’s List, God List, and Southern Heaven Gate, all three huge monsters have begun to lay out. The layout of these four people must be one of the layout of Southern Heaven Gate. Although they do not know their purpose, You have to be careful … “

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart.

Thanks to Peeping the Heavens Dragon Mirror this time, otherwise he wouldn’t know anything.

“Fuck! There is only one.”

On the other hand, when Peeping the Heavens Dragon Mirror was running again, Sima Kong looked at the emerging picture and couldn’t help but swear.

Adding the previous 7 times, this is the 8th time.

Could it be that, now Source Dao Heavenly Mountain, there is not a lot of Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw gathering place?

“Uncle, this God just doesn’t believe in evil today, the blood of Dragon Soul, 1000 to 10000 change!”

The bug was cursed, the magic seal came out, and shots a finger, and a drop popped up to show color, unreal blood, submerged in Peeping the Heavens Dragon Mirror.

The entire Peeping the Heavens Dragon Mirror suddenly buzzed and trembled, and the emanating pupil power began to suddenly increase. The picture in the mirror also changed rapidly.

5 After the rest, this picture slowly freezes.


Xiao Worm and Sima Kong looked at it immediately. At first glance, the former had a startled look on her face, and the latter couldn’t help swearing.

“what is inside?”

Qin Nan was attracted and looked up. When he saw the picture, his pupils, fiercely shrank.

I can only see that in the picture is a dark battlefield. There are countless corpses, countless broken magic treasures in the land, and gutters are extremely intricate. Even after the passage of 10000 years, the fierce fight is as if It still hasn’t dissipated, giving a cold feeling.

Apart from this, on a mountain bag, stands a ray of light, a dim golden head, all around the head, and Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw around each and everyone.

“81 …… 89 …… 92 ……”

“150, here Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claw, there are 150!”

Sima Kong’s voice suddenly became extremely excited.

The 150 Heavenly Absolute Dragon’s Claws are almost twice as many as the last one.

“150? Huh, in that case, we’re only missing–“

Qin Nan took a breath, and his mood was agitated.

However, at this time, mutation occurred suddenly.

The golden skull towering on the ground seemed to come alive, and lifted it upwards slightly, as if spanning the endless Space-Time, and stared at Qin Nan’s body.

“Not good, Destruction’s Intent!”

Qin Nan’s heart was suddenly cold, covered with sweat, and simultaneously exploded. One after another’s Destruction’s Intent burst out. On him, a destruction armor was formed, covering the whole body, leaving no dead ends.

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