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Chapter 1200 88 First Confrontation

After leaving Tai’e Ancient City, seeing all this in front of her eyes, Qin Nan’s eyes were suddenly surprised.

I just saw that the sky showed a weird dark red, in the sky did not dangle spiritual energy, but instead dangled with wisps of dao intent.

Not only that, on this vast land, the trees and flowers of one after another, as well as those rocks, etc., were all evolved by Wu Dao Intent.

“I don’t have a map at hand, so I have to look everywhere first.”

Qin Nan calmed his mind, determined the lord intent, and fell into the sky.

As the saying goes, 10000 things start hard.

When I first entered the Profound God Space, it was the most boring and confused period of time. Only after I got a certain Profound God Fragment can I gradually become active.

Time passed slowly and 4 hours passed.

In these 4 hours, Qin Nan entered each and everyone Great Mountain and the forest, and began to explore. During this period, he also encountered a lot of Ominous Beasts and magpies transformed from martial arts intent, and one after another powerful Prohibition.

However, I still haven’t encountered Profound God Fragment, but just harvested some heavenly material treasure.

“en? That is…”

Deep into a Great Mountain, Qin Nan’s footsteps are suddenly stopped.

Through the War God left pupil, I can only see that there is a dark Swamp Land in the depths of the woods, and there is a powerful Monster Beast that is comparable to the Great Emperor 3-layer.

Next to this Monster Beast, there is a one-piece-of-palm-size, burning flames of fire, with countless mysterious stones.

“I finally encountered one piece of Profound God Fragment!”

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed, without any nonsense, striding, the momentum of the whole person suddenly burst out, shaking the entire forest directly.

“Bold man, dare to break into this Emperor territory!”

The monster Beast in the depths of the swamp immediately awakens over, and the anger is exposed in the eyes, raising the huge beak claws, and shooting forward, a horrifying force, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood Potential, moved towards Qin Nan!


With a big wave of Qin Nan, a horrible blade aura rose into the sky, tearing up this energy forcibly, and the remaining blade aura disintegrated automatically, turning it into 1000 and 10000 fine lines. Blade aura hits the whole body of this horrible Monster Beast!


Qin Nan seized the opportunity, with his toes a little bit, and his body landed next to this horrible Monster Beast.

“Want to take Profound God Fragment? No way!”

The face of this horrible Monster Beast suddenly became stunned. On it, one after another eye-catching divine glow bloomed, within the body as if it had an amazing ancient formation, and it was running crazy!

This horrible Monster Beast turned out to want Self-destruction!

Although the Monster Beast of the Great Emperor 3-layer is not Qin Nan’s opponent at all, if the Self-destruction is started, the power that bursts out, even Qin Nan, will have to be hit a lot!


Qin Nan is not at all messy, with his toes a little and his figure leaping high. Above his fingertips, a horrible Destruction’s Intent condenses. Shoots a finger and bursts out, like a Divine Sword, pierced This Monster Beast’s body!

“Hahaha, the body of this Emperor is the instinct of Wu Dao intent, even if you pierce my body, it has no effect! Now, die with me …”

Horror Monster Beast laughed.

It was just that before his words were finished, his face suddenly froze.

Because it noticed that the powerful will that had just penetrated its body exploded, as if it had turned into a sea of ​​will, and drowned it within the body of that ancient formation, which was directly flooded forcibly.

In an instant, on it, the eye-catching divine glow blooming, as well as the terrifying aura, all dissipated, and even its body began to collapse.

It turns out that this horrible Monster Beast can erupt the battle strength of the Great Emperor 3-layer and cause Self-destruction, which all rely on this ancient formation within the body.

As long as the formation is destroyed, this Monster Beast will defeat itself.

“This Profound God Fragment in Profound God Space is not easy to take.”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed.

Before he started, he did not expect that this Monster Beast would be Self-destruction.

If it wasn’t for his timely response, seeing through the formation of Monster Beast within the body, I’m afraid he would still be hurt by this Self-destruction.

“The far daoist in the distance, don’t you have to hide it?”

Qin Nan looked away, turned his head and looked toward the distance, differently said.

Just at the time of the battle, he had noticed that in the distant forest, there was an additional giant of the Great Emperor 3-layer.

“Haha, the Fellow Daoist is really a good pump technique. With the cultivation level of the Great Emperor 1-layer, I can see through the formation of Monster Beast within the body in an instant, and I can discover it.”

With a loud laugh, a silhouette flew from the woods in the distance.

Although I can’t see the person’s appearance, but listening to this voice, I can roughly distinguish it, it is a middle-aged man.

“Looking at your cultivation level, it’s not bad. I won’t embarrass you today. Bring me the Profound God Fragment from your hand and you can go.

This silhouette stood still, exuding an invisible power on the body, making people feel like an Immemorial Giant, and they were afraid.

If Qin Nan can see through his original appearance, he will find that there is a smile on the corner of the mouth of this silhouette.

Because in this silhouette, it is already good to let Qin Nan hand over only Profound God Fragment.

If you meet other Great Emperor giants, maybe you will let them surrender their heavenly material treasure and Emperor Technique.

Great Emperor is also weak are prey to the strong, Powerhouse is respected.

“Sorry, no.”

Qin Nan directly refused, and was too lazy to waste time and flew forward.


Seeing this scene, this silhouette froze directly.

Because he didn’t expect it at all, Qin Nan would reject him. That’s all. Qin Nan turned around and left, clearly not paying attention to him.

A great Emperor 1-layer, dare such an attitude?

“Okay, okay, okay, you have more temper than the few I met before, but I have to teach you today, it is not a good thing to have a temper!”

The voice of this silhouette was completely cold, and his hands also directly produced a seal of emperor!

I only saw snowflakes emerging from the void in all directions, and each snowflake was like a snow and ice sword, moved towards Qin Nan, falling wildly!

This blow is one of the tyrannical Emperor Techniques of this silhouette, the snow and ice field!

As long as it is displayed, the snow and ice can continue, block all directions, and cannot escape, even the Great Emperor 2-layer can’t compete!

“Is it?”

Qin Nan’s eyes were cold!

Since he took the initiative to come to your door, don’t blame him for being rude!

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