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Chapter 1200 82 The Fire of Sugawara

The words came out like thunder.

“10000 Cang Lan Continent 5 years ago. Cultivation didn’t even need Martial Spirit?”

In Qin Nan’s heart, fiercely trembled, and his pupils shrank into needles.

as everyone knows, in Cang Lan Continent, if you want to become a Martial Artist, you must awaken the Martial Spirit. Only through the Martial Spirit can you communicate the world and absorb spiritual energy.

In addition, Martial Spirit is also divided into 4 grades, Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang, each grade is divided into 10-Rank. Due to the Cang Lan Spirit Limit, only Martial Spirit has reached a level to be promoted. Become a Powerhouse.

For example, Huang level 10-Rank cannot be promoted to Martial Sovereign.

For promotion, only heaven-defying changes the fate.

Because of this, on the Cang Lan Continent, countless hard-working and hard-working Martial Artists, because there are no opportunities for heaven-defying changes the fate, which has led to the Martial Sovereign Realm world being unreachable.

However, all this is just a bureau.


Qin Nan took a deep breath.

Now he only feels that there are one black hand after another, covering the entire Cang Lan Continent, and covering the martial arts of the entire continent. The Martial Artists under the countless Great Emperor are all ignorant. Still doing everything for the powerful Martial Spirit.

“This World, it is much darker than you and I imagine. Emperor’s List, God List, or the Southern Heaven Gate group of people, for their own sake, blocked the fate of countless people.”

“Since the birth of Cang Lan Continent, countless heroes have tried it for 30,000 years. Only the adult who was 8,000 years ago successfully broke through the blockade.”

Martial Fate Pavilion youth slowly said, eyes burning.

“Only the guy in Bronze Mirror, broke through the blockade?”

Qin Nan slightly startled.

He didn’t expect that the Mysterious woman in Bronze Mirror was stronger than he thought.

“Looks like I’m going to be more dazzling in the way ahead.”

Qin Nan didn’t think about it, his fist clenched quietly, and in his eyes, there seemed to be a flame jumping.

He is War God’s Master, and his destiny is controlled by his oneself.

“Right, Senior, do you remember Jiang Bilan?”

When Qin Nan calms down, immediately asking.

“Jiang Bilan? She and I remember that she was very smart. Among the people I know, those who are so intelligent are can be counted on one’s fingers.”

Says Martial Fate Pavilion.

“Senior, Jiang Bilan because of me, now turned into a death crystal, wandering in the void, only one step away from death. At that time, trouble Senior please pay attention, if you find a death crystal, let me know.”

Qin Nan said solemnly.

Now his cultivation level has reached half emperor, and it takes only half a year to self-to prove the emperor.

For half a year, it looks like a long time, but it is just a snap.

Therefore, he needs to find Jiang Bilan in advance, and when the self-to prove the emperor is successful, he can use source emperor’s power to help her to prove the dao.

“Death crystal?”

Martial Fate Pavilion was shocked to the youth.

With his knowledge, he understood a lot in a flash.

If Qin Nan succeeds in the emperor’s emperor’s power, and puts the source emperor’s power into the crystal interior of the water of death, then Jiang Bilan may have a great chance to self-to prove the emperor.

With the wisdom of Jiang Bilan, once she self-to prove the emperor and then help Qin Nan, the storm that set off at Cang Lan Continent will be even more horrifying.

“If so, I’ll help you find it.”

The Martial Fate Pavilion youth reacted quickly, expression calmly said.

“Then please, Senior.”

Qin Nan arched his hand.

“I almost forgot to tell you, in the Eastern Region lower territory, there was a person Bloodline was good, Monster Beast at Monster Ancestor peak, visited your father, and gave you many precious gifts for father and Qin Family clansman. . “

Martial Fate Pavilion youth suddenly thought of something, said.

“Bloodline is good Monster Beast?”

Qin Nan froze for a moment and reacted quickly.

That Monster Beast, it must be Dragon Tiger.

“Didn’t expect, this guy’s current cultivation level has also reached Monster Ancestor peak …”

There was a slight smile on Qin Nan’s mouth.

He still remembers the big bag on Dragon Tiger’s forehead, walking on the street, staring at the beautiful female cultivator drooling.

“Would you like to go back? Your father misses you now.”

The youth of Martial Fate Pavilion was keenly aware of the changes in Qin Nan’s mood, and opened the mouth to ask.

“No need now, Senior, many thanks this time, I’ll go first.”

Qin Nan shook the head, stood up, arched his hands, and tipped his toes, leaving Martial Fate Pavilion.

Today is not the time.

When he self-to prove the emperor, overawes the world, he will meet with his old acquaintances, and then return to the lower territory of the Eastern Region, with endless honor, to meet his father.

Now, he has to do everything.

What Qin Nan doesn’t know is that after he left, a terrifying white silhouette evolved in the Martial Fate Pavilion.

This silhouette is actually Demon Hair Sword God.

It turned out that he did not leave.

“There are obviously five ways to prove the emperor, why only give him two? And you already knew that he would not choose to slaughter 5 Cultivator, but choose the second method, right?”

Martial Fate Pavilion youth smiled.

“Yes, I just want him to self-to prove the emperor on Source Dao Heavenly Mountain.”

Demon Hair Sword God admittedly.

“What is this?”

Martial Fate Pavilion youths are puzzled.

“Since ancient times, whether in Cang Lan Continent, or in that place, the birth of a heaven-defying person requires an extremely grand scene, countless giants to witness it.”

“If you use the first method or the other three methods, although you can attract Thunder Tribulation, in my opinion, there will be accidents at that time, which will make it impossible to prove the emperor.”

“Qin Nan wants success, and that’s all.”

Demon Hair Sword God indifferently said.

“It does make sense, that the adult 8,000 years ago also directly launched the battle of Southern Heaven Gate, which succeeded in one fell swoop, broke through the blockade, and rose to Nine Heavens.”

Martial Fate Pavilion youth thinking thoughtful.

“Of course, on my side, there will be a big move right away. When Qin Nan’s proof of the emperor is also the day of sword swing, one-time will stir the entire continent and cause Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Demon Hair Sword God’s within both eyes reveals a horrible sharp glow, domineering like a rainbow.

“Is there a big move? Could it be that, how many Old Guys did you persuade?”

Martial Fate Pavilion youth expression surprised.

“That is natural.”

Demon Hair Sword God slightly nodded.

“Fuck! When I went to invite those Old Guys, it took a great deal of money, and they weren’t happy. Why are you happy as soon as you pass? This is also …”

Martial Fate Pavilion youth expression is a little speechless.

“Stop that, go with me to see Source Dao.”

Demon Hair Sword God tiptoe and disappeared.

“it is good.”

Martial Fate Pavilion’s youthful magic seal burst into a dao intent, and after falling into the void, it urged the entire attic and disappeared.

At this moment, none of Cultivator knew.

Since the war of 10000 5 years ago, the most terrifying storm in history has begun to take shape and begin to roll.

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