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Chapter 1200 73 Horror Martial Tree

In an instant, the Destruction Martial Tree and War God Tree began to shake violently. From the trunk, branches, and leaves, one after another cracks spread, other powers in the Martial Tree, and other Emperor Technique’s Will, at this moment, is like a Great Mountain, which was hit by terrifying and collapsed!

“What is he doing?”

“He’s smashing his Martial Tree?”

“Could it be that he wants to reinvent his Martial Tree?”

Nine or nine Great Emperor giants, seeing this scene, all look suddenly moved!

Rao is a generation of Sun and Moon Sword God.

They absolutely did not expect that Qin Nan had such amazing courage and would actually do such a thing!

You know, Martial Tree and Martial Artist are indistinguishable from each other. If Martial Tree collapses, it will cause great trauma to Martial Artist itself, and the chance of wanting to reshape recovery is very small!

Most of the people who had broken the Martial Tree have basically become a wasteful person afterwards, staying at Martial Saint peak Boundary for life!


Finally, accompanied by a heavens-frightening blast, 2 Martial Trees exploded!

I saw countless kinds of rays of light, shining and illuminating everything, 2 horrific forces, moved towards all around, so that the 36 emperor’s tombs were all strongly impacted, and the entire decaying Grand Dao, also began to tremble!

Just now, the two domineering Martial Trees, at this moment, there are only two dull Lightless Dao Charts, and even on that Dao Chart, one after another crack has begun to spread!


At this instant, Qin Nan ’s entire body seemed to be struck by an Immemorial Giant, and at the same time he broke through thousands of wounds and blew out countless blood. His momentum also fell from the cloud to the bottom of the valley. !!

A horrible pain, also at this instant, rushed into Qin Nan’s mind, like with countless Demon God, rushed into his mind, opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and began to continuously tearing and biting his brain, teaching and biting his soul, made his consciousness almost faint!

“Martial Tree … reinvented!”

Qin Nan resisted this terrible pain and made a roar!

His wind and rain fluttering will suddenly erupted, condensing to an unprecedented level!

If this is the level, he can’t get through. How can Qin Nan break the Southern Heaven Gate, fight the world, climb the peak, and achieve invincibility?

Suddenly, the power of the mighty Cang Lan’s Tree was pulled, rushing out, constantly throbbing, and condensing. When not too much, it condensed into a statue of ten zhang, full of green, emitting countless ancient The prototype of aura’s Martial Ancestor’s Tree!


Qin Nan’s eyes were dyed in blood, and he was drinking like thunder!

The two pairs spread out countless cracks, and the lightless Dao Chart, under the amazing will of Qin Nan, fell into the prototype of Martial Ancestor’s Tree, the meaning of War God and Destruction’s Intent, and spread out, making this On Martial Tree, 2 powerful and will will emerge!

These two shares of Will, as before, even if they are sent in a Martial Tree, they will begin to exclude each other and fight against each other!

One mountain, never allow 2 tigers!

It’s just that the meaning of exclusion is much smaller than before!

This is Qin Nan’s plan to smash 2 Martial Trees and load 2 wills into a Martial Tree at the same time!

In this way, no matter how amazing these two shares of Will are, they ca n’t be like before. Even if you fight for your life, you are not willing to merge into a Martial Tree!

Because they are just will, they cannot leave the scope of Martial Tree!

“The meaning of War God, Destruction’s Intent, you are all my will! Since it is my will, then at this moment, let me be one!”

Qin Nan’s will of the whole person, at this moment, came out of the nest and broke into it!

In the prototype Martial Tree, the meaning of War God, which is fighting each other, and Destruction’s Intent, under the amazing will of Qin Nan, the hostility between each other has begun to decrease, until the end, 2 Dao Charts are not fighting, completely acknowledge allegiance, facing each other, starting to blend slowly!

At the moment of blending, the trunk, branches, and leaves of this prototype Martial Tree spread in an instant with countless lines, a brand new, extremely horrifying power, began to be born!


“He succeeded?”

“He actually became it?”

The Sun and Moon Sword God present, and ten or nine Great Emperor giants, couldn’t help sucking in a cold breath of air when they saw this scene!

Even if they change to itself, they have no confidence at all, they can really reshape the Martial Tree and let the other 2 amazing wills merge with each other!

This Qin Nan is really an eye-opener for them today!


At this moment, among the seventeen remaining dead Emperor tombs, there are seven other Great Emperor tombs, with an ancient formula and so on. It works and the ancient aura radiates from it!

The 7 sleeping Great Emperor giants were completely infected by the will of Qin Nan!

Suddenly, Space-Time between Heaven and Earth seemed to freeze!

There are 10000 things in the world, all stopped!

Sun and Moon Sword God and twenty six Great Emperor giants are extremely clear to see. In the middle of the Martial Tree, 2 pairs of Dao Charts, 2 amazing wills, constantly converging, changing, and constantly happening. Countless kinds of mysterious!

Until the end, 2 pairs of Dao Chart and 2 shares of Will will be completely integrated!


A bunch of golden red rays of light, from the brand new Martial Ancestor’s Tree, soared into the sky, piercing the chaos above, as if piercing the entire small space for it!

A horrible, cold, vast, force like Nine Heavens Great Desolate, from the Martial Tree, raging!

The decaying and old Grand Dao was immediately shocked by numerous cracks, and then exploded!

The 2 Great Emperor tombs next to the suspended Grand Dao 36 seemed to have been hit by Archaic shocks. The various formations used for defense were exploded and destroyed simultaneously!

The minds of Sun and Moon Sword God and twenty six Great Emperor giants all coincided and suffered a huge shock!

What can bring them an impact is not this power, how terrifying, how powerful, but this brand new will, which is extremely amazing, shakes all their will!

The rest of the ten deadly Great Emperor tombs are almost all at this moment, all awakens!

Even if they had no interest in Qin Nan originally, but now, under this terrifying will, they all have to touch and have to awakens!

Even at the end of the Grand Dao, the 5 towering and domineering Great Mountains shrouded in countless white mist all coincided with the rays of light!

Great Mountain’s Master was shocked!

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