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Chapter 1263 Calamity Forest

At this crucial moment, the deep eyes of Sun and Moon Sword God seemed to clearly understand everything, the scabbard came out, turned into a light glow, and nailed into the Southern Heaven Divine King who was performing the secret technique. Within the body, the majestic sun and moon sword aura surged up instantly, bursting that Southern Heaven Divine King forcibly!

“10000 things are swords, Sword Art!”

Sun and Moon Sword God print with one hand, shoots a finger!

The void in front of it suddenly twisted, twisted into a dark channel, at the endless end of that channel, as if there is an ancient existence, awakens opened, waved a peerless Divine Sword, facing down, a sword cut Out!

A majestic sword aura burst out immediately!

This sword aura is extremely illusory, without substance, and there is no sound at all!

Because it doesn’t hurt people, it only destroys the soul!

“Master save me!”

Southern Sword Great Emperor scalp tingling, pores upright, roar loudly!

At this moment, everything in Heaven and Earth seemed to be silent, all sounds disappeared!

The Storage Ring on the finger of Southern Sword Great Emperor suddenly burst into a towering divine glow, transforming into an unreal and beautiful shadow, one after another vast and majestic majestic, rolled to the four sides, Rao is the Sun and Moon Sword God played and nailed that one around another void after one sword aura, all shattered by this majesty!

“This … is aura of Martial God?”

Qin Nan not far away, looking at this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This is the first time he has met, from Martial God Powerhouse of Southern Heaven Divine Land.

“Avatar is Avatar, one step behind, Frostless Martial God, long time no see.”

Sun and Moon Sword God indifferently said, the scabbard not far away automatically flew back into his hands.

“Sun Moon Senior?”

This beautiful shadow, seeing the Sun and Moon Sword God in front of him, was lightly startedled, and then saw Qin Nan behind Sun and Moon Sword God, paused for a while, and then scolded!

“You wicked, offend the Sun and Moon Senior, please go back and reflect!”

The sound fell, and this beautiful shadow was shot. A jade hand protruded. Numerous ancient mysterious runes were born immediately on the top of the Southern Sword Great Emperor. They directly wrapped the Southern Sword Great Emperor and disappeared in place. trace!

“Save people in my presence?”

Sun and Moon Sword God expression Indifferent, the scabbard in your hand suddenly burst out with 2 sword aura like rainbow!


I just saw that between the electric light and the flint, this beautiful and beautiful shadow was actually a flash of body. With her body, she blocked the two sword auras and issued a heavens-frightening loud noise!

The shape of the beautiful beauty began to shake, and the rays of light became dim!

“Sun and Moon Senior, I’ll take your sword in person, can you let Junior?”

The sound of the beautiful Qianying became extremely soft and intoxicating, and her jade hand was again detected!

Not far above Profound Wind Great Emperor and another giant of the Southern Heaven Divine Land Great Emperor, one after another ancient runes emerged!

She wanted to rescue these two bodies!

“Saved one person, and even wanted to take these two bodies?”

Sun and Moon Sword God indifferently said, with a flick of sleeve, a sword aura, wrapped the two bodies directly, and twisted them into pieces.

“Senior is so obsessed, and Junior has nothing to say, but this Little Brother has a connection with me, and I will give him a gift today, and I hope it will be fulfilled.”

The beautiful shadow is not surprised, but instead locks Qin Nan, shoots a finger, and a ray of Profound Light, across the void, printed on Qin Nan’s body, condensing into a glamorous red flower.

It turned out that she had just grabbed 2 bodies, just a cover, and the real target was Qin Nan.


Qin Nan’s face changed immediately.

The Profound Light just now came too fast, completely beyond his understanding, and could not be avoided at all.

“Giggle, Thanks Senior, you don’t bother Senior.”

The beautiful Chinese shadow issued a laughter, and the body glowed with countless red glows, which even shattered and turned into nothingness.

The terrifying coercion disappeared, and the whole Heaven and Earth, for the first time, restored peace.

“Destruction power!”

Qin Nan shouted, one after another powerful Destruction’s Intent, sweeping across his chest.

However, this fascinating red flower still remained motionless.

“Don’t waste your energy, this flower doesn’t hurt you, and you can’t eliminate it.”

Sun and Moon Sword God, with a horrible momentum, slowly converged and finally turned into an old man.

“Senior, in this case, what does this Frostless Martial God want to do?”

Qin Nan was foggy.

This is the first time he has seen Frostless Martial God.

The dignified generation Martial God, how could he be interested in him for nothing?

“It should be you and Breaking Heavens Great Emperor.”

“About 1000 years ago, when Breaking Heavens Great Emperor was born, the Frostless Martial God went to the Central Region in person and invited him 3 times, but he was rejected, and rumors said that Frostless Martial God I’m in love with Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, I don’t know if it’s true or false. “

Sun and Moon Sword God thought for a while, then came slowly.

“In love with Breaking Heavens Great Emperor?”

Qin Nan was a little surprised, didn’t expect Frostless Martial God, and he actually loved Breaking Heavens Great Emperor.

“That’s it.”

Qin Nan shook the head.

In this case, the safflower will be ignored for the time being, and I will see Breaking Heavens Great Emperor next time and then ask him.

“Senior, your body …”

Qin Nan suddenly noticed something, and expression was startled.

He saw through the left pupil that in the body of Sun and Moon Sword God, there is one after another, and the power of Sun and Moon Sword God is beginning to become unreal.

“This is originally an Avatar. It has far less power. Actually, you can kill the Southern Sword Great Emperor just now, but after that, this Avatar will completely collapse.” Sun and Moon Sword God looked at Qin Nan, indifferently said: “Next, I can only shoot for you 2 more times.”

“Senior, many thanks this time.”

Qin Nan solemnly arches.

If it weren’t for Sun and Moon Sword God, this time, I’m afraid he would be better than well.

“You don’t have to say this kind of thing, just be direct, contribution points are taken.”

Sun and Moon Sword God looked up at the sky and directly extended his right hand.

“Senior, I don’t have contribution points here, but Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, and you can take these …”

Qin Nan didn’t hesitate, and he took out all the Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit left in his body.

“Well, it’s quite generous.” Sun and Moon Sword God faintly smiled, instead of reaching out, but expression grave, said: “We are leaving this place now and have to detour to Calamity Forest, if it brings Southern Heaven Divine Land and other Powerhouses, that’s a big deal. “

“it is good.”

Qin Nan nodded, along with Sun and Moon Sword God, moved towards the other direction.

On the following journey, there was no more danger, but the journey was calm.

It wasn’t until 3 days later that the Qin Nan 2 arrived at one of the 6 restricted areas, Calamity Forest.

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