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Chapter 1258 Sword God Follows

“Oh? Senior, I’m going to heal first.”

Qin Nan heard that there was a place for healing, the eyes shines. Without thinking, he arched his hands at Sun and Moon Sword God, tipped his toes, and flew into the snow edge pool behind him.

Although the entire Xueyuan Pool is not large, it contains a very strong force of Xueyuan, which makes Qin Nan’s open wound, the broken meridian, and the remaining one after another imperial Emperor Technique will Slowly recover, dissipate slowly.

Not only that, the Dao Chart on the 2 Martial Trees of Qin Nan within the body also sent out a hint of Destruction’s Intent and War God, and walked the whole body of Qin Nan to accelerate its recovery.

Time passed, and Qin Nan’s eyes closed tightly before slowly opening until the early morning of the sixth day.

His injury within the body has completely recovered.

“En? Such a serious injury has now recovered. It seems that the legendary Dao Chart is indeed mysterious.” Sun and Moon Sword God, who has been sitting not far away, saw this scene, and was lightly nodded, and continued: “Since Restored, then you go to Star Net Palace to take the task of Calamity Forest, and then I, Avatar, will accompany you. “


When Qin Nan heard this, expression was startled.

What surprised him wasn’t Calamity Forest, but the phrase ‘Go with you’.

You know, Sun and Moon Sword God, but Martial God Powerhouse, is Cang Lan Continent’s most Peak Cultivator, even if he is an Avatar, he is very scary.

In Qin Nan’s view, Sun and Moon Sword God would at most tell him where the Cang Lan’s Tree shard was, and let his oneself look for it.

“Don’t be surprised, Calamity Forest is one of the 6 restricted areas. Although it has fallen, the Great Emperor giant will not dare to go deeper. If you go alone, you will definitely die. As for you, it will not be directly obtained It’s because I only know the general scope. The specific place where Cang Lan’s Tree fragments are located will depend on your means. “

Sun and Moon Sword God calmly said.

“So that’s how it is, please, Senior.”

Qin Nan reacted, and couldn’t help but feel happy.

He is not afraid of the dangers and difficulties of Calamity Forest, but with the help of Sun and Moon Sword God, he can save a lot of trouble, and also save a lot of time, get Cang Lan’s Tree earlier Debris.

In this way, his days of witnessing the emperor are very close.

“These 10,000,000 contribution points are worth the money.”

Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, then no longer stayed, went to Star Net Palace, took the task of Calamity Forest, and together with Sun and Moon Sword God, quietly left Heaven Defying Union and set out to find Cang Lan’s Tree fragments path of.

Just after Qin Nan left, inside Heaven Defying Union, Heaven Defying Palace.

“Reporting back to Master, back to 2 Seniors. Just received the information. Qin Nan took the task of Calamity Forest. Now he has left Heaven Defying Palace. It is possible that eight-nine is heading to Calamity Forest.”

Liu Xue stepped forward and said respectfully.

“Going to Calamity Forest? This guy, isn’t that brave.”

The Great Emperor’s face was slightly gloomy.

“Falsehood, in my opinion, we might as well set out and join other Great Emperor giants to arrange heavens-frightening to kill the game, one-time to eliminate Qin Nan, even when the master finds out, but the wood has become a boat, presumably only a small Discipline it. “

Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor glanced at each other, coldly said, murderous aura.

Since the last war, not only have they suffered great injuries, but it took a great deal of effort to raise them, and their majesty and reputation have also been thousand zhang.

Moreover, whenever they think that their dignified Great Emperor giant was defeated by a Qin Nan, they will feel extremely shame.

Although Sun and Moon Sword God explained it, revenge was not allowed afterwards, but how can they breathe down such deep hatred?

Therefore, their three people are always looking for opportunities to completely kill Qin Nan.

“This method is a bit overwhelming, definitely not work.” Great Emperor shook the head, suddenly thought, the eyes shines, said with a sneer: “We almost forgot one thing, want Qin Nan’s life, not only we.”

“What you mean is to say…”

Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor are both moving in their hearts.

“Yes, we will send someone now to inform Thunder Peng Monster Emperor and other Great Emperor giants who were present, Qin Nan is on his way to Calamity Forest, and Qin Nan is in the Heaven Profound Mystical Place, and he has obtained a huge fortuuitous encounter, a surge in cultivation level. “

“Especially Profound Wind Great Emperor them.”

“Not only that, but also determine where we are now and inform them of Qin Nan’s route to Calamity Forest.”

The Great Emperor said in a sigh of relief.

“Wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful. In this way, someone can kill Qin Nan without us at all.”

Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor are the eyes shines.

“This time, Qin Nan will definitely die, otherwise, since then, my Emperor’s Title will not be false!”

Great Emperor smiled.

It’s just that Qin Nan doesn’t know all this.

Qin Nan and Sun and Moon Sword God. After leaving Heaven Defying Union, they moved toward Calamity Forest as indicated on the map.

On the road, Sun and Moon Sword God did not say a word, and did not speed up at all. He always maintained a speed with Qin Nan. Qin Nan was also happy to do this. While rushing, he realized the 2 pairs within the body. Dao Chart.

Dao Chart’s mysterious, endless, he just now fumbled to the threshold that’s all.

Time continued to pass, and soon one day passed.

Just as Qin Nan continued on his way, Cang Lan Continent, Demigod’s Country, extreme north land.

In an extremely mysterious place, a horrible existence suddenly opened its eyes and burst out of amazing rays of light.

“En? Qin Nan in Heaven Profound Mystical Place, has obtained a strong treasure. The strength has now increased to the point where it can compete with the Great Emperor 3-layer? Are you heading to Calamity Forest?”

This terrifying existence, shocked for a long time, the rays of light in his eyes began to flash.

“Although I don’t know if this information is true or false, you might as well check it out, big brother, old 3, fourth child. I have a major event here, and I need your help.”

This terrifying existence, took out one piece of Token directly, and passed on a spiritual thought.

At the same time, inside the extremely difficult place, Southern Heaven Divine Land.

Inside an ancient towering great hall.

“Qin Nan is heading to Calamity Forest?”

A silhouette, with a strong joy in his eyes.

“Tsk tsk, is it already strong enough to compete with the Great Emperor 3-layer giant? No wonder dare to go to Calamity Forest alone! But this time, you are dead!”

This person seems to think of something, and suddenly an amazing murderous aura erupts on his body!

Not only that, this message also passed on to other Ancient Clan and influences. The Great Emperor giants who were present in the past, almost all except Lost Herb Garden!

Some giants simply ignored it, and some giants thought about giving up again, but there are also many giants that start to act directly!

An invisible storm has set off!

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