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Chapter 1000 240 Chapter 9 Exchange Contribution Points

In a hurry, 3 days later, Qin Nan successfully returned to Heaven Defying Union through Seven Luminaries Sword Talisman.

During this period, except for occasional encounters of robberies, Qin Nan did not encounter any other dangers and went smoothly.

However, just after Qin Nan’s figure just dropped, mutation suddenly emerged.

I can only see that in the Heaven Defying Palace in front, a ray of emperor light came out, condensing a golden small figure overlooking Qin Nan.

“Elder Qin Nan, in the name of Heaven Defying Palace Vice Palace Lord, I order you to come to Heaven Defying Palace immediately to discuss matters.”

golden small figure opened the mouth and said, and the sound was ridiculously Great Emperor.

“Can’t bear it so fast?”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

For this scene, he has no slight accident, because he had long expected that the False Great Emperor and the others would never give up.

“Then I’ll see what you want to do.”

Qin Nan made a decision instantly, tiptoeing, and flew forward.

After dozens of breaths, Qin Nan stepped into the great hall of Heaven Defying Palace, looked up, and saw the middle in front of him, sitting on the Great Emperor, and then on the left and right, Melting Heavens Great. Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor.

As if to oppress Qin Nan, at the moment Qin Nan came in, the three Great Emperor’s bodies, one after another emperor’s prestige, swept away, like a great mountain.

“Elder Qin Nan, this Heaven Profound Mystical Place, you must have learned a lot?”

The Great Emperor spoke, the expression was normal, without the slightest anger, just like an ordinary question.

Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor, their eyes flashed over the rays of light, staring closely at Qin Nan.

That is the legendary Heaven Profound Mystical Place. In history, no one has returned to it. Qin Nan is still the first.

So they 3 Great Emperor still want to know what Qin Nan has gained in Heaven Profound Mystical Place.

“The False Palace Lord, the rumor is a bit too false, this Heaven Profound Mystical Place, without any treasure.”

Qin Nan indifferently said.

“It seems that Qin Nan has gained a lot of good things in Heaven Profound Mystical Place.”

The three Great Emperor giants were not surprised by Qin Nan’s words, but they looked at each other and reached a consensus.

If you let Qin Nan know what they think, it ’s probably did n’t know whether to cry or laugh. His words, but to be honest, there is no treasure in Heaven Profound Mystical Place.

“Elder Qin Nan, do n’t say anything extra. This time you have learned a lot, and even we are ashamed, but now I, as well as the sky, vain, are all at the key Boundary, and need Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit to help, not just For us, for the entire Heaven Defying Union, how about you give us 8 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit each? “

“Of course, if Elder Qin Nan is willing, all previous grievances will be cancelled.”

“I don’t know what will happen if I don’t want to.”

Melting Heavens Great Emperor took a cup of tea and took a sip, lightly said with a smile.

When he said the first two sentences, his tone was as usual, but in the third sentence, the tone was a little stronger, and the meaning is self-evident.

The vain Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor seemed to hear nothing, but drank tea without saying a word.

This result was discussed unanimously by their three people.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​the great Emperor, I hoped to join forces and take away Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit owned by Qin Nan.

However, his idea was rejected by Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor.

Because Qin Nan’s current battle strength is extremely extraordinary, it can be called the first Martial Ancestor. It cannot be completely ignored, and the current situation is completely different from that at Upper Profound Sacred Mountain at the time, so it can only be everyone It takes 8 pieces.

Not only that, Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor, although it is also unpleasant to see Qin Nan, they have not yet reached the point of False Great Emperor. As long as Qin Nan is obedient, lowers his head, and lowers his posture, they are still too lazy to Qin Nan Shot.

When Qin Nan heard this, the corners of his mouth evoked a curvature.

These three people are shameless than he imagined.

Eight Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit per person, a total of 8, just because of a fluttering passage, all out?

Even more how, he didn’t need to write off all the grudges before!

He is not a Saint. He does all the evil things others do to him, but he cannot easily forget it!

If one respects him by one foot, he respects others by one foot, and when he violates him by one foot, he returns by one foot!

“3 people, don’t use me for Heaven Defying Union and so on. I still say the same thing. If you want Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, bring it by yourself, now you will not be accompanied!”

Qin Nan finished his sentence, flickered, and flew straight out of Heaven Defying Palace.

Staying on is a complete waste of time.


Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor, seeing this scene, completely stopped.

They gave Qin Nan such good conditions. Qin Nan not only refused, but left directly, ignoring them at all?

“2 people, see it, from the very beginning, don’t give him a chance!”

Emperor Heart was slightly happy, but his face was cold.

“Didn’t expect this Qin Nan, so unexpectedly unsuccessful, fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness!”

Melting Heavens Great Emperor came back to his senses!

“This child is 3 again and again. Don’t take us into your eyes, you must clean up him, False Great Emperor, do you have any ideas?”

Bright Spatial Great Emperor’s face is not very good-looking, with a slight murderous aura in his eyes.

“I do have a solution here, but I need 2 people to help me find other Great Emperor. At that time, we 6 Great Emperors will speak together and follow the rules to expel Qin Nan from Heaven Defying Union. You can treat him whatever you want. “

Great Emperor said with a sneer.

“You said you almost forgot this rule, so do it.”

Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor are both the eyes shines, simultaneously nodded.

It’s just that Qin Nan has no idea what happened inside this Heaven Defying Palace.

After leaving Heaven Defying Palace, Qin Nan first went to Star Net Palace, delivered the mission, and flew into Spirit Treasure Temple.

“Elder Qin Nan, come here, I don’t know what to command?”

Wei Ming noticed Qin Nan’s aura and quickly walked out. He arched and said that he was very respectful.

Qin Nan gave him a surprised look, but didn’t think about it. He threw out a Storage Bag and said, “Wei Ming Elder, help me replace these with contribution points.”

Wei Ming took the Storage Bag, and his spiritual thought swept away. His eyes suddenly showed a startled look, saying: “120 Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit, 7 Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit?”

He absolutely didn’t expect that Qin Nan’s shot was such a huge fortune.

“Elder Qin Nan, the total is 160 50000 contribution points, please wait a moment, I will help you to record.”

Wei Ming reacted quickly and said, turning around and leaving.

“Wait a minute, Wei Ming Elder, I don’t know how much this item is worth?”

Qin Nan flipped his hands and took out a Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.

“This … this could it be that is legendary Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit?”

Wei Ming glanced inadvertently, but after this glance, he immediately held it firmly, revealing a shocking look in his eyes.

Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, this kind of fruit he has only seen in ancient books.

“Hu, didn’t expect that you got Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit. This Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit is very valuable and cannot be bought at all. Such a one can be exchanged for 600,000 contribution points!”

Wei Ming came back to his senses, still breathing with a hint of rush.

“Oh? 600,000 contribution points?” Qin Nan the eyes shines, didn’t expect the value of Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit is higher than he thought. Now he shoots a finger and pops up a Storage Bag again, saying: “That These are all sold. “

“Sold everything?”

Wei Ming froze slightly, watching the flying Storage Bag, spiritual thought swept away subconsciously.

At this look, it seems that there is Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, which exploded in his mind.

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