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1000 240 Chapter 5 Great Emperor stone statue

“Great Emperor?”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed, his toes were a little bit, and he flew into the Ninth Layer.

I can only see that the entire Ninth Layer has a size of 500 zhang, all around the wall, there are no ancient paintings, but instead one after another ancient Mysterious runes, every Dao Talisman text emits a wisp Marvelous power poured into the three stone statues ahead.

These three stone statues are all Gundam ten zhang, and they are displayed in white, purple and red colors. They are carved to lifelike, like True Master. Not only here, there is one after another in these three stone statues. The power is about to move, as if about to awakens.

This power is truly the power of the Great Emperor.

In other words, the Great Emperor of the Ninth Layer is not just one, but three.

“In the world, there are still Great Emperor giants transformed by stone statues. No, these three stone statues are not really Great Emperor giants in the true sense of the word, but they have the power of Great Emperor 3-layer. … “

Qin Nan’s eyes had a surprising look in his eyes, and he couldn’t help wondering.

He just passed through the War God left pupil, and he has all penetrated.

These three stone statues are made of the blood of Great Emperor, the bones of Great Emperor, and many Mysterious ancient mines, which are refined by special methods, plus the power of runes in the entire palace. blessing, it has the power of 3-layer of Great Emperor.

From these means, we can see how extraordinary the refiner is.

“Heavens Secret Mouse? Heavens Secret dog? Hey, you skull, and our Heavens Secret Lineage, have a lot to do with it?”

The most middle red stone statue, a slight glance at Qin Nan, looked towards two dogs and a mouse and the skeleton Xiao Hong.

At this moment, within the three stone statues, the power of the gigantic Great Emperor began to calm down, and a burst of coercion began to slowly dissipate.

“Meet Senior.”


Two dogs and a mouse are all holding claws.

“Three seniors, four of them, can they enter Heavens Secret Clan?”

Qin Nan, who stood on the side, said with arched hands, his tone was not low.

“This Heavens Secret dog and Heavens Secret Mouse, Bloodline are both average, very reluctant, and the origin of this skeleton, and our Heavens Secret Clan, is not very strong.” The light glow flashed in the eyes of the red stone statue, a moan. “However, there is no problem in entering it, you only need to pay ten or five Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.”

“Yes, you have to pay ten or five Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.”

Two other stone statues also spoke at the same time.

In fact, under normal circumstances, there is no need to pay Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.

However, very few people have entered Heavens Secret Clan through Heavens Secret Divine Palace for thousands of years.

These 3 stone statues already have self spiritual wisdom, and naturally want to cultivate themselves, but according to the rules, they cannot leave Heavens Secret Divine Palace, so when Qin Nan and the others arrive, they will lion’s big mouth, profiting from somebody’s misfortune.

Of course, more importantly, the Bloodline of the two dogs and a mouse cannot attract their attention. This human and skeleton is not the Great Emperor, and it cannot bring them deterrence.

“Bloodline average?”

The two dogs were very depressed and hard-hitting.

They finally understood that at the beginning, those big sisters lied to them.

“This is ten or five Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.”

Of course Qin Nan didn’t know this, without any hesitation, shoots a finger and popped up 5 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit.

“Well, yes, human, you are very good.”

Red stone statue slightly nodded, after receiving Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, he and the other 2 statues simultaneously broke out the magic seal.

I only heard a bang. Behind them, a white light gate with a height of 5 feet appeared. Above the light gate, there was an ancient painting hanging. There was a silhouette in the painting, which was Heavens Secret Grandma.

“Go, Xiao Hong, three of them, I will leave them to you.”

Qin Nan looked towards two dogs and a mouse, lightly said with a smile.

“Okay, Master.”

Skeleton Xiao Hong nodded, the flames in the eyes, slightly trembling.

If she successfully enters Heavens Secret Clan this time, then she will have a way to restore all her memories. At that time, she can also help Heavens Secret dogs and Heavens Secret Mouse to promote Bloodline. She can gain a very high status in Heavens Secret Clan.

At that time, you can help the Master.

“Master, there must be something good in mind for us, leave us a bit.”

“Oh, oh.”

Both the dogs and the Heavens Secret Mouse are reluctant.

However, this sentence has just been spoken out, and they screamed loudly, just like a mine blast, directly blasting!


I only saw the 3 stone statues that had a good attitude just now. At this moment, within the body, a terrible momentum broke out. In the eyes, there was extremely cold, and in the eyes, there was a trace of murderous aura!

Qin Nan, Skeleton Xiao Hong and two dogs and a mouse are all simultaneously stunned.

Why all of a sudden these three statues were directly angry?

“Heavens Secret dog, Heavens Secret blood, you are Heavens Secret Clan. Although the Bloodline is mediocre, how can you recognize the Human Race as a master? Now I will order you to quickly disassociate with this person, otherwise, do n’t want to enter the Heavens Secret Clan ! “

“Yes, break the relationship!”

The three statues are all thunderous!

The entire palace of Nuoda, at this moment, shuddered slightly!

“Release the relationship? Could it be that you Heavens Secret Clan, and this rule?”

Qin Nan brows frowned.

You know, he can subdue the Heavens Secret Mouse and the Heavens Secret dog. Heavens Secret Grandma must know that. If Heavens Secret Clan really has this rule, then why did Heavens Secret Grandma directly trouble him?

“Here we are the rules!”

3 statues at the same time coldly said.

Qin Nan actually guessed right, Heavens Secret Clan did not expressly stipulate that Human Race should not be considered as the main one.

It’s just that most of the Heavens Secret Clan clansman now look down on Human Race, and the giant who used to make 3 statues in the past was very disgusted with Human Race, so it also led to 3 statues, and there was no trace of Human Race. Feel good.

It is for this reason that when they see the Heavens Secret dog and the Heavens Secret Mouse, they actually recognize a Human Race as Master and also a Human Race of Martial Ancestor Realm peak, and they will naturally explode.

“Wang woof! If you don’t enter, you won’t enter. What’s so great!”

“Uh, uh!”

Two dogs and a mouse all reacted and glared!

Although they are deep in one’s heart, they really want to enter Heavens Secret Clan, but let them disassociate themselves from Qin Nan?

That’s impossible!

In any case, they will not leave Qin Nan and betray Qin Nan!

“Dignified Heavens Secret Clan is so dignified. It is a shame to recognize a human being as a Master and a human who has not yet proved the emperor! Now let me get out of Heavens Secret Divine Palace immediately, and from now on, I shall never enter亘 Ancient Battlefield, otherwise, don’t blame me for not saying the same clan! “

When the three statues heard this, the anger in their hearts was more vigorous, and the killing intent in their eyes was more intense!

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