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Chapter 1000 240 3 Heavens Secret Clan


From the dome of the sky, as if with a horrible hand to come, tear the whole void, forcibly torn, and from the crack, one after another white light poured out on the mountain top, and the crystal above the Mysterious cave Shattered directly, condensed into a white light gate!

Although this white light gate is only tall and ten feet high and ten feet wide, it is far less powerful than the dao light gate entering the Ancient Battlefield, but from this white light gate, a ray of light emanating from the archaic aura , But let the entire Upper Profound Mystical Place start to tremble slightly!

It’s as if there is a terrifying earthquake coming soon!

“This could it be that … was it the light gate to enter Heaven Profound Mystical Place?”

Ghost Clan’s Great Emperor giant, lost his face, murmured.

“Heaven Profound Mystical Place?”

“Enter the light gate at Heaven Profound Mystical Place?”

“This must be the light gate into Heaven Profound Mystical Place, otherwise, it cannot cause such a large natural phenomenon!”

The rest of the Great Emperor giants, as well as all the genius disciples, are shocked in their eyes!

Because they didn’t expect anyway, the legendary Heaven Profound Mystical Place would actually open!

You know, since 1000 years, Heaven Profound Mystical Place has never been opened. Even if someone enters it, it is just a coincidence that accidentally entered that’s all!

“Master, you hold this Token and Heavens Secret blood. In addition, let’s go in quickly now. Opening the door of Heaven Profound Mystical Place this time cannot support for a long time, and it can only enter 5 of us.”

At this time, the voice of the skeleton Xiao Hong passed into Qin Nan’s mind, and a Storage Bag flew along with it.

“Only 5 of us?”

Qin Nan froze slightly.

So, Princess Miaomiao how couldn’t it be unable to get in?

“All right, wait a minute.”

Qin Nan instantly made a decision and suddenly looked up, moving towards the sky, and several Great Emperor giants looked.

“Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, Profound Wind Great Emperor, False Great Emperor, this is what 3 of you want.”

Qin Nan loudly shouted, shoots a finger, and 3 Storage Bags, soared into the sky, and flew to the Thunder Peng Monster Emperor 3 people at an amazing speed.

The strong restraint on the mountain, and the Mysterious crystal, have been shattered and naturally unblocked.

“This one……”

Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, Great Emperor, Profound Wind Great Emperor, who was in shock, and towering saw the Storage Bag flying, naturally there was a moment of look distracted, and they had not yet reacted.

However, after all, the Great Emperor is the Great Emperor. When the sense of crisis spread in their hearts, the faces of the three Great Emperor changed at the same time, taking a big step back, within the body of the numerous Emperor Techniques, which started to bloom and dazzled the emperor light. !!


Just listen to 3 deafening explosions!

From that Storage Bag, the 3 blades of the vast expanse of wild blade intent bloomed, as if they were 3 Great Mountains, and they hit 3 Great Emperors!

Rao is a 3 Great Emperor. The response is extremely fast, and he is still being shocked by this sudden move.

“Princess Miaomiao, this time at Heaven Profound Mystical Place, if you can’t go in, don’t try it. This is Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit. Remember to help me with Sun Yang Elder and Wang Zhao, thank you!”

Suddenly, Qin Nan left pupil locked Princess Miaomiao’s position and passed on spiritual thoughts, shots a finger, and a Storage Bag moved towards Princess Miaomiao at an amazing speed!

Gaining great benefits, he naturally can’t forget princess, and Sun Yang Elder and Wang Zhao have helped him at crucial times, and he can’t forget!

So, Qin Nan took out a portion of Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit in return!

This is his principle of being a person.

“Qin Nan, look for …”

At this moment, the Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, the False Great Emperor, and Profound Wind Great Emperor all reacted, and the heavens-frightening anger broke out!

“Heavens Secret Lineage, I’m getting started!”

The two dogs in the cave and the Heavens Secret Mouse are watching the scene closely, seeing the 2 Great Emperor angry, and the claws are simultaneously photographed, 3 strong white lights fall on the bodies of Xiao Hong and Qin Nan !!

in an instant, the figure of 5 people, all moved towards that light gate, flew away!

It turned out that in order to enter Heaven Profound Mystical Place, not only the gates need to be opened, but also the power of Heavens Secret Lineage!

“Hahaha, Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, Profound Wind Great Emperor, you two, keep in mind, it won’t take long for me, Qin Nan, to take the head of your two people! As for the False Great Emperor, what you do today, other days I give it back 100 times! “

Qin Nan looked at 3 people and laughed!

When his voice fell, he and two dogs and a mouse and the silhouette of Xiao Hong, the skeleton, swallowed the door!

“Do you think it’s okay to enter Heaven Profound Mystical Place? Give me death!”

How can Thunder Peng Monster Emperor, Profound Wind Great Emperor, and False Great Emperor watch Qin Nan run away and take a big stride, then moved towards this white light gate and rushed away, but they rushed to half, a horrible power Press, bloom from this door, so the 3 Great Emperor, the body shape is forcibly stopped, complexion greatly changed, in his eyes, the color of terror was revealed!

Just now, they smelled the crisis of death!

If you break in, it will be dead!

“Can’t get in?”

“Oh, how can this be?”

At this moment, the other Great Emperor giants were keenly aware of this, and the complexion changed greatly, and it became extremely ugly!

The inability to enter Heaven Profound Mystical Place not only means losing a chance to gain a huge opportunity, but also means that with 91 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruits, they cannot get one!

“hmph! ”

The Great Emperor giants of Ghost Clan, and the Great Emperor giants of other forces are all coldly snorted, with a flick of sleeve, and moved towards the upper Profound Sacred Mountain!

This is the end, saying that the others are useless, and now I can only get more Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit!

Of course, in their hearts, they still hate Qin Nan very much. If they meet Qin Nan next time, they will not have the slightest hesitation to deal with Qin Nan!

“Melting Heavens Great Emperor, Bright Spatial Great Emperor, wait for Heaven Defying Union, and learn Qin Nan well, how?”

Great Emperor cold sound transmission saying.

“That is natural.”

Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor have cold glow in their eyes.

If at that time, Qin Nan knows the current affairs and surrenders Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit, they two people are too lazy to do it. If Qin Nan is willing to go alone, then don’t blame them.

Seeing that the False Great Emperor 3 people retreated, Thunder Peng Monster Emperor and Profound Wind Great Emperor, and another Great Emperor giant from Southern Heaven Divine Land, although they were extremely humiliated and angry, they could only retreat with their teeth.

The situation in the entire Upper Profound Sacred Mountain changed immediately. The mountainside became the battlefield of the Great Emperor. Other genius disciplines could only retreat to the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, somewhere at the foot of the mountain.

One after another’s silhouette, from the woods, rushed out.

Most of these silhouettes are mysterious, wherever you walk, without releasing Martial Spirit, you can attract a large amount of spiritual energy.

Because these people’s body is not Human Race, but spiritual medicine. They are all people of Lost Herb Garden.

“What is princess looking for?”

“It’s not clear, but it’s better now. People who have dealt with Southern Heaven Divine Land before have caused no treasure. Now that the Great Emperor giants have come to the mountainside, we have a smaller chance of getting treasure.”

“That’s right, why do you help that Qin Nan?”

“Oh, because of Qin Nan, we went to deal with the Southern Heaven Divine Land. I don’t care about this, but now, Qin Nan entered Heaven Profound Mystical Place alone and took away all the Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit. Without saying a word, he clearly forgot us. “

“Yes, Qin Nan, despite his strength, can’t compliment his character!”

These genius disciples have spoken one after another, quite a response qi.

“What are you talking about?”

A majestic drinking sounded, only saw Sun Yang Great Emperor, step by step, not angry.

Beside Sun Yang Great Emperor, it is Princess Miaomiao.

“His Royal Highness …”

Disciple’s complexion in the presence was all changed, and his mind was up and down.

If it is because of these words that angered princess, then the end will be miserable.

Princess Miaomiao seems to have heard nothing, lightly said with a smile: “Originally, I want to reward you for other things. Now, you don’t have to. These ten Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit are evenly divided after you take them. . “

Princess Miaomiao shoots a finger, and ten Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit popped up.

“Elder Sun, this is yours.”

Princess Miaomiao took out 5 more.

“This one……”

Not just the geniuses present, but also Sun Yang, who stayed straight.

Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit?

How can there be so many Heavens Profound Immortal Fruit in princess’s hands?

“Could it be that … these ten 5 Heavens Profound Immortal Fruits were all given to you by Qin Nan?”

Sun Yang Great Emperor realized what, opened the mouth to ask.

“Yes, he gave it before he left.” Princess Miaomiao’s mouth evoked a beautiful arc, saying, “It’s just not ten or five, but thirty.”

As soon as this remark was made, the group of disciples just now were all stunned, even Sun Yang Great Emperor was stunned.

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