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Chapter 1228 9 Tree Fusion

Wang Zhao startled, a little bit dreamy.

Because the outcome in front of him is completely different from what he expected.

After a long while, he came back to his senses, and the whole man wilted, crying and crying, “Damn it, I lost.”

Cheating father, he completely pitted himself this time.

“Oh, do you know what to do next?”

Qin Nan has no sympathy.

If he loses, the goods in front of him may not be able to deal with him.

“Know … can Nan Ye be okay?” Wang Zhao stared at the wings.


“You can’t even call dad?”

“Princess said, don’t be ugly.”

“Well … Master … Master.”

After Wang Zhao squeezed these words out of his teeth, his face became flushed, and his heart was ashamed.

I think he is the uncle Dignified Wang Zhao, who is famous in the world, mighty, and the future king of Cang Lan. Now he has to bear the humiliation that can’t be washed away in this life.

If he can, he can’t wait to make a hole in his face.

Seeing his appearance, Qin Nan smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, “Nice, very obedient, but I tell you that not anyone can call me Master, you are the second.”

“Is there the first one?” Wang Zhao had a messy face, and he couldn’t even rank the number one?

As soon as Qin Nan pupil light condensed, he couldn’t help thinking of Xian Yue, as well as Dragon Emperor, Nine Tails Monster Emperor, Dark Monster Emperor, Ao Cangtian, and the others.

Shook the head, Qin Nan didn’t think much, but said, “What about the fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree on you?”

“I have real wood,” Wang Zhao said bitterly. “I’m also looking for the fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree. The one piece of I got before is already integrated with me.”


Qin Nan shrugged, turned and moved directly towards cavern.

Wang Zhao followed closely from behind. He followed and followed, Princess Miaomiao smiled as if waiting for a long time, saying, “Good servant, come here, this Princess has something to hand over.”


Wang Zhao just wanted to have an attack, but after thinking about it, this woman doesn’t seem to be easy. Anyway, she has no dignity anymore, so don’t resist anymore.

Qin Nan saw this scene, shook the head, without much attention, his eyes moved towards that fragment of Cang Lan’s Tree.

“I don’t know where this 9 tree can be reached at this time.”

Qin Nan took a deep breath, 2 words, 9 Martial Trees were released, and fragments of moved towards Cang Lan’s Tree were suppressed.

At this time, the fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree did not resist at all, but broke apart directly, bursting out an amazing green light of one after another, submerged within the body of Qin Nan.

Suddenly, the 9 Martial Trees in Qin Nan within the body changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

First, the Destruction Martial Tree, all the branches and leaves, began to bloom out of dazzling rays of light, one after another Mysterious, extremely, like the Grand Dao’s truth-like lines, simultaneously emerged, making Destruction Martial Tree instantly reach an incredible Degree.

Although Destruction Martial Tree has not left the category of martial arts, it is no longer comparable to Phenomenon Martial Tree.

As for the remaining 8 War God Trees, they are skyrocketing, aura is turbulent, and in less than a few dozen breaths, all of them have reached the point of ten zhang, which has completely become a peak Martial Tree. The trunk and leaves There are many Dao Lines on the branches.

Qin Nan’s spirit was also tense at this moment.

Because until now, Cang Lan’s Tree’s fragmentation power, there is still a very large part.


Suddenly, a strange mysterious suction, swinging between 9 Martial Trees.

Because the 9 Martial Trees at this moment, under the baptism of Cang Lan’s Tree, have the same part, naturally, they will attract each other.

“The opportunity is coming!”

Qin Nan was shocked, and his spiritual thoughts came out like a tide!


Qin Nan loudly shouted!

He used spiritual thought to control 9 Martial Trees, facing each other, and began to merge slowly!

These 9 Martial Trees also seem to be aware of Qin Nan’s intentions, and emit the buzz of one after another. The buzz of 8 War God Trees is relatively small. The buzz of Destruction Martial Tree is relatively Big!

Because until now, they are still mutually exclusive!

“No, the power of this Cang Lan’s Tree fragment is still not enough. If you want to forcibly merge the 9 Martial Trees, it will inevitably lead to a tragedy. However, don’t let slip an opportunity. Can not give up……”

Qin Nan’s thoughts fluttered and countless thoughts came to his mind.

Suddenly, a Dao Spirit light flashed in his mind.

“Just do it!”

Qin Nan is refreshed, and spiritual thought is out again!

However, this time is different from last time. Qin Nan put Destruction Martial Tree and 5 War God Trees aside, and let the remaining 3 War God Trees merge with the power of this Cang Lan’s Tree. moved towards this Destruction Martial Tree and these 5 War God Tree, fly directly!

buzzzz ~!

9 Martial Trees, still trembling!

But this time, driven by the mighty power of Cang Lan’s Tree, the 3 War God Trees began to calm down gradually, moved towards the other 6 and approached slowly, one after another, the power of Martial Ancestor, Collapsed and blended into those 6 Martial Trees in a wonderful way!

In an instant, the Destruction Martial Tree and the 5 War God Trees have undergone tremendous changes!


Wang Zhao and Princess Miaomiao in the crystal great hall, what they felt at the same time, looked towards Qin Nan, with a startled look simultaneously in his eyes.

Because they are two people, they are all on Qin Nan, and they feel that there is a new kind of power that is being born.


Wang Zhao and Princess Miaomiao, what they noticed, moved towards that ancient stone.

I saw that this ancient stone, which was so fast to die, was flashing a faint rays of light.


Wang Zhao a pair of eyes, immediately straightened.

Heavens Secret Stone reacted, what rhythm was this?

Meanwhile, 亘 Ancient Battlefield, Upper Profound Mystical Place.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~.

The skeleton Xiao Xiao, Heavens Secret Mouse, and 2 Heavens Secret dogs fell down.

“Here is Upper Profound Mystical Place? Hey, people who just entered the light gate, Monster God Restricted Area and Lost Herb Garden together, why aren’t they here?”

The two dogs were all confused.

“This is a random teleportation, naturally they are not with us.”

Skeleton Xiao Hong shook his head.

“Hu, then it’s very good, it’s hard to get here with the power of Heavens Secret, if it is stewed as soon as it comes in, it will be awful …”

2 dogs are grateful.

“Oh, oh.”

Suddenly, the Heavens Secret Mouse jumped up, his expression was agitated, and an invisible force swelled from her body.

“Boss is gone? Fuck! Why is your body suddenly hot …”

The two dogs were also taken aback.

“Is there a reaction? Don’t panic, do what you do.”

The flame in the skull Xiao Hong’s eyes bounced violently and said.

“Okay, big sister!”

The 2 dogs and the Heavens Secret Mouse are quiet, eyes closed, 2 pairs of dog paws, and a pair of rat paws are starting to dance wildly, and as they dance, the white light on them also becomes more and more dazzling, as if The Mysterious things in this space echoed far away.

ps: 5th update, updated today

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