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Chapter 1000 2 100 18 If Amnesty

Just after the middle-aged man moved towards Lower Profound Mystical Place, the giant ship was in the middle, inside a huge palace.

“Princess, just now Elder Huo sound transmission came over and said he had to go ahead.”

A white haired old man, arched his hand.

“Upper Profound Mystical Place opened earlier?”

Princess Miaomiao blinked her eyes, Asking Dao.

“Yes, princess. It’s early.”

“Then pass my order, let’s enter early.”

“As you bid.”

Seeing Elder Sun turn around and retreat, Princess Miaomiao’s big beautiful eyes appeared, and then she looked forward to it.

Qin Nan, will he come over?

Should come?

“If he doesn’t come to Ancient Battlefield, he won’t be able to spare him then.”

Princess Miaomiao talked to herself and waved a pink punch.

You know, this time she spent a lot of time and effort to convince the old guys to come to him.

Time passed, 3 hours later, in Ancient Battlefield, Lower Profound Mystical Place.

Since Ghost Clan did not enter the light gate, Flame Clan, Thunder Clan, Nether Clan, and other Ancient Clan have also come one after another, with great momentum and momentum, and during the period, several Great Emperor giants have not yet converged on the cultivation level. The vast emperor’s prestige came out, attracting the attention of countless Cultivators.

Until now, a total of 5 Great Emperor giants have entered.

As for Qin Nan, it is in a forest, sitting on a piece of big rock, the left pupil blinking purple light, staring at the sky.

On him, strands of fighting intent were released, and War Blood within the body was boiling.

The easiest and most straightforward way for him to get Seven Kills Talisman is to grab the Southern Heaven Divine Land and grab it directly.

However, the entry of Southern Heaven Divine Land this time is bound to have the Great Emperor giant, so next, it will be a fierce battle.

Of course, Qin Nan can actually grab other forces.

Especially some, the forces without the Great Emperor giant, with his cultivation level, grab it easily and without danger.

However, Qin Nan didn’t do it because that was his bottom line.

No matter how powerful he is, he will not start with people who lack hatred and enmity, otherwise, what’s the difference between taking advantage of one’s position to bully people that his oneself hates?

whiz whiz whiz.

Just then, two silhouettes crossed the sky at an amazing speed.

After that, there are 3 silhouettes flying fast, slightly slower.

Seven Luminaries Sword Talisman on Qin Nan, at this moment, suddenly shone a faint rays of light.

“En? Melting Heavens Great Emperor, Bright Spatial Great Emperor, and the Great Great Emperor are here?”

Qin Nan raised an eyebrow slightly.

The Melting Heavens Great Emperor and Bright Spatial Great Emperor in the sky did not stay in the slightest, and started directly. Instead, they were a vain Great Emperor. He paused for a moment, glanced over the spiritual thought, and found nothing before leaving.

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed.

Time continues to pass, and it is 2 hours in a flash.

During this period, only one person from the Ancient Clan entered, and three from the Great Influences had not yet arrived.


Suddenly Qin Nan noticed something and turned to look.

whiz whiz whiz.

I can only hear one after another breaking sound, and it sounds continuously, and the driving astral wind will blow all the trees and flowers all around.

I saw a middle-aged man walking in the forefront with a serious face and a rather majestic look. Behind him were Huo Dun, Ao Sha, and several other Ancient Clan disciples.

“Duan Qing, finally found you.”

On the faces of Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others, a happy look was revealed.

Since these few hours, they have spent countless means, and have been looking for the silhouette of Qin Nan in this Lower Profound Mystical Place.

“You are Duan Qing? I am one of the Elder at Lost Herb Garden. I will not tell you more nonsense. Give me Heavens Profound Sacred Fruit, all Heavens Profound Spirit Fruit and the ancient map. And then apologize to my son, scratch my head, I won’t kill you! “

The middle-aged man stands crossing the hands behind the back, looking down at Qin Nan, coldly.

In the eyes of Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others, there was a moment of irony.

How about picking a strong ancient map?

Isn’t it the same now, they want to be taken away by them?

“Elder of Lost Herb Garden?” Qin Nan said for a moment, then differentially said: “that’s all, in her face, I will not investigate this matter, you go.”

If he could, he still didn’t want to take a shot at Lost Herb Garden.

The middle-aged man and Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others are all simultaneously stunned, a little can’t believe their ears.

In such a situation, Duan Qing actually let them look?

“Hahaha, not to investigate? It is simply not to know the immensity of heaven and earth! Since you are so stubborn, then don’t blame me for bullying …”

middle-aged man laughed heartily, all over the body, a powerful momentum, suddenly rose up.


However, before he had finished speaking, a coldly voice suddenly exploded.

I saw Qin Nan’s body move, and instantly came to the top of the middle-aged man and the others, Destruction Domain was released directly, and moved towards several people shrouded away.

Given them a chance, they don’t cherish it themselves, so don’t blame him for being rude.

The middle-aged man’s response was fairly fast. I raised 3 hands and hit 1 Emperor Techniques to form a set of killing moves and strikes. .

“What is this Emperor Technique?”

Middle-aged man, Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others, as seen in this scene, are complexion slightly changed.

“Get together!”

middle-aged man shouted loudly.

As an Elder, he naturally has a little eyesight. It has been seen that the Duan Qing in front of him is by no means an ordinary Martial Ancestor Realm peak.

Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others hearing this immediately reacted. Behind them, Martial Spirit and Martial Tree were released instantly.

However, Qin Nan seemed to see nothing, tiptoeed, and killed everyone.

“I don’t know …”

Middle-aged man, Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others all sneered.

So many of them joined forces, one Duan Qing, want to compete with them?

However, at the next moment, the faces of middle-aged man, Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others suddenly froze.

Because they saw that Qin Nan in front of him was like a ghost and a ghost, and his body was erratic. He avoided their Emperor Technique easily. Each punch he punched, although extremely simple, pointed directly at them. Weaknesses.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another exploded, ringing throughout the woods.

In less than 300 breaths, the middle-aged man and Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others were suppressed by Qin Nan.

“father, what do we do?”

In the eyes of Huo Dun, Ao Sha and the others, the color of fear has been revealed.

They now understand that the real strength of Duan Qing is far beyond their imagination.

“This Duan Qing has not yet released Martial Spirit and Martial Tree. It is already so powerful. If we really fight, we are probably not our opponents, and even if we win Duan Qing, we will be seriously injured. It is very likely that other Cultivator , Taking advantage. “

middle-aged man secretly said in one’s heart, his heart, has retreated.

At this time, suddenly, in the middle-aged man Storage Ring, one piece of Token shone with a weak brilliance.

“this is……”

A middle-aged man froze, and then he looked overjoyed.

He never thought that the people of Lost Herb Garden had arrived at Lower Profound Mystical Place in advance.

In this case, what else is there to fear about Duan Qing?

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