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1000 2 100 Chapter 1

With the fighting intent on Qin Nan, he quickly withdrew, and the rays of light from the pillar of courage also rapidly decreased.

In less than a few dozen breaths, the rays of light from the Pillar of Courage became extremely weak, not even half of Yu Langyan’s.

“Finally stopped.”

Qin Nan was relaxed in his mind.

Just now, it was almost impossible to control and burst the pillar of courage.

However, it was time for him to breathe a sigh of relief. The rays of light on the pillar of courage slowly condensed, turned into two crystals of courage, and restored a peace.

Qin Nan saw this scene, start lightly, and smiled suddenly.

It seems that he just focused on convergence fighting intent, and the one-time convergence was too harsh.

Only two crystals of courage have condensed, but even Heaven Defying Palace cannot join.

However, when this scene fell into the eyes of the Ancient Thunder Great Emperor and the others, a silent thunder blast sounded in everyone’s heart, and their eyes were full of incredible color.

“2 crystals of courage?”

“What a joke, dignified Qin Nan, there are only 2 of them?”

“What’s going on? This doesn’t make sense at all, does Qin Nan have at least three?”

Even the Avatar of the Ancient Thunder Great Emperor has such a look.

You know, Qin Nan is a genius who surpassed the rules of martial arts, or is a 3 Star level enemy of Southern Heaven Gate. He encountered the pursuit of Southern Heaven Gate Great Emperor Powerhouse. How can he cope with the courage of Southern Heaven Gate? Only 2?

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!”

Mu Mu came back to his senses, resolutely said, how can Qin Nan like that not have the courage to shoot at Southern Heaven Gate?

Yi Feng is also unbelievable, but he saw with his own eyes, Qin Nan’s domineering look like a rainbow.

Standing not far away, Yu Langyan, after hearing this, could n’t help but said with a smile: “hahaha, Mu Mu, as the saying goes, you can’t judge a person by appearance, the sea cannot be measured with a bushel . Although Qin Nan is powerful, he is so scared of Southern Heaven Gate that it is not impossible! “

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the room shook physically and mentally.

Yu Langyan is right, everything is superficial.

Anyway, this ancient treasure, the pillar of courage is absolutely impossible.

The thought arose in my heart, the Cultivator on the training field, and the eyes of that Powerhouse, looking towards Qin Nan, completely changed, revealing scorn and disdain.

What about going beyond the martial arts rules?

3 What about Star level enemies?

Not even the courage to deal with Southern Heaven Gate!

Then these things are not so important to their Heaven Defying Union!

The Avatar of Ancient Thunder Great Emperor changed with his face. Although he could not believe the fact in front of him, he could only accept it!

Yi Feng was a little lost, and couldn’t help shaking his heart. Could it be that Qin Nan really fear the Southern Heaven Gate?

Mu Mu wants to say something, but I don’t know how to refute it. A pretty face becomes extremely ugly.

No matter what, she was unbelieving.

At this moment, Qin Nan, who had not spoken, glanced at Yu Langyan, arched his hand at Avatar of Ancient Thunder Great Emperor, and said, “Senior, I was just a little bit surprised. Test it once? “

For Qin Nan, he still wants to join Heaven Defying Palace.

Otherwise, coming to Heaven Defying Union will lose a lot of meaning.

Everyone present was startled. I didn’t expect that Qin Nan would want to test it again.

The Avatar of Ancient Thunder Great Emperor was also hesitant, hesitated, and then said: “Since you said so, let you test …”

From the very beginning, he admired Qin Nan very much, and also had great hopes, hoping that Qin Nan would join Heaven Defying Palace to change the situation of Heaven Defying Palace.

Although he absolutely didn’t expect that Qin Nan only condensed 2 crystals of courage, but Qin Nan spoke, and he was still willing to give Qin Nan another chance.

Moreover, Heaven Defying Union also has no regulations and cannot be tested again.

“Test again? It’s not necessary at all.”

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded.

I saw an illusive silhouette, which instantly appeared on the training field, and the strands of emperor’s prestige, moved towards all around, swung open, making the entire Cultivator sink.

Ancient Thunder Great Emperor pupil light

“See the False Palace Lord.”

Yi Feng, standing in the crowd, said quickly.

The person in front of him is an Avatar of the Great Emperor, one of the 9 Emperors of Heaven Defying Union, and one of the Vice Palace Lord of the Heaven Defying Palace. He is on an equal footing with the Ancient Thunder Great Emperor.

In the presence of Cultivator, they were trembling, but they did not expect that another Great Emperor giant came.

“Illusive Palace Lord, it was true that there was an accident during the test just now. If this is the second test, it can be guaranteed that more than 2 crystals of courage will definitely condense.” Qin Nan said solemnly.

“It’s ridiculous.” Avatar of the False Great Emperor, condescending, glanced at Qin Nan, said with a sneer: “This is the pillar of courage, the rare treasure of ancient times, how can you go wrong? I think you are not only not dealing with Southern Heaven Gate Courage, even a Dao Heart is not firm enough Ah! The fact is the fact, you must accept it if you do n’t believe it! “

He came out this time and deliberately scolded Qin Nan, not against Qin Nan, but against Ancient Thunder Great Emperor.

Ancient Thunder Great Emperor values ​​Qin Nan, and he now reprimands it just as much as Ancient Thunder Great Emperor.

You Ancient Thunder Great Emperor, didn’t you fancy Qin Nan?

The results of it?

Ancient Thunder Great Emperor’s face was slightly gloomy.

“The False Palace Lord, you’re right, the rare treasure in the ancient world can’t go wrong. But on my side, something happened just now, so this situation will happen. Could it be that Let me test it again, will it not work? ? “

Qin Nan was slightly uncomfortable, but his tone was still normal.

The eyes of the imaginary Great Emperor Avatar suddenly became cold. He did not expect that the Qin Nan in front of him was so stubborn.

He has already spoken and ordered, and actually wants to test for the second time, is this not to put his Vice Palace Lord in his eyes?

“I said no, that’s absolutely impossible.” Great Emperor indifferently said: “I now think that your Dao Heart is very unbalanced, Star Net Palace you don’t have to think about it, go directly to Shadow Palace to report!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was shocked.

You know, the shadow spot, in Heaven Defying Union’s position, is a temple ranked third.

Although Qin Nan only condensed 2 crystals of courage, he did not want to enter Shadow Palace. He could also go to Star Net Palace, maybe he could pass the assessment of Star Net Palace.

Rao is Qin Nan’s character. When he heard this sentence, his heart became extremely uncomfortable.

Enter Shadow Palace?

In order to keep the pillar of courage, he wasted his mind, but now this is the result?

Even more how, the Ancient Thunder Great Emperor never said that Heaven Defying Union has a rule that a discipline is not allowed to test 2 times, and it is so difficult to let him test it again now?

“Senior!” Qin Nan changed his title, coldly said: “Neither stipulated, why not give the test a second time? And, if my second test is the same as the last test, then I will never have 2 words, You don’t have to go to Shadow Palace, just go to Spirit Treasure Temple! “

Spirit Treasure Temple, one of the 4 temples, the one with the lowest status!

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