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Chapter 1100 93 Lin blood training field

Qilin Mountain Range, on the other side.

Qin Nan and Yi Feng both broke out at an alarming speed, leaving Chi Yuehong and the others far behind.

After about 5 minutes, the speed of Qin Nan two people has slowed down.


Qin Nan raised an eyebrow slightly.

I can only see that there is a huge valley not far ahead. There are 3 Martial Ancestor peaks, 2 Martial Ancestor 8-layers, and a Cultivator of Martial Ancestor 7-layer outside the valley. Emperor Technique of the gate, moved towards the front.

As for this valley, it is shrouded by a thick and deep blood light. At the entrance of the valley, the bloody runes and formations of one after another are suspended, making it extremely dangerous, even if it is Martial Ancestor peak Powerhouse, Did not dare to break through.

These 6 Cultivators are attacking these formulations.

“Qin Nan, all directions, is coming with no less than 30 powerful auras.” Yi Feng, who was standing aside, ran Ice Country’s Pupil, glanced at all around, and spoke sound transmission.

Although his pump technique is not as good as Qin Nan’s, the range he can see is quite huge.

“Two fellow daoist, the blood light here, once attacked, they will be counterattacked and unable to break through. The only way is to destroy these Talisman and formation, so we might as well join together …”

The 6 Cultivator, aware of the aura of 2 Qin Nan people, immediately said loudly.

Before they could finish their words, Qin Nan faced Yi Feng nodded, then turned his toes a little, turned into a residual image, and rushed away towards the entrance of the valley.

Yi Feng followed suit.

The 6 Cultivators, seeing this scene, stayed straight.

The runes and formation here, killing the Martial Ancestor peak Powerhouse, is easy and easy. These two people stormed directly, how couldn’t it be killing themselves?

However, at the next moment, they saw Qin Nan’s figure in front and stepped on the wonderfulness of each and everyone. Those runes and formations with great formidable power were unresponsive.

Before long, the silhouettes of Qin Nan and Yi Feng disappeared into their eyes.


The six Cultivator eyes were shocked.

These two people could it be that see through all the runes and formations here?

“Hurry up!”

A Cultivator responded and roared loudly.

If these two people get treasure in advance, then they are fine.

It didn’t take long for Cultivator to come to this valley, more and more, reaching the number seventeen.

Chi Yuehong also brought in more than 20 people.

“What about those 2 people?” Chi Yuehong gasped, glanced around, and then said fiercely to a Cultivator: “Did you just see a young man in a white robe and an old man? “

“The two people have already entered the valley. If you want to find them, let’s destroy these formations and runes together.” One of the previous 6 Cultivators, vision flashes, said.

“What? Go in?”

Chi Yuehong’s face was startled, and he then waved his hand to lead the crowd and shoot at the same time.

As for Qin Nan and Yi Feng, after passing the runes and formation of cave’s mouth, they came to a caver.

This caver is 7 feet high and 4 feet wide, dark, bottomless, and a trace of bloody smell floating, exuding an invisible horror.

Not only that, after Qin Nan and Yi Feng walked into this caver, from the depth of that caver, from time to time, they burst out of Qilin with a battle strength that was comparable to the blood and water of Martial Ancestor 8-layer.

“This place is strange, judging from the blood light above the valley, the runes, formation at the entrance, and the current blood Qilin, the power behind it all is very powerful. However, these blocking means, It’s a bit rough, and it doesn’t use that power to the right place. “

Yi Feng frowns.

If he is given such a powerful force, the injunctions he laid out, etc., will be extremely dangerous. Even geniuses such as Qin Nan who have surpassed the rules of martial arts, it will take great effort to go deep.

Qin Nan nodded, it’s really strange to think about it.

Next, the two people moved on, beheaded Water Qilin, and finally reached the bottom of the caver.

In front of it, stands a blood-colored bronze door, with a Qilin pattern engraved on the bronze door, all of which exude a thick Monster Qi.

Qin Nan glanced up and down, a little toes, and a punch.


The entire blood-colored bronze door, Destruction’s Intent burst out by this fist, shattered in layers.

“this is……”

Qin Nan and Yi Feng, both looked up at the same time, and at a glance, the words startled look appeared.

After I saw the Tongmen, it was an empty land. Above the land, there was a huge training field long to reach 3000 800 zhang and 2 1000 three hundred zhang wide.

This training field is different from other training fields. It is full-blooded, exuding monster Qi and spiritual energy, and there is a lake above the training field. The lake all around grows up. spiritual energy, grotesquely shaped flowers and trees.

In particular, three of the ancient trees, up to ten zhang, are exactly the same as the training field. The whole body is blood red and the leaves are dense. On the trunk, there are Qilin patterns. The aura emitted is not like an ancient tree. Like 3 Immemorial Qilin.

“3 Qilin Wood, as well as Four Divine Beasts Ancient Tree, Leafless Ancient Tree, Cold Ghost Ancient Tree, Nothing Willow, Hundred Qilins Grass, Qilin Blood Life Flower, etc. heavenly material treasure, could it be that this training field … “Yi Feng swallowed hard, his voice trembled,” Is it all formed by Taigu Lin’s blood? “

Meanwhile, beyond the valley.

Under the attack of the people, runes and formations shattered.

Suddenly, there are ten powerful and powerful auras, like Changhong, coming from the sky and falling here.

Chi Yuehong and the others turned his head and saw his face suddenly changed.

what’s the situation?

Ten people at Southern Heaven Divine Land?

And is it the inner sect disciple of the Southern Heaven Divine Land, the God List genius, and the eight Elder of the Southern Heaven Divine Land?

“Well, for a cricket ant, we have so many people here, aren’t we doing a good job?”

An Elder, his face was rather unpleasant.

“Elder, this person is a bit strong, but it is barely worthy of our joint shot. Even more how in this place, there must be a small treasure.”

An inner sect disciple, grinning, said silently.

“Don’t say any more, this person is in the mountains and entering the mountains together.”

A rather majestic Elder waved his hand, and then they thirteen silhouettes, while stepping into the valley, used a variety of mysterious means to pass these runes and formations, one after another.

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