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Chapter 1100 83 Amazing Identity

“What is this movement?”

The very terrifying aura came from the top floor! “

“I just heard Xiaoyu said that the War Clan disciple in the top floor, and Nether Clan, Thunder Clan and Dong Young Master are betting on the fragment!”

“Could it be that this is a natural phenomenon that fragment opens?”

“What? The natural phenomenon that fragment opens? So what kind of fragment is this?”

Gold Flying Palace went up and down, and Cultivators who were participating in gambling, stone gamble, fragment, and so on, were all shaken, shooking look in their eyes.

If they were n’t on the top floor of the Gold Flying Palace, they would n’t be eligible to go up.

At the same time, 7th-layer is in the box.

Yi Feng Grandmaster, Dong Kuo, Nether Clan woman, Thunder Clan man, and Zhan Xiaoxian 5 people looked at the ten ghosts and gods floating in the air with shocked faces.

The roar just now seemed to roar into their hearts.

Because of this scene, it is really incredible.

“These ten ghosts and gods alone, I think this fragment is worth at least 25 10000 Divine Stone, right?”

Qin Nan moved towards Dong Kuo Look, the momentum changes instantly, like a sword.

Since you Dong Kuo like to take advantage of one’s position to bully people, now under this iron fact, continue to take advantage of one’s position to bully people.

“No.” Yi Feng Grandmaster came back to his senses, with a strong surprise look in his eyes, saying, “These ten ghosts and gods are related to a Great Emperor giant on the God List, which is in the top 2 100. Even if it sells 300,000 Divine Stone, there are definitely people who want it. “

“Dong Young Master, should the three of you understand clearly? Who loses now and who wins?”

Qin Nan’s voice fell like thunderbolt.

Dong Kuo, Nether Clan woman, and Thunder Clan youth were all awakened. They didn’t dare to stare at Qin Nan’s eyes. They just felt like their face was burning, uncomfortable, and they wanted to find a place to drill in.

They lost, and they lost.

You know, they were just starting out, but they were so difficult, they kept taunting.

If what happened today is passed on, there is no need to guess, it will inevitably be ridiculed by countless people.

“Win! Win! Duan Qing, you are awesome!” Zhan Xiaoxian flushed with excitement and immediately turned his head and looked towards Dong Kuo 3 people, saying: “Why don’t you 3 people continue to be arrogant? You are not Are you sure you lose? Aren’t you mocking War Clan? But now? You guys … “

Zhan Xiaoxian seemed to start the combat mode, and all kinds of sharp words broke out.

“Zhan Xiaoxian, you’re enough! Don’t go in!”

Dong Kuo took the lead and shouted sharply!

“Inch into the foot? My mother just got in to the foot today! When you raised the price many times just now, taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, why not …”

Zhan Xiaoxian does not flinch, but the momentum is getting fiercer!

Dong Kuo 3’s face was blue, red, and white for a long time, but it couldn’t stand it. It was unbearable. The roar turned into a residual image, opened the door of the box, disappeared, and the silhouette was extremely embarrassed!

“Happy, really happy!” Zhan Xiaoxian, the entire Human God, was refreshed, turned his head to Qin Nan and said, “Duan Qing, thanks to your help this time, this is the glass dagger!”

She without the slightest hesitation, took off the dagger, and threw it directly to Qin Nan!

Qin Nan body was shocked, and the original calm mood suddenly fluctuated!

The first piece of Cang Lan’s Tree is here!

Qin Nan took a deep breath, and then put the dagger cautiously into the Storage Ring, and then fisted in front of Zhan Xiaoxian: “Many thanks, this dagger is really important to me! In addition, Xiaoxian, this fragment is yours!”

“Go … to me? This won’t work, this won’t work …”

Zhan Xiaoxian was startled and shook his head in a hurry.

“That’s it!”

Qin Nan resolute and decisive.


Zhan Xiaoxian complexion changes for a while, then gritted his teeth, and included this fragment into the Storage Ring!

Also in her heart, she secretly vowed that if Duan Qing is in trouble in the future, she will definitely help her!


Qin Nan arched a smile and turned to leave. The priority now is to refining the fragments of Cang Lan’s Tree and see what kind of response it can bring.

“Wait.” Suddenly, Yi Feng Grandmaster, who had been silent, said to Qin Nan sound transmission saying, “Qin Nan, I have one thing. I want to talk to you. Come with me.”

As soon as he said this, Qin Nan was shocked.

Qin Nan? Yi Feng Grandmaster saw his true body?

This is not right. Yi Feng Grandmaster’s Ice Country’s Pupil, although powerful, but also limited in capabilities, is currently using Worldly Affairs Smelting Immortal Technique, which Yi Feng Grandmaster cannot see through.

Thinking about it that way, Qin Nan had a decision in an instant and quickly followed Yi Feng Grandmaster’s figure.

Under the leadership of Yi Feng Grandmaster, two people left the Gold Flying Palace and came to a remote house in the city, which was covered by countless mysterious formations.

Just stepping into the hospital, Qin Nan’s eyes instantly cooled down and he said, “Yi Feng Grandmaster, who are you?”

Yi Feng didn’t care about Qin Nan’s Murderous Intention, but was rather mild with a smile: “Qin Nan, Heaven Defying Union, do you know?”

“Heaven Defying Union? Are you from Heaven Defying Union?”

Qin Nan’s eyes startled look.

Because he never thought that Yi Feng was actually from Heaven Defying Union.

“Yes, to be precise, I’m Elder of Heaven Defying Union.” Yi Feng took out one piece of Token and threw it to Qin Nan. “I came out this time and walked around the Big City ruins to dig some People, join the Heaven Defying Union, and did n’t expect, so I met you. “

Qin Nan took a look at the Token. Whether it is aura or other aspects of the material, it is exactly the same as the jade slip given to him by Gong Yang. It is indeed a token of the Heaven Defying Union.

In the center of the Token, there is also a special “Yi” word, which is obviously to guard against the disguise of getting the Token.

“Then how did you find me?”

Qin Nan opens the mouth to ask, and in his eyes, there is still a hint of vigilance.

“Because of Heaven Defying Stone, Heaven Defying Stone can detect all Star Level enemies of Southern Heaven Gate.”

Yi Feng once again took out one piece of the wonderful cobblestone showing a dreamy blue color. This cobblestone seemed to perceive something. The blue light emitted by it became deeper.

“And, according to the news, if you left the Central Region, you must have come to Demigod’s Country. In the second, we all know your information. Knowing that you are good at the blade technique, but also the pump technique and the movement technique. Combining these doubts, I will Tentatively, didn’t expect you really Qin Nan. “

The corner of Yi Feng’s mouth evoked a smile.

“so that’s how it is.”

There was no trace of doubt in Qin Nan’s mind.

“Qin Nan, don’t talk nonsense, let me ask you, do you want to join the Heaven Defying Union? I might as well tell you that within the past 3 years, our Union Master will move the sword south …”

Yi Feng eyes stared at Qin Nan, paused, and said endlessly, “Broken Heavenly Gate!”

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