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Chapter 1100 70 Chapter Terror Aura

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

as everyone knows, the Dragon Emperor Institution can become the leader of the Central Region, not only because of Dragon Emperor, Nine Tails Monster Emperor, or Dark Monster Emperor, but because behind the Dragon Emperor Institution, Demigod’s Country 6 is restricted Monster God Restricted Area, one of the areas!

Monster God Restricted Area. In ancient times, it was stronger than Three Great Influences. Although it is now declining, its power and heritage are also second only to Three Great Influences that’s all. It is an unshakable huge monster!

Now this voice, dare to speak like this, it must be the legendary Monster God!

Martial God-level Powerhouse!

“No! This is absolutely not possible! Lord Monster God, Qin Nan only exposed everything for our Dragon Emperor Institution and saved our dignity! How can we be injustice to Qin Nan?” Dragon Emperor’s face was the first change.

“Yes! Lord Monster God! I can prove the emperor thanks to Qin Nan’s help, and in any case, Qin Nan is the discipline of our Dragon Emperor Institution, and no outsiders are allowed to hurt!” Ao Cangtian also strode With a firm attitude, without Qin Nan, he would never be able to prove the emperor.

“Master Monster God! Qin Nan is Ah of our Dragon Emperor Institution!”

“Dragon Emperor and Cangtian Senior Brother are right! We must not let outsiders hurt Qin Nan!”

“Master Monster God! We must not do this Ah!”

Peak Emperor, Elder, and Disciple of the Dragon Emperor Institution are all at this time, and they have changed countenance, and hurried to speak!

In their hearts, Qin Nan has really been regarded as the Dragon Emperor Institution, and Qin Nan has paid too much for the Dragon Emperor Institution, and they must not forget to favors and violate justice!

“Why? Not even my words? Dragon Emperor Institution, not only can’t help Qin Nan, starting today, Qin Nan has been expelled from Dragon Emperor Institution, and there is no longer any connection between Dragon Emperor Institution!”

Monster God’s cold voice exploded in the sky.

Dragon Emperor, Ao Cangtian, and the Peak Emperor Institution Peak Lord, Elder, disciple are stared wide-eyed, with an incredible color on their faces.

Not only did they not help Qin Nan, they also expelled Qin Nan from Sect?

The next moment, the voice of Monster God, did not continue to sound in the sky, but in the minds of Dragon Emperor, Ao Cangtian, and each Monster Race disciple.

“I hope you all know! Qin Nan has no value to the entire Dragon Emperor Institution and the entire Monster Race!”

“Not only is it worthless, the current Qin Nan is also an enemy of Southern Heaven Gate 3 Star level. If it is forcibly sheltered, it will definitely have some impact on our entire Monster Race! Could it be that you forget, what we are carrying on Monster Race Mission? “

“For the entire Monster Race, we must expel Qin Nan. If anyone dares to disobey, it is betraying the Monster Race! That’s it!”

Three consecutive paragraphs, blasted continuously.

After the last three words fell, Monster God’s voice never sounded again.

However, Dragon Emperor and people like Dragon Emperor Institution, such as Ao Cangtian, are because of these 3 words, the divine light in the eyes is shaking violently, and the whole body is even shaking slightly.

They now fully understand.

Because Qin Nan does not have a emperor, because Qin Nan is the one Nantian is going to kill, and because Qin Nan has no use value, so they will abandon Qin Nan in Monster Race.

However, Qin Nan once took out Monster Beating Staff, trained Ao Cangtian 3 people, and later helped Ao Cangtian emperor, and now for the discipline of the Dragon Emperor Institution and for the dignity of the Dragon Emperor Institution, it exposed the rules beyond martial arts. There are countless crises …

Qin Nan has paid so much for the Dragon Emperor Institution. Today, they actually ignored Qin Nan and expelled Qin Nan?

Could it be that is called, for the entire Monster Race?

“Hahaha! Monster Monster God, really bright! Monster Race can have Monster God Lord sitting in the town, beyond the glory of the past, and it is just around the corner! Today’s friendship, we have accepted the Southern Heaven Divine Land!”

Southern Sword Great Emperor laughed, he absolutely did not expect that Monster God would come forward in person.

This will make things easier.

“Qin Nan, die!”

Southern Sword Great Emperor smiled convergently, his eyes were cold, and he strode. From him, he burst out a heavens-frightening sword intent, and moved towards it!

The rest of the Great Emperor, seeing this scene, were all expression fluctuates, and then thought of something, withdrew the emperor’s power within the body!

At this point, they don’t have to worry about it!

Even the Dragon Emperor Institution, where Qin Nan is, abandoned the Dragon Emperor Institution. Even if they didn’t do it, the whole world would laugh at the Dragon Emperor Institution, and it had nothing to do with them!

“Not good! Sima Kong! Ready to get started!” Gong Yang stood up suddenly, blinking 9 ancient silhouettes in his eyes!

“Shit !, a group of bastard, what shit Monster God, to forget favors and violate justice guys, someday, I have to hollow out its nest and burn it!” Sima Kong complexion changes are ugly Extremely, while swearing, he scooped out the magic seal!

Suddenly, at this moment!

“Southern Sword Great Emperor!”

2 roars, blast directly in the void!

I only saw Dragon Emperor and Ao Cangtian, and they took the lead to respond. The two terrifying dragon’s prestige, like the vast sea, shook away, and moved towards Southern Sword Great Emperor.

“Hahaha, Dragon Emperor, Ao Cangtian, what do you two people want? Could it be that you want to disobey the orders of Lord Monster God? Could it be that you want to be evicted from Monster Race forever?”

Southern Sword Great Emperor expression does not change at all, as if it had been expected, laughed heartily, the word beaded.


There was a momentary pause between Dragon Emperor and Ao Cangtian!

Because they were instilled in Monster Race from an early age, no matter what happened, they must obey Monster God’s call, so what Monster God said, left a shadow in their hearts!

“The opportunity is here! Nantian sword aura!”

Southern Sword Great Emperor sneered, spiritual thought, a new word aura, this word aura, is like a meteorite outside the sky, it is like falling from the endless void into the world, not only that, but also has an ancient coercion that made 10000 things shudder!

In less than an instant, this sword aura has fallen above Qin Nan’s head!

“Do not–“

Dragon Emperor and Ao Cangtian and the Dragon Emperor Institution are all white at the same time, but now everything is too late, because they are too late!

“Nothing is left, nothing is there!”

A loud drinking sounded!

I only saw Sima Kong, a mysterious brilliance erupted, covering Qin Nan’s body, making Qin Nan’s figure, at this moment, moving faster than this Nantian sword aura, moved towards the rear , Go backwards!

This is the theft of Sima Kong. When it is stolen, the world is the fastest!

“Want to escape? Die!”

Southern Sword Great Emperor’s face remained the same, but in his eyes, he showed disdain!


I saw the terrifying matchless Nantian sword aura, as if it had spirituality, fine-tuned it, and moved towards Qin Nan at a more amazing speed!

This is the power of Nantian sword aura. Once cut out, you can lock the opponent’s aura, and the other party cannot escape!

“Fuck! Damn Old Turtle!”

Sima Kong complexion changes

Gong Yang on the side, with a calm face, the magic seal was completely closed!

Qin Nan, shrouded in mysterious rays of light, also shrinks, raising his left and right arms at the same time!

The left arm resists the attack, and the right arm is the Breaking Heavens Blade, which is used to resolve the sword intent of the southern sky sword aura, which is more suitable!

Suddenly, at this moment, mutation suddenly occurred!


shouted tremendously, as if blasting from Nine Heavens!

A terrifying coercion raged down from the depths of the endless void!

Southern Sword Great Emperor and the Great Emperor present, the face changed suddenly, and in his eyes, a silk astonished expression was revealed!

how come……

How could there be such a terrible aura?

Could it be that it was Martial God Powerhouse, did you intervene?

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