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Chapter 1100 69 Murderous intention Burst

At this time, not only the Elder and Disciple in the audience, but also the Great Emperor such as the Dragon Emperor and the Emperor Great Emperor and Yuyao Great Emperor, their eyes were full of surprise.

No one would have expected it to be such a result.

Qin Nan expression as usual, without the slightest ripple.

He rejected Two Great Influences mainly because he felt that joining Two Great Influences would not only do him no good, but would hinder his oneself.

Moreover, he also keenly caught 2 doubt points.

First, why do Southern Heaven Divine Land, Martial Dao Sect, and Jade Lake Sacred Land simultaneously have a genius that transcends the rules of martial arts?

Second, why did the Three Great Influences join forces to announce that they have changed the rules for recruiting disciples?

The answer to these two questions is naturally unknown to Qin Nan, but it is certain that the two points are that Three Great Influences have a common plot, and if necessary, Three Great Influences will choose to join forces.

If Qin Nan joins Martial Dao Sect and Jade Lake Sacred Land, any Sect, when he is about to break the Southern Heaven Gate, he is blocked by his own Sect, what should he do?

Qin Nan is a affectionate person. Sect treats him like a loved one. He must treat Sect like a loved one.

So he didn’t want to add restraint to himself.

As for his exposure to things beyond the rules of martial arts, will it lead to countless dangers?

This is beyond the scope of Qin Nan’s consideration.

Because he joined a power, he did not want to be protected by this power.

“Jiwu Senior, Yuyao Senior, and everyone here, I know you all want to know how I surpassed the rules of martial arts. In this regard, I swear with the Heaven and Earth vow, and tell everyone that it is okay.”

Qin Nan faintly smiled.

As soon as this statement came out, it was true that the great Emperor, Yuyao Great Emperor, and the Great Emperor, Elder, and disciplines who were in shock were suddenly moved.

Did they not hear it wrong?

Qin Nan is willing to say such things?

“you are serious?”

Yuyao Great Emperor hesitated, and tried Asking Dao.

As the Great Emperor said earlier, the reason why Jade Lake Sacred Land and Martial Dao Sect value Qin Nan so much is that the first is because Qin Nan transcended the rules of martial arts, even though the emperor has not yet succeeded, but 100 years later, there are still Opportunity, number two is wanting to know, a way to go beyond the rules of martial arts.

“Of course it is true. I swear to Heaven and Earth now. If there is a bit of falsehood as described below, it will be thundered that day and the cultivation level will collapse.”

The corners of Qin Nan’s mouth evoke the curvature.

He exposed that going beyond the rules of martial arts will lead to countless crises. The big reason is that too many people want to know how to go beyond the rules of marial arts.

Even Sheng Tianjing has this abacus.

In this case, he might as well speak up.

Anyway, if you want to condense the second Martial Ancestor’s Tree, you need the power of War God as the foundation to succeed. In this world, there is no one other than Qin Nan who can achieve the power of War God.

In this way, you can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

“I have read a book and it said, first of all, there must be a single thought head. Why is there only one Martial Ancestor’s Tree in the world? Why is there only one Martial Spirit?”

“I asked myself, why is my Martial Ancestor’s Tree only one, not two, or more?”

“By chance, I got a power of Mysterious. Based on this power of Mysterious, I condensed the Martial Ancestor’s Tree, so I went beyond the rules of martial arts.”

Shouted Qin Nan.

Although these words were few, they fell into the ears of everyone, like a thunder!

“Why is there only one right! Martial Tree? Can’t there be two?”

“Fuck!! With one other power, can you condense the second Martial Tree?”

“It was so simple?”

“You stupid you, the difficulties involved are obviously very huge, and that kind of Mysterious power is also very important!”

One after another, the shocking sound resounded throughout the training field.

All Great Emperor, Elder, and disciplines are all brilliant and their faces are slightly excited.

Obviously, Qin Nan’s words opened a new door for them.

Of course, it’s not just for them. When this thing goes out, it will open a new door for the entire Cultivator of Cang Lan Continent.

“Qin Nan little friend, many thanks this time, if you would like to, we will open the door of Martial Dao Sect at any time!” Jiwu Great Emperor took a deep look at Qin Nan, no more words, stepped into the light gate ,Disappear.

“Giggle, Qin Nan, you are so funny, I hope to see you again!”

Yuyao Great Emperor laughed, her figure flickered, and it disappeared.

Now that you know how to go beyond the rules of martial arts, there is no need to continue.

After all, Qin Nan has not yet been emperor, and Martial Spirit is just Heaven level 5-Rank.

“Yes, it seems that the boy Qin Nan has not been completely stunned by anger. In this way, the entire Cang Lan Continent will not only set off a new practice trend, but also many people will dispel Qin Nan. Lord intent … “

Gong Yang couldn’t help but sigh.

Until now, he knew that Qin Nan was very smart.

It’s just that this kid, sometimes, is a little silly.

“Good, good, good!”

Suddenly, three good words exploded across the sky.

one after another horrible emperor’s prestige, like the vast sea, rippling continuously in the sky.

This person is a Southern Sword Great Emperor who has never been silent.

I only saw the Southern Sword Great Emperor, with a somber face, pointing at the ground, and shouting loudly: “Qin Nan, you turned the Southern Heaven Divine Land into a full six disciples, half-disabled, and the sin is deep, I am now Destroy you! “

Hong long!

Southern Sword Great Emperor A big hand shot, a scary sword light, under Sky Piercing Slash!

This blow is enough to penetrate the entire rays of light training field!


“Southern Sword Great Emperor, don’t be shameless!”

“Also want to take advantage of one’s position to bully people in the Central Region?”

The Dragon Emperor and the Extraordinary Blade Emperor, the Demon Emperor, and the Great Emperor all stood out at the same time, exuding heavens-frightening anger!

Naturally, they can’t just watch it. Southern Sword Great Emperor is shooting Qin Nan in the eyes!

As for the six heavens in Southern Heaven Divine Land?

Let ’s not talk about Southern Heaven Divine Land ’s humiliation of the Central Region and the Dragon Emperor Institution. The rules of competition alone are Life and Death Battle. Qin Nan did not kill this group of people, which is pretty good!

Everything is done according to rules!

Southern Sword Great Emperor’s face remains unchanged, as if I had expected this scene, shouted sharply: “Dragon Emperor, and also Great Emperor, etc. Qin Nan not only abolished our Southern Heaven Divine Land 6 disciplines, but also Qin Nan is Southern Heaven Gate 3 Star level enemies, if you dare to stop, you are against our Southern Heaven Divine Land! “

As soon as this statement was made, the original raging Dragon Emperor and the others were all complexion stiffened, with a huge shocking look in their eyes.

3 Star level enemies?

Qin Nan is actually an enemy of Southern Heaven Gate 3 Star level?

What a joke!

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