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Chapter 1100 67 The Giant Arrives

“What? This person is Sheng Tianjing?”

The audience was in the excitement of the Great Emperor, Elder, and disciplines, all of which had a startled look in their eyes.

Because they never expected, Sheng Tianjing from Southern Heaven Divine Land, with 3 Martial Spirits, is actually here.

“Hahaha, Qin Nan, there are so many surprises to you today, I want to thank you!”

In the face of this intensive blade intent, Sheng Tianjing expressed the same expression, but laughed loudly, and when he laughed, his sleeve robe suddenly flung, and he actually hit an invisible majestic force. blade intent, forcibly twisted into shatters.

Throwing away the blade intent, these small means are enough to see that Sheng Tianjing’s grasp of power has reached an extremely terrifying level.

“Then I hope you can surprise me today!”

Qin Nan expression Indifferent, 7 Martial Trees rushed at the same time, occupying 7 directions, and moved towards Sheng Tianjing’s figure, directly suppressed.

Although Qin Nan shot with anger this time, Qin Nan was not stupid. He did not release all 9 Martial Trees, but as the enemy became stronger, he released more Martial Trees.

Now that the battle is over, he is already full of War Blood, and he hopes that Sheng Tianjing will not let him down.

“Bring you a surprise? That forget about it, my current body is just a substitute that’s all!”

Faced with 7 Martial Trees, Sheng Tianjing expressed as usual without fighting intent.

The Great Emperor, Elder, and disciple present at the scene. After hearing this sentence, they immediately figured it out.

After all, the true deity of Sheng Tianjing is too strange to be here.

“Just a stand-in? Could it be that you’re afraid?”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Afraid? Hahaha! Qin Nan, the last time Demigod’s Country, God List opened Emperor’s Fate Contest, I have carried Emperor’s Fate, and directly prove the emperor! Although your 7 Martial Trees are extremely powerful, but the disparity between you and me, Just like Heaven and Earth! In my eyes, you are not worthy of being my opponent, it’s just one of my prey! “

Sheng Tianjing looked at Qin Nan, standing against his hands, laughing upright, wearing a robe, dancing without wind, in his within the body, an invisible Sovereign momentum, gradually awakens, as if this between Heaven and Earth, he It’s the only one, the real Ruler.

This is his most real thought.

“Not worth it?”

The corners of Qin Nan’s lips evoke a curving arc, and I hope that in the near future, Sheng Tianjing dare to say this.

“Qin Nan, although I can’t surprise you, but you exposed itself’s transcendence of the martial arts rules, so your surprise will come right away. I hope that you will be able to carry it, live well, and be thorough. Be my hunter— “

Sheng Tianjing spoke again, but only half of it was interrupted directly.

“Since it’s a stand-in, let’s talk nonsense!”

With a big wave of Qin Nan, the 7 Martial Trees in the sky dropped directly, shattering Sheng Tianjing’s body directly.

“You … you actually …”

The purple color robe old man and the two other Elders were stared wide-eyed. It was not expected at all. Qin Nan was so overbearing that he directly gave Sheng Tianjing’s substitute to suppress and kill!

“What am I actually? Your three Great Influences’ disciples have all swept away. You three, if you don’t want to die, just let me go!”

Qin Nan looked coldly towards 3 people.


Purple color robe old man 3 people, seeing this scene, countless chills rose in their hearts immediately, they have no doubt about this sentence, if they don’t leave now, I’m afraid Qin Nan will really kill them.

However, right here in an instant.

The Great Emperor, the black pupil in the sky, and the Dragon Emperor, Extraordinary Blade Emperor, and Demon Emperor, etc. not far away, suddenly noticed something, his face changed slightly, and he looked up, moved towards the deep sky, Looked over.

Hong long!

A terrible explosion sounded from the depths of the void!

I only saw the sky that was originally ten thousand li, a piece of azure sky, suddenly enveloped by a huge darkness, so that the entire land was plunged into darkness, as if endless night came!

At this time, in the countless darkness, a long to reach hundred zhang high rays of light portal emerged, and from the depth of that portal, a statue of ten zhang was illusive, exuding a strong emperor’s prestige silhouette, step out of it!

The eyes of the Great Emperor present were all condensed!

“See Supreme Elder!”

Elder of Martial Dao Sect, middle-aged man with long hair, seeing this silhouette, his face suddenly rejoiced, hurriedly, clenched his fists, bowed saluted!

This middle-aged man is truly the Supreme Elder of Martial Dao Sect today, and the great Emperor!

“What? Supreme Elder?”

“Fuck!! Are Supreme Elder of Martial Dao Sect alarmed?”

“What is this going to do?”

Elder, disciple on the entire training field showed shocking look in his eyes.

Many of them have been to Demigod’s Country, so they still know the basics of Three Great Influences.

Among the Three Great Influences, Supreme Elder has the most power, Sect Master takes second place, and Supreme Elder is third.

For Supreme Elder, the cultivation level must be Great Emperor, and it is also the Powerhouse of the Great Emperor.

More importantly, even in Demigod’s Country, even within Martial Dao Sect, these Supreme Elder silhouettes are generally rarely seen.

Now, Supreme Elder of Martial Dao Sect is here.

“This time Qin Nan’s shot, it’s cool, but the trouble is coming. I remember, your stealing is matchless in the world, right?” Gong Yang’s face was dignified, looking towards Sima Kong .

“Of course, it’s not me who blows, I’m the first in the world, and no one will disagree.” Sima Kong laughed.

“Well, get ready, it’s just beginning now.” Gong Yang took a deep breath, slowly said.

“Just started, you mean …”

Sima Kong froze slightly, suddenly realized something, looked up again, and looked towards the void.

Sure enough, in Martial Dao Sect Supreme Elder, the Emperor Great Emperor appeared in less than half a breath, from the endless darkness, 2 long to reach several hundred zhang’s rays of light portal, suddenly suspended, the portal Among them, 2 extremely magnificent emperor’s prestige, rolled to 4 sides!

These two emperor’s prestige are not weaker than the Extreme Emperor, and they are different from each other!

“this is……”

At the Great Emperor present, his face finally changed.

They are also Great Emperor giants. Natural Supreme is naturally not as shocking as those Elders and Disciples, but now they have noticed some.

I only saw a woman in a white portal wearing a white robe, tightly wrapped in a lithe and graceful body, full of invisible charm, walking out slowly.

From the right portal, an old man wearing an azure robe with a white beard and sharp eyes, like a Divine Sword-like old man, stepped out. Compared with this woman, his momentum, More sharp.

These two people are Jade Lake Sacred Land Supreme Elder and Southern Heaven Divine Land Supreme Elder!

Three Great Influences Supreme Elder, at the same time!

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