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Chapter 1000 150 4 Extremely Arrogant

The whole rays of light training field, the whole field Elder, genius saw this scene, can’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

Because they absolutely did not expect that things would come to this point.

“These are God List Genius Ah!”

“Even if the God List genius suppresses Martial Spirit and cultivation level, is it impossible to win?”

“Hey, we are in the Central Region, I’m afraid we will lose out.”

Many people shook their heads.

Because in their hearts, the genius of Three Great Influences must be more powerful than the genius of the Central Region.

Dragon Emperor and other Great Emperors, spiritual thoughts were passed on to each other, and an instant decision was made.

“Dao Qianzhong, Wen Wu, your two people.” Extraordinary Blade Emperor indifferently said.

“Jiu Hui, you will meet the genius of Three Great Influences.” Great Emperor said with a sneer.

“Xiang Taiji, play with the God List genius.”

“Du Xinyuan, try it up.”

5 big geniuses, dispatched instantly.

Dao Qianzhong is the top ten of the Emperor’s List. Almost the emperor, Jiu Hui, Xiang Taiji, and Du Xinyuan are the top 20 of the Emperor’s List. Wen Wu is also the top 40 of the Emperor’s List. This lineup is already the Peak battle strength of the Central Region. huge.

This is also the consideration of Great Emperor. It is best to win directly in the first game.

Whiz whiz whiz !

However, what was unexpected was that from the Three Great Influences, only three disciples flew out and landed in the center of this training field. They were two female disciples from Jade Lake Sacred Land and one from Martial Dao Sect. Celebrity disciple!

“En? What does this mean?”

Dragon Emperor frowned.

Many Elders and geniuses present were also puzzled.

The male disciple of Martial Dao Sect immediately came forward, facing the audience, holding his fists and indifferently said: “Great Emperor, Seniors, really sorry. Just now we communicated ourselves, I think the genius of the Central Region, 5 people It’s too wasteful. The three of us … are more than enough! “

As soon as this remark was made, Dao Qianzhong, who had a somber expression on his face, suddenly felt angry.

Not only them, Elder and genius present, even Great Emperor, expressions all is a chill.

“Too arrogant!”

“Take 3 against us 5?”

“Fuck! This makes it clear that we look down on our Central Region genius Ah!”

“Dao Qianzhong, five of you, must go well, and teach this group of bastards!”

One after another, the sound of anger resounded through the sky.

After all, the geniuses present were all born from the Central Region, or from more remote places. Three Great Influences looked down on Dao Qianzhong and the others, which means that they all look down on them.

“Let’s start the contest.”

Black Eyed Great Emperor said.


Dao Qianzhong, who was already angry, burst into a powerful momentum in an instant. The spiritual thoughts of the five people communicated tightly and stepped out of a mysterious formulation. From there, around, three were moved towards the Three Great Influences discipline, Simultaneously siege away!

The whole boiling audience was quiet immediately, and everyone present was watching this scene closely!

Suddenly, the war broke out!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another exploded on the training field!

The rays of light of countless Emperor Technique shine, it is extremely dazzling!

In less than 1000 breaths, Dao Qianzhong teamed up with 5 people to burst out a powerful battle strength, and the cooperation is extremely perfect, and the genius of Three Great Influences has been forced to retreat.

However, the genius of Three Great Influences has not yet waited for the audience to be better. The genius of Three Great Influences suddenly burst into an astonishing momentum, played the terrible Emperor Technique, and directly suppressed Dao Qianzhong 5!

The situation is reversed!

Not only that, although the genius of Three Great Influences has suppressed the cultivation level, their Martial Ancestor is much stronger than Dao Qianzhong and the others. The perception of Emperor Technique is even more unfathomable. Also makes Dao Qianzhong 5 people, defeated one after another, completely suppressed, there is no room for reversal!

The expression of everyone in the audience suddenly became hard to look!

Time passed by, and the war became more and more fierce!

at last……

Until 15 minutes later!

The 2 female disciple of Jade Lake Sacred Land suddenly hit a powerful Emperor Technique, which blocked 5 people from Dao Qianzhong directly, and changed the complexion of 5 people from Dao Qianzhong. It was too late to resist, and Martial Dao Sect disciple was brewing a full 15 The killing move of minutes, complete release, countless brilliance, completely drowned 5 people!


With the explosion of one after another!

Dao Qianzhong 5 Everyone was severely wounded, covered with blood, and flew out, fell heavily on the ground, and passed out.

At this moment …

The entire training field fell into a deadly silence!

Even though Great Emperor, Elder, and geniuses have been prepared for a long time, but their heart is also fiercely tight, as if pinched by an invisible big hand, it is slightly suffocating!


They lost!

They were 5 geniuses in the Central Region, and they were defeated against Three Great Influences 3 geniuses!


“I knew Ah!”

“The genius of Three Great Influences was terrifying. Dao Qianzhong and 5 people joined forces, and they were all invincible!”

“The young man just brought the Emperor Technique to the point of achieved perfection!”

“Sure enough, the genius of Demigod’s Country, even his peers, is the most powerful!”

Countless sighs resounded throughout the rays of light training field.

Many Elders and geniuses are helpless.

Even though they are angry, they are upset, but have to admit that this is the gap.

“The first game, Three Great Influences triumphed.” Black Emperor Great Emperor looked towards Dragon Emperor and the others, lightly said with a smile: “Dragon Emperor, now in the second game, or as before, you send someone first . “

At the same time, the Dragon Emperor Institution, in the restricted area deep, Keeliya.


Qin Nan’s eyes suddenly opened, and a blast of astral qi fluttered on him!

“Well! Lianhua is too obsessed!”

Qin Nan hits his forehead!

In this practice, he keenly discovered that Dragon Qi of Dragon Bone has great benefits to his body, so accidentally, he sinks into a deep practice!

If it wasn’t for him to wake up in time, I’m afraid this time, he is still in practice!

A glance at the token, the spiritual thought from Nine Tails Monster Emperor, Qin Nan’s corner of his mouth suddenly smiled!

This is over, when you will go out, you must not be able to endure a meal!

“Forget it, hurry up, hoping that the emperor ceremony is not over yet!”

Qin Nan secretly thought, he looked up and moved towards Dragonbone. Looking over the sky, after all, now Nine Tails Monster Emperor is participating in the emperor ceremony. Impossible comes to pick him up, so he has to rely on his own strength to return to Dragon Emperor Institution!

“This seems to be a small independent space with a lot of restrictions outside. Now it seems that only Breaking Heavens Blade can be used, and then Nine Tails Monster Emperor will be compensated for them …

Qin Nan watched for a while, then settled on the lord intent, took out Breaking Heavens Blade, and the sword moved towards the sky!

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