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Chapter 1100 40 4 Deterrence



“Impudent, dare to break into the Limitless Mountain Range!”

More than a dozen angry cries, sounded at the same time below the cliff, followed by more than a dozen Emperor Techniques, like Changhong Changhong, soaring into the sky.

Qin Nan’s dark red hair fluttered in the wind, and his toes were slightly changed, becoming a dozen afterimages. These Emperor Techniques were easily avoided and landed on the bottom of the cliff.

Qin Nan looked up, and immediately saw that there were a total of ten Cultivators not far from the front, of which 8 were wearing the clothing of the Limitless God Union, a cultivation level was not low, and the other three were one of them. Qi Yuxuanang, with a trace of innate pride in his eyebrows, is obviously of extraordinary origin.

As for this young man, there are a young man with white clothed swords and a young man with long shawls.

“En? White clothed Swordsman clean? Monster Pupil Water Baron?”

Qin Nan slightly startled, these two people, he was quite impressed. When Emperor’s Fate Contest first pass, the two guys shot at the last crucial time, and they fought a battle with him. The cultivation level was good, but it was a bit pity later. , Did not reach Emperor’s Fate Contest third pass.

“this is……”

Qin Nan’s sight was quickly attracted by the scene behind the eighteen people. After seeing a lake, there was one piece of boulder up to three people tall. The stone appeared white, and the thunder light flashed from time to time. Condensed into a vortex, like a gate to New World.

Through this stone, I am afraid that I can reach the real treasure of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor.

In contrast to the eighteen people, the dozens of Limitless God Union disciple just shot, with a hint of fear in their eyes, didn’t expect this guy in front of him, easily avoided their attack.

Such a cultivation level, I’m afraid a genius who is not weaker than white clothed Swordsman and eye pupil water man?

“What are you still doing?” The famous Yuxuanang youth, coldly pump light, shouted: “This is the restricted area of ​​the Limitless God Union, this person dares to break free, and now immediately shot, kill him, if he dares to resist “Sect Sect!”

Although this young man also sees the extraordinaryness of Qin Nan, it is only extraordinary. This is one of the biggest secrets of the Limitless God Union. Whoever sees it must die.

“As you bid!”

15 Limitless God Union disciple, his face suddenly murderous aura flying.


White clothed Swordsman Wu Chen and Monster Pupil Water Baron, both shocked from the beginning, came back to his senses, and shouted.

15 Limitless God Union disciple is a stunned look with confusion in his eyes.

“what happened?”

Youth eyebrows are slightly frowned.

“You must not mess with this person,” Monster Pupil Water Baron told his sound transmission. The white clothed Swordsman was dust-free, but he arched at Qin Nan. “Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, unexpectedly, in this place, I actually met you. “

“Qin Nan?”

The youth’s face was filled with astonishment.

The 15 Limitless God Union’s disciple is also shocked. Didn’t expect this youth, which is Qin Nan, owned by.

“It’s a fate indeed, but I still have something to do, and I won’t talk to the other two, and I will have a chance to talk again.” Qin Nan arched his hands at the white clothed Swordsman and Monster Pupil Water Baron, then tiptoeed, and figure moved towards that big stone.

“Stop him! Hurry up and suppress him!” The young man, came back to his senses, excited, and shouted.

This is Qin Nan. He has the secret of Breaking Heavens. As long as he kills Qin Nan, he can get this secret and he can fly into the sky.

Of course, he also understands that this Qin Nan is quite powerful, but now they are full of eighteen people, how to surrender Qin Nan how couldn’t it be easy?

15 Limitless God Union disciple, without the slightest hesitation, immediately ready to start.

“Are you crazy?”

white clothed Swordsman Dustless and Monster Pupil Water Baron, his face suddenly changed, without the slightest hesitation, long sword turned empty, the demon pupil moved, moved towards these 15 disciple, attacked, and drove these 15 disciple immediately.

“What are you two doing? Don’t forget your responsibilities!”

Qi Yuxuan’s youth, forehead blue veins suddenly palpitates, shouted sharply.

He absolutely didn’t expect that they two people would actually stop him.

That 15 Limitless God Union disciple, his face is also quite ugly.

“I tell you, who are you …”

Monster Pupil Water Baron took a deep breath, holding back the anger, and said, except that his words were not finished yet, and a shocked voice sounded.

“Qin … Qin Nan is heading for Dashi!”

This statement was like a thunder.

The youth of Qi Yuxuanang, as well as 15 Limitless God Union disciple, turned his head and looked at Qin Nan who was walking towards the stone, all with shocked faces.

Is this Qin Nan crazy?

Others don’t know, they are the most clear, this big rock is the highest secret of their Limitless God Union!

In the past, the Promise Great Emperor led 108 Martial Ancestor peak Powerhouse, and also invited 2 Great Emperor friends to help, and displayed the Promise Teana 5 killing formation, forcibly attacking this big stone, this big stone is standing upright, and it is unstoppable Injury-free, and also showed an astonishing invincible might, killing a full 58 Martial Ancestor peak Powerhouse.

If it weren’t for the Promise Great Emperor had prepared the means in advance, the rest of them would not have been able to escape.

Now Qin Nan moved towards this big rock, what is the difference between this and bringing about one’s own destruction?

However, at the next moment, they saw an unforgettable scene from Eternal Life.

I only saw Qin Nan and went all the way, as if I hadn’t encountered any obstacles. He easily came to the big stone. He was tiptoe and exuded one after another blade intent on his body. Inside, the body disappeared into the eyes of everyone.


The youth of Qi Yuxuanang, and the 15 Limitless God Union disciple, are stared wide-eyed, and overflowing heaven stormy seas in their hearts.

How is this going?

The 3 Great Emperor and 108 Martial Ancestor peak teamed up, what can’t be done, Qin Nan actually did it?

Moreover, it is still intact?

Although Monster Pupil Water Baron did not know the top secret hidden by this boulder, he also guessed a little, his eyes suddenly revealed the cold sharp glow, his face was unprecedentedly killed, and said: “I remind you, you want to die yourself. Do n’t pull me and dustless! In this world, even if you include Demigod’s Country, anyone can mess with it, but Qin Nan, you must not mess with it! “

“I hope you know that even the famous geniuses such as Shi Qingfan, Buddha, Enchantress, and so on, give them great benefits, and they do not have the courage to dare to provoke Qin Nan. If you want to provoke, even if you violate the oath I wo n’t be here. “

white clothed Swordsman looked at the young man and the others, coldly said.

The two people still remember how shocking Qin Nan was when he released 5 Martial Trees.

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