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Chapter 1100 34 Emperor Dao by Qin Nan

At this moment, Emperor’s Fate Contest, third pass.

“Haha, I didn’t tell you before. I left a 3 dao intent in my left arm. When you were promoted to the Great Emperor, this 2 dao intent was triggered.” Azure Dragon Saint Lord issued A hearty laugh, looking at Qin Nan, with a kind look, saying, “didn’t expect, you have grown to this point after a few years.”

“Master ……”

Qin Nan’s nose is slightly sour.

Azure Dragon Saint Lord left 3 dao intent, presumably all for him.

“Well, now is not the time to tell the old. This time I appeared, mainly to tell you something, and then prove the emperor, you have to think clearly.” Azure Dragon Saint Lord’s expression gradually became serious.

“en? What?”

Qin Nan’s face went blank.

Earlier, the power of War God blocked 9 Martial Trees, and now Azure Dragon Saint Lord appears again in person. Obviously, this thing is extremely unusual.

“I ask you, what is cultivation?” Azure Dragon Saint Lord eyes were sharp.

“Cultivation? In my understanding, cultivation is to become a Powerhouse through hard work and so on.” Qin Nan replied.

Azure Dragon Saint Lord slightly nodded, saying: “Yes, cultivation is to become a Powerhouse through hard work. Normally, whether it is becoming Martial Emperor, becoming Martial God, or breaking the rules of Cang Lan Continent, come to Nine Heavens, all need to rely on their own cultivation to achieve. “

“what do you mean……”

Qin Nan realized what was happening, and his face moved.

“Yes, today’s Cang Lan Continent, cultivation, has been altered beyond recognition. According to Cang Lan Continent Cultivator, if you want to be a Martial Emperor, or if you want to board Martial God, you must participate in Emperor’s Fate Contest, Divinity’s Contest Only by carrying Emperor’s Fate and refining divinity can we become Martial Emperor and Martial God. “

Azure Dragon Saint Lord eyes are like swords, and sounds are like heavy objects striking.

“Without these two methods, with your own capabilities, you can’t be Martial Emperor and Martial God at all.”

In this passage, Qin Nan’s mind suddenly made waves.

He didn’t think about it before, but if you think about it, the existence of Emperor’s Fate Contest and Divinity’s Contest does not fit the cultivation path at all.

“This problem has been noticed by many giants of Cang Lan Continent, but they have not been able to change, unable to become emperor by themselves. This is because the source emperor’s power required by the emperor became the god. The power of the required diversity is in the Emperor’s List and God List! “

Azure Dragon Saint Lord slowly said.

“Master, do you mean, Emperor’s List and God List deprived all Cultivator of Cang Lan Continent’s hope of becoming emperor?”

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed on shine glow.

“Yes! On Nine Heavens, or in other Worlds, achieving Martial Emperor or becoming Martial God requires your own efforts! Of course, it cannot be said that Emperor’s List and God List are bad, Whether they are good or bad requires your own judgment! “

Azure Dragon Saint Lord said here was paused, with a faint smile, and said, “What I want to tell you is, Emperor’s Fate, whether it is diversity, it is something directly given by others. Just equivalent to you are a mortal , I use a method that allows you to be promoted directly to Martial Sovereign, Martial Venerable, Martial Saint, Martial Ancestor, or Martial Emperor. I want to say, only these. What you do, you decide. “

“You can use all of the power of War God …”

The voice gradually weakened until the last word fell, the silhouette of the Azure Dragon Saint Lord slowly disappeared.

“Master?” Qin Nan complexion changed and shouted, but there was no response.

“calm down.”

Qin Nan took a deep breath, and his fluctuating mind slowly calmed down.

Now that Emperor Zheng is on the verge, he needs to sort out his thoughts quickly.

This time the Azure Dragon Saint Lord said so much and did not stop him. He directly carried the 9 Emperor’s Fate, but just told him that the practice of Cang Lan Continent has been completely distorted.

“Emperor’s Fate and diversity are both given by Emperor’s List and God List. If I carry it, it will become the body of the nine emperors. The power of Emperor and Martial God! I never thought that God List and Emperor’s List did such things … “

Qin Nan’s face changed slightly.

He still has a good opinion of Emperor’s List, because Emperor List’s Spirit has not harmed him, but Imperial Envoy has helped him many times. This time he was able to successfully carry the 9 Emperor’s Fate, also because Emperor List’s Spirit eliminated his knot.

Eliminate his knot …

Qin Nan was shocked and suddenly realized it.

When the Southern Heaven Spirit Envoy was killed, Emperor List’s Spirit suddenly stepped in and helped Tang Qingshan and Jiang Bilan prepare an Emperor’s Fate, so that he had no heart knot, and he was the emperor!

Does this mean that Emperor List’s Spirit has expected that he needs 9 Emperor’s Fate?

Otherwise, why should Emperor List’s Spirit help him to solve the Emperor’s Fate of Tang Qingshan and Jiang Bilan when itself has an Emperor’s Fate?

It was clear that Emperor List’s Spirit was inducing him to go on the way to the 9th Emperor.

Why should he be deliberately induced?

“Also, Emperor’s Fate is given by Emperor’s List, so after I refining Emperor’s Fate, can this Emperor’s List also control me?”

Qin Nan thought of this, complexion greatly changed.

This idea seems most plausible.

Otherwise, why should Emperor’s List and God List deprive Cang Lan Continent of all Cultivator’s own chance to become enlightened? Why send Emperor’s Fate and diversity? Why host Emperor’s Fate Contest and Divinity’s Contest?

This clearly looks like two giant hands, covering the entire Cang Lan.

“No, it should not be fully controlled. If it is fully controlled, what meaning does the entire Cangivat Contorent Cultivator have? And if Emperor’s List and God List are so powerful, do you still need to control these Martial Emperor and Martial God? But … … “

Qin Nan’s face went dark.

Whether Emperor’s List and God List can control Emperor’s Fate and diversity, he can’t draw conclusions now.

However, the only thing he can be sure of is that the Emperor’s List induced him, and the Emperor’s List and God List did so. There must be some plans, and if it carries Emperor’s Fate and diversity, it will certainly have an impact.

“Then I have only one way … to myself to become emperor!”

Qin Nan took a deep breath, and flashed bright glow in his eyes.

Only by himself to prove the dao to become emperor, all the power is his own, and even if Emperor’s List and God List have a plan, they cannot be affected by Emperor’s Fate!

“But through the ages, no one has ever proven themselves to prove the dao to become emperor, even though it was the same Senior who went to Nine Heavens 8,000 years ago. According to the Master, this is because of all the source emperor’s power And the power of diversity is in the hands of Emperor’s List and God List. If you want to prove yourself, you need source emperor’s power … “

Qin Nan’s brain moved quickly, his brows gradually tightened.

source emperor’s power?

Except for Emperor’s Fate, how did he get the source emperor’s power?

“I almost forgot! The Master said just now, I can mobilize these War Gods once!”

Qin Nan eyes immediately lit.

These War God powers are extremely powerful, can he use these War God powers to strip out the source emperor’s power and prove the dao himself?

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