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Chapter 1000 96 Above dragon’s head

The speaker is Qin Nan.

After awakening from the Desolate Stone and helping the young man solve the problem, he rushed back to the Dragon Emperor Institution at the fastest speed.

Just didn’t expect that Dragon Emperor and Diablo Monster Emperor are actually on this training field.

“Well? Are you all there?”

Qin Nan was surprised.

didn’t expect Ao Cangtian 3 people, Xian Yue, two dogs and a mouse and Skeleton Xiao Hong are all there.

“Qin Nan?” Dragon Emperor and Diablo Monster Emperor, Ao Cangtian and the others startled. Just now they thought Qin Nan would not come back, didn’t expect now.

“Wang Wang, Young Master, I want to die for you.”

The two dogs yelled, and spread their feet and rushed forward. Heavens Secret Mouse flickered, and landed on Qin Nan’s neck, making a gurgling noise, and his small head kept twitching.

Qin Nan left pupil At a glance, I saw that two dogs and a mouse actually have a cultivation level, but also Martial Ancestor 5-layer. Not only that, the skeleton Xiao Hong’s cultivation level has reached Martial Ancestor 7-layer, the rest 8 skeletons, all reached Martial Ancestor 6-layer.

From this point of view, when he realized the blade period of the blade period, Xiao Hong took them with him, apparently gaining a lot of fortuitous encounters.

“Good job.”

Qin Nan laughed at the skeleton Xiao Hong laughed.

The skeleton Xiao Hong shrugged responded.

At this time, Dragon Emperor, Diablo Monster Emperor, Ao Cangtian and the others all reacted. They instantly used different pump techniques and fell on Qin Nan’s body. They immediately discovered that Qin Nan’s cultivation level at this moment was actually the same as a mortal. There are no aura fluctuations.

“Qin Nan!” Dragon Emperor took a deep breath, said seriously: “Tell me, what happened to you? Why does the cultivation level plunge to this level? Don’t be discouraged, all problems can be solved.”

“Rest assured, everything is fine.” Diablo Monster Emperor whispered softly.

Ao Cangtian 3 people and Xian Yue, although they didn’t speak, there was a deep concern in their eyes.

Qin Nan froze slightly, and then one after another warm current flowed through his heart.

He actually knew that Dragon Emperor, Diablo Monster Emperor, and Nine Tails Monster Emperor valued him because he transcended the rules of martial arts. As long as he carried Emperor’s Fate, he could fly into the sky and become a giant of Cang Lan Continent. The future is unlimited. They Monster Race also has things to ask for Qin Nan.

However, the current Qin Nan has already cultivation level “slumped” and cannot carry Emperor’s Fate in the Imperial War.

For the three Monster Emperors and the entire Monster Race, a genius who is not a Great Emperor has no effect at all and is not worthy of attention and cultivation.

However, the attitudes of Dragon Emperor and Diablo Monster Emperor have not changed at all, and they still care about Qin Nan.

They may not be clear on their own. In the invisible, they care about Qin Nan, not only because of Qin Nan’s role.

“2 Seniors, I worry you guys, I don’t have any problems.”

Qin Nan arched, solemnly.

“no problem?”

Dragon Emperor and Diablo Monster Emperor, Ao Cangtian and the others are startled again.

No problem, how did Emperor’s List plummet to 800?

Dragon Emperor took a deep breath, said solemnly: “Qin Nan, cultivation along the way, there are many difficulties. The birth of a Powerhouse will inevitably encounter many setbacks, you …”

Dragon Emperor thought that in Qin Nan’s mind, there must be some burden, so he said this.

Just as he said something fun, Qin Nan raised his hand and shots a finger.


A horrible blade intent, like Mad Dragon Rises from the Sea, swept across, and in this large training field, a huge ditch was cut out instantly.

This blow can completely counter the genius of Martial Ancestor 9-layer.

“this is–“

Dragon Emperor, Diablo Monster Emperor, Ao Cangtian, 9 9, Yang Qi, Xian Yue and the others all have shocking look in their eyes.

How is this going?

Isn’t Qin Nan’s cultivation level plummeting?

“Sorry, 2 Seniors, I ca n’t tell you, there is a fortuitous encounter during the period of time, which also caused my cultivation level to be completely covered. It looks like a mortal, so the Emperor’s List ranking will plummet. “

Qin Nan apologized.

“Is the cultivation level covered? So that’s how it is, so that’s how it is, hahaha!”

After being shocked, Dragon Emperor and Dark Monster Emperor murmured a few moments, and suddenly came back to his senses, making a deafening laugh, shaking almost the entire Dragon Emperor Institution.

Their original mood fell to the bottom of the valley, and now they suddenly heard the good news, naturally laughing.

“Fuck, I know your cultivation level will not plummet!” Ao Cangtian sweared, but couldn’t hide the smile in his eyes.

9 9, Yang Qi, Xian Yue 3 people’s faces, also revealing happy colors.

“Stop that, isn’t Emperor’s Fate Contest started now? You could it be that waiting for me here?” Qin Nan wondered Asking Dao.

“I ’m not waiting for you, what are we standing here? Now Emperor’s Fate Contest is about to start, and you hurried to Wandering Pavilion Martial Hall. If you ca n’t carry Emperor’s Fate this time, wait for you to see how I and you Settle accounts! “Dragon Emperor immediately smiled and stared.

Qin Nan gave a low cough, and his face was awkward.

“Qin Nan!” Suddenly, the faces of Ao Cangtian, 9 9 and Yang Qi became serious, saying: “Now the Wandering Pavilion Martial Hall, all the geniuses, have all arrived, leaving us only a few people. Now. “

“En?” Qin Nan looked towards their three people.

“The last thing, thanks to you, otherwise we are not today, it is time for us to fulfill our promise!”

Ao Cangtian, 9 9 and Yang Qi took a deep breath at the same time, their bodies suddenly shattered.

Hong long!

I only saw a huge red zhang, purple-gold color scales, pair of horns, and a giant dragon with a domineering face. Beside the giant dragon, there are a pink hair Nine Tails demon fox, and a black body and deep eyes Qilin.

Suddenly, the horrible monster’s prestige raged over the entire Dragon Emperor Institution and uttered countless storms, making the countless Monster Race outer sect disciple of the Dragon Emperor Institution all shocking.


The two dogs and a mouse both made strange noises, shiver coldly, and quickly shrank behind Qin Nan.

“You are this…”

Qin Nan looked up at the scene and immediately guessed what made him feel instantly excited.

This is what he now dreams of until now Ah!


Ao Cangtian shouted in a low voice, thunderous.

“it is good!”

Qin Nan reacted, tiptoe, when his body steadily fell on this huge dragon’s head, a feeling of hard to describe, from his heart, surged up, making him excited. Can’t help shuddering.


Ao Cangtian shouted from the sky, one claw broke the void, the huge body, and swam into it. The huge bodies of 9 9 and Yang Qi were left and right, like two big protectors, moving forward at the same time.

“I will take you there!”

Xian Yue looked at the scene, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth. He grabbed two dogs and a mouse and the skeleton Xiao Hong behind him, and stepped into the void.

“This guy……”

Dragon Emperor and Diablo Monster Emperor, seeing this scene, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

However, there was also a hint of curiosity in their hearts. When Qin Nan stood on top of the Antique Purple Gold War Dragon Ao Cangtian and landed at Wandering Pavilion Martial Hall, how shocking would be the heroes?

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