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Chapter 1000 68 Fragrant House

A shout rang out suddenly from the front.

The entire Nuoda street also seemed to come with magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, and the ground trembled slightly.

Looking up instinctively, Qin Nan saw a demon tiger with a height of 30 feet, a width of 5 feet, a head of 4 corners, and eyes golden light in the distance. He dragged a luxurious carriage with a carriage sitting in front of him. The thick-eyed man in armor was rushing forward.

The demon tiger’s cultivation level has reached Monster Saint 6-layer, and the thick eyebrow’s cultivation level is Martial Saint 1-layer.

“Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger! This is the Chen Family Second Young Master! He is back in Imperial City!”

“Fuck, how is this hedonistic son of rich parents, let’s make it quickly!”

Cultivator on the street, all complexion slightly changed, foul-mouthed, gave way to Grand Dao.

Even if some people’s cultivation level exceeds Monster Saint 6-layer, they dare not block it. After all, in this Southern Region, the Chen Family is the second only to Imperial Family’s Hegemon!

Qin Nan’s face was calm, and he stood aside.

These things, he was disinclined to pay attention to, after all, the purpose of coming here is to appreciate Heavens Desolation Blade Technique.

Unexpectedly, this Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger has long been in this Southern Region, and has developed a tyrannical and overbearing character. While running, it also opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and the Cultivator growled towards 2 , Many people look pale.

It likes this feeling, and likes to see how humans fear it!

Soon Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger, dragging the carriage, rushed to the front half a foot away, then Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger, instinctively turned his head, moved towards Qin Nan, opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl , Ready to yell.

If this roar came out, let alone the sound, it would not be known how much it was just the saliva.

Qin Nan’s dark eyes suddenly froze.

What a Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger!

He stood on the side of the road, didn’t do anything, just snarled at him like that?

“you dare?”

Qin Nan is still in shape, but coldly spit out 2 words.

An invisible power radiated from him.

The 4-eye golden pupil tiger, just about to growl, just felt a cold all over, as if it had encountered a huge crisis, which caused it to stop instinctively, and moved towards the back, his eyes full of fear.

Because it feels that this youngster’s aura is a bit terrifying.

“Who? Who are you? What do you want to do? Do you know who this carriage is!”

Driving the armored man in the carriage, when he saw this, he screamed suddenly.

All around Many Cultivators on the street are all stunned. Absolutely did not expect that there is actually Cultivator, dare to challenge Chen Family Second Young Master.

All eyes are subconsciously moved towards Qin Nan, but at this point, expression has changed slightly.

Only Martial Saint 5-layer?

Is this guy coming to Imperial City for the first time?

For the entire Imperial City, who doesn’t know, whoever dares to offend Chen Second Young Master, as long as the opponent’s cultivation level is lower than Martial Saint 9-layer, there must be no good ending in the end!

“A small Martial Saint 5-layer, dare to stop me, Xiao Hu, bit me.” Just then, a scornful voice came from the carriage.

The Master of Voice is simply Chen Family Second Young Master Chen Rong!

“Bite me?” Qin Nan sneered, “What does Chen Yun have to do with you?”

“Chen Yun? Do you know my sister?”

Chen Rong’s voice, with a bit of misunderstanding, apparently did not expect, a Martial Saint 5-layer casually encountered, actually has a little relationship with his elder sister.

The armored man, who was about to yell at him, shook his face, and when he came to his mouth, he shrank back.

“See your sister’s sake, spare your life, get out!”

Qin Nan expression was dull. When he rolled out the words, an invisible dragon’s prestige slammed into the Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger.

The Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger, who was hesitating, suddenly changed his face suddenly, as if he had encountered something terrifying, and ao wu suddenly turned his feet away, turned around, and hurriedly speeded up.

“Little tiger! What are you doing! Don’t stop me yet!”

Chen Rong’s slightly panicked voice sounded, but this Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger flees like crazy and can’t stop it at all.

Their voices are getting farther and farther.

The whole street was a little bit messed up like this.

Cultivator on that street all around, seeing this scene, his face was sullen.

What happened just now?

Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger, but that is the existence of Martial Saint 6-layer, this youth talent area Martial Saint 5-layer, a rolling character, Four Horns Golden Pupil Tiger really rolled?

Qin Nan shrugged, as if nothing had happened, turned and walked into another street.

While walking, his eyes were looking at everything on the street, but in his heart, he was quietly aware of the blade intent in the brick, tile, tree, and flower under the street. .

Although his cultivation level has been suppressed, his Boundary is still there and can do two things at the same time with no difficulty.

He is like a loose cultivator, watching everything in this city.

Until 6 hours passed, Qin Nan had walked 4 streets and realized at least 10000 blade intents.

“Strange, these blade intents are very scattered and clueless, not even a blade technique …”

Qin Nan’s brow frowned slightly.

Theoretically, he felt so many blade intents, and he should be able to find at least a hint from them.

“That’s all, I’m going to walk through the entire Imperial City today and see if I can gain a bit.”

Qin Nan shook the head and keep walking forward.

Not long after, a hint of woody fragrance drifted into the tip of his nose, let Qin Nan look up and immediately saw the street, standing a 2-storey house, all built by ancient wood, above There is a one piece of plaque, and the word “香 楼” is written, and the font is very elegant.

“Well? The blade intent here is a bit weird.”

Qin Nan glanced casually, but found the strange place, immediately raised a hint of interest, moved towards this Xianglou.

When Qin Nan had just entered Xiang Lou, his gaze was unclear.

I saw that in this fragrant building, there were large tables full of various delicious dishes, all around was filled with all kinds of Cultivator, all eating large meat and drinking spirit wine Talking to each other, the voices are loud and lively.

This fragrant building is actually a restaurant.

“Sir, what’s the need?” A young lady, meeting Qin Nan, got together immediately.

Qin Nan glanced at 1st-layer and looked up towards 2nd-layer, lightly said with a smile: “Can I go to 2nd-layer?”

However, he just said this, and Xiao Xiao’s face suddenly changed.

The whole lively restaurant, as if some kind of Forbidden Technique was applied, was instantly quiet.

All the Cultivators who are drinking are all looking towards Qin Nan, and their eyes are full of surprise.

A boy of Martial Saint 5-layer, actually going to the 2nd-layer building?

This kid…

Are you tired?

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