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Chapter 1000 64 Shocked Half Emperor, Strange Iron Piece

Looking at the sky blade aura, the two and a half emperors Powerhouse, all noticed a chill, and immediately hit one after another Emperor Technique, and evolved countless blood lights.

They do not have spiritual wisdom, but for fighting methods, they are still very clear.

“Martial Tree shattered and shattered 10000 things!”

Qin Nan instantly made a decision, letting 9 Martial Trees directly trap the 2 and a half emperors Powerhouse, and War God’s Spirit was suppressed on their heads, affecting them with infinite fighting intent, and he destroyed the Destruction’s Intent to unite Breaking Heavens On Blade, it turns into destruction blade aura!

2 The Great Emperor Powerhouse was trembling in shape and screaming like madness. Emperor Technique continued to perform, but still couldn’t break the shackles. He could only watch this blade aura, and cut one after another blood on them.

Roar! roar! roar!

2 The Great Emperor Powerhouse was traumatized, and suddenly instinctively became angry, as if running a Forbidden Technique. The blood light on their bodies skyrocketed, and it was forcibly opened up by binding the 9 Martial Trees.

Qin Nan pupils shrank, without the slightest hesitation, a little toes, flying upwards.

At his original location, a blood light bloomed, as if a blood light black hole, devouring the void of the several ten zhang circle.

The 2 Great Emperor Powerhouse is like 2 Ominous Beast with crazy hair, rushing again, fists up, blood light heavens-frightening.

Their attacks now have no rules, weak spot 100 out, but the victory is crazy, as if not even their own lives are in sight.

“I’m afraid of you when I’m crazy?”

Qin Nan sneered, War God left pupil is working extremely, The Steps Treads all Under the Heavens is working extremely, without any backwards, killing directly.


The sound of one after another explodes, ringing through the dome in this sky.

2 The Great Emperor Powerhouse frantic manner attacked, but Qin Nan’s attack became more and more severe, and his fighting intent became stronger and stronger!

War God’s Spirit, Fight the Heavens fight the Earth.

Even if these are two half-emperor Powerhouses, Qin Nan will not flinch at all.

Only battle!

Fight to your exhaustion!

You won’t be crazy anymore!

As time passed, the powerhouses of the two and a half emperors were covered with stab wounds. Qin Nan’s whole body was also covered with wounds, Yin Hong’s blood flowed out, and countless pains came, but the fighting intent in his eyes looked like a pound. The sea is like the handed down of War God.

2 Scarlet eyes finally emerged from the scarlet eyes of the Great Emperor Powerhouse.

They just performed Emperor Technique, which is called “Crazy Emperor Murder”, which makes them completely crazy and not afraid of life and death.

As the saying goes, those who are afraid of crickets, those who are afraid of madness are the same in battle.

But they are crazy, Qin Nan is even crazy!

Qin Nan did not perform the mad emperor’s murder, but his battle will be condensed into the soul and integrated into the bone marrow. Even if heaven falls and earth rends, the infinite crisis can not change the slightest!


2 The Great Emperor Powerhouse noticed something, and yelled unwillingly, moved towards the back and retreated.

However, they just backed off, and the silhouette of Qin Nan came down like Demon God, and the blade aura in frantic manner fell like a heavy rain.

2 The embarrassment on Powerhouse’s face was completely gone, like the startled Monster Beast, which actually turned out an Emperor Technique, turned into a blood light, and moved towards the runaway.

Qin Nan was chasing again. Until he couldn’t catch up, his fighting intent was like being poured into a basin of cold water and slowly dissipating.

“These two guys!”

Qin Nan gritted his teeth and felt a little depressed.

He just hit a little bit, and these two guys ran away?

This is too boring!


Suddenly, Qin Nan took a sigh of cold air, and his face was pained.

His body also began to faintly shake, fell to the ground, his chest was constantly undulating, and his mouth was breathing heavily.

Because with his strength, it may be possible to play against one and a half emperors, and it is a lot worse to play against two and a half emperors, even if they do not have spiritual wisdom.

The reason why he can win is entirely due to the strength of in the bones. Now that the battle is over, he is relaxed all over, and the pain and exhaustion that he ignores, naturally flows like a tide.

After recovering a little, Qin Nan exhaled, stood up, walked slowly, and moved toward the pit in front of him.

“Come out, they’re gone.” Qin Nan, sitting next to the big pit, lifted the ban and said.

“Go… is it going?”

Di Fengyun, Jiao Zhe, Sword Venerable, and another man and a woman all showed shocking faces.

They are very clear. The two just now are monster Ah at half Emperor level!

Qin Nan defeated them all by himself?

“Battalion Commander!”

As soon as Di Fengyun climbed out of the figure, he saw Qin Nan’s face pale, and the complexion changed greatly.

“I’m fine.” Qin Nan smiled and waved, “But how did the three of you get together? And, why did you come to this bright place?”

“After you left, I made up my mind …” Di Fengyun answered quickly.

After Qin Nan heard it, he understood it completely.

It turned out that Di Fengyun left Burning Heavens Ancient Country and began to go to the Central Region to experience it. By accident, he met Jiao Zhe and Sword Venerable, so the three of them went together, and later found a treasure in the Cang Lan Continent Southern Region. Then he set off for the Southern Region, and later met the two Disciples Chen Yun and Chen Shi of the Southern Region Imperial City.

As for their bright place, the Imperial City in the Southern Region can open the channel to the bright place every ten years, allowing His Majesty’s discipline to enter.

Chen Yun and Chen Shi brought Di Fengyun 3 people into this bright place.

“Chen Yun, Chen Shi?”

Qin Nan brows slightly wrinkle.

He seemed to remember that now the third Buddha of Ziper of Emperor’s List, Chen Zilai, is from the Southern Region.

All three people are named Chen, could it be that Chen Zilai is also an Imperial Family disciple?

“Hi Qin Nan, many thanks today for your help. From heaven, you are the life-saving benefactor of our sister 2”

Chen Yun and Chen Shi are both grateful.

They are very clear, what a great danger they just encountered.

“You don’t have to be so polite.” Qin Nan shook his head and suddenly thought of something, so strangely said: “Yes, 5 of you, what did you do, how could you be hunted down by 2 and a half Emperor Powerhouse?”

Chen Yun and Chen Shi glanced at each other, and Chen Yun immediately said: “Sir Qin Nan, you don’t know. We went into the Ancient Palace this time and took away a few things, so we were hunted down!”

With that said, her eyes were filled with excitement.

It can cause 2 and a half Emperor Powerhouse to hunt, and those things are obviously extraordinary.

“Sir Qin Nan, these are the things we got, you saved us, these things are yours!”

Although Chen Yun was a little bit reluctant, she took out a few things, all of them.

She knows very well that if you are a human being, you will need to know the gratitude. If it wasn’t for Qin Nan’s shot, they would have lost their lives. Even if they get more treasures, that would be a shock.

“No, I can’t ask for these things.” Qin Nan refused to look at them.

His shot this time was not treasure for them.

Chen Yun and Chen Shi started at the same time, and their faces rushed immediately.

Di Fengyun saw this, bitterly laughed, and said, “Battalion Commander, it’s better to take one or two. In this case, two of their sisters and brothers can feel at ease.”

“Di Fengyun is right.”

Jiao Zhe and Sword Venerable simultaneously nodded.


Qin Nan’s face showed helplessness, but when he saw the wing in the eyes of Chen Yun and Chen Shi, he had to be nodded, his eyes moved towards these things.

However, at this look, his eyes completely shut.

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