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Chapter 1000 59 Mysterious Shadow


Qin Nan’s figure, which just landed on the golden head of Emperor Fish, had 7 sharp eyes that fell on him.

“Qin Nan?”

“Is it you?”

The 5 men and 2 women in front of Qin Nan have a strong startled look in their eyes.

Qin Nan War God left pupil moved, glanced, and immediately saw the cultivation level of these 7 people.

The youth who distributed Demon Qi throughout, the cultivation level reached Martial Ancestor 9-layer, which is the strongest of 7 people, and the remaining 6 people are the cultivation level of Martial Ancestor 8-layer.

It’s just that their Martial Ancestor 8-layer, like Qin Nan, has a Phenomenon Martial Tree, and they have a lot of cards in their hands. If they fight, the battle strength is very amazing.

“Look! It’s Qin Nan of the Dragon Emperor Institution, and it’s on the golden head!”

“Fuck! Are you correct? Why is he?”

“His, it seems that in the past 2 months, he must have gone to retreat and has not experienced a war, otherwise, his ranking is definitely not just the 50th 2!”

“It’s only been a few months, Qin Nan is in the top 30 of the Emperor’s List!”

“Could it be that he got the inheritance of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor?”

In the three areas behind Emperor Fish, most of the Cultivator’s are using the pump technique, performing other methods, and looking at them one by one. At a glance, they are shocked and suck in a cold breath of air.

They are the same as the seven geniuses in the golden head, but they absolutely did not expect that Qin Nan had such strength.

Qin Nan’s face was calm and he glanced. After not finding the familiar aura, he arched his hands at these 7 geniuses without saying anything extra.

The 7 geniuses are also Dragon-Phoenix, and soon reacted. As soon as they moved their hearts, the look of looking towards Qin Nan became complicated.

There is no doubt that Qin Nan’s strength should not be underestimated.

However, Qin Nan’s body left by Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, as well as Demigod inheritance, are all very exciting!

“Now on Emperor Fish, we can’t fight yet. When Emperor Fish enters the void, we will be able to do it. What about the seven of us, how about joining forces at that time?” The youth who distributed Demon Qi took the lead in sound transmission.

The other six geniuses, nodded, flashed Murderous intention in their eyes.

Anyway, they teamed up first, after killing Qin Nan, and then distributed by strength.

However, they cover up very well and do not show any killing intent.

Qin Nan’s face remained calm.

When he boarded Emperor Fish, he already knew what kind of situation he would face, so he was ready.

If others don’t act against him, he will naturally not oppress others. Of course, if others want to kill him, he will certainly not show mercy.

It didn’t take long for Ao Dongfang, Mu Mu, Su Qingqing and the others to board the Emperor Fish. Only a dozen disciples did not resist the attack of the Emperor Fish and failed.

The huge Emperor Fish moved again, moving towards the front with amazing speed.

Qin Nan stood on the top of this Emperor Fish, moved towards the distance, and the vision suddenly opened up. The mountain range and city were all in my eyes, and I had a feeling of overlooking the world.

“Standing on top of such a Legendary monster, it feels like Ah!”

Qin Nan couldn’t help but praise it.

He doesn’t have much hobby right now, and it is one of them to subdue the Legendary Demon as a mount.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s heart moved.

He felt that from this Emperor Fish, there was a faintly discernable aura, which blended into his body and made his body improve a lot.

“How is this going?”

Qin Nan frowned, ran the left pupil, probed it, and found no results before he shook the head and his face was calm.

Although he didn’t know, Emperor’s List released Emperor Fish, carrying many geniuses to cultivation, and what is his intention, but now he has a feeling that Emperor’s List must be trying to figure out what.

For the next journey, he may be careful.

At this time, Emperor Fish stopped again. This is not a stop on a big force, but a stop on a city in the Central Region with a little fame.

Dong dong dong !

The sound of the golden scales pedaled again.

This made Qin Nan, 7 geniuses, and others all together.

In such a place, there are still people who want to climb the golden head area?

When they were wondering, after a few hundred breaths, a silhouette wearing a black robe rose into the sky and landed on golden head, all over his body, exuding thick Death Qi.

“Are you a Death Daoist?”

“You didn’t die?”

The 7 geniuses only glanced at each other and understood the origin of the other person, his face changed slightly.

Being able to board the Emperor Fish proves that the cultivation level of Death Daoist is also a little more powerful than outside rumors.

More importantly, she survived the pursuit of the Great Emperor?


“Death Daoist?”

“She’s still alive like this?”

The countless geniuses on Emperor Fish were shaken again.

Qin Nan is also a little surprised, didn’t expect here, will meet Jiang Bilan again.

“It’s weird? I got on Emperor Fish, the old bastard, and wanted to chase me down, so I couldn’t get started.” Jiang Bilan saw Qin Nan, the beautiful eyes under the black robe lightened slightly, calmly sound transmission saying.

“What the hell did you do?” Qin Nan cannot bear ask, he was curious, why Jiang Bilan was so angry that he killed that many geniuses.

“Nothing, I want to unite to grab my treasure, that’s all, and I want to force me.” Jiang Bilan said calmly.

“Forcing you?”

Qin Nan heard this sentence, and a sense of murderous intention ignited in his eyes.

One of the most annoying things in his life was a man who forced a woman to possess it.

“This Qin Nan seems to have a good relationship with this Death Daoist. This is just the right thing. We will kill these two people together. By then …”

Demon Qi’s youth, again sound transmission to another 6 people.

The killing of Jiang Bilan can rely on Jiang Bilan’s body, and from the Great Emperor, and other forces, in exchange for many benefits.

The other 6 were nodded and apparently agreed.

After all, the seven of them joined forces, and by virtue of Qin Nan and Death Daoist, they are definitely not opponents.

“They seem to be following you.” Jiang Bilan said with a smile, “Where are you going, why would anyone want to kill you?”

“Aren’t you the same?”

Qin Nan speechless saying.

However, his voice had just fallen, and his expression suddenly changed.

Because he saw a trace of black gas floating out of the void and landed on the top of Emperor Fish’s head, but it slowly condensed into a black silhouette.

Why did someone suddenly arrive at Emperor Fish?

This black silhouette seems to be noticed by people, and it disappears without waiting for Qin Nan to take any action.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Bilan stepped in, eyes wide open, and opened the mouth to ask.

“You … didn’t see a black silhouette?” Qin Nan swept towards all around and found that there was no black silhouette at all, then calmed down and spoke against Asking Dao.

“What black silhouette?” Jiang Bilan frowned.

Qin Nan froze, and then swept at Demon Hair and other seven people, and found that the seven of them were also innocent, his heart tightened suddenly.

He was absolutely right, he really has a black silhouette!

But why can he be seen only by these people?

When he was full of doubts, there was a loud bang, and the huge Emperor Fish directly shattered the void of a number of 1000 squares, shook his tail, and swam into it.

Many of the geniuses at Emperor Fish were shocked.

Finally started!

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