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Chapter 1007 Soul Attracting Pond

Although 12 geniuses have deliberately suppressed the means, the confrontation between them is wonderful, countless Emperor Techniques, countless plots against, and they are overwhelmed.

Even Qin Nan couldn’t help but admire that War Blood was about to move.

Soon after the victory and defeat, the God List genius took 2 bites of golden ancient coffin, Dao Qianzhong and Hua Dichen, each took one bite of golden ancient coffin, and the last bit halved the remaining geniuses equally.

“Your Central Region genius is not bad.” The God List genius threw an ancient coffin to Huo Wulong and said, instead of aloof and remote, there was no contempt in his eyes.

“His words are heavy.”

Dao Qianzhong and Hua Dichen and the others said that they had to admit that the battle strength of this God List genius is indeed terrifying.

As for Qin Nan, it seems that they have forgotten the topmost clouds.

Hong long long.

Just then, in front of the 1st-layer great hall, one after another boomed, the huge golden wall engraved with numerous Fiendgod illusory shadows actually split apart, exposing a dark Grand Dao, I do n’t know Where to go.


God List Genius, Dao Qianzhong and the others, walked forward quickly.

Qin Nan expression is calm and walks in the back.

After entering this dark Grand Dao about tens of breaths, the sound of running water of the crash-bang came from the front. God List genius, Dao Qianzhong and the others were all tight and slowed down, etc. After moving forward dozens of steps, I finally saw everything here.

This is a pool. The water shows a faint blue color. What is even more weird is that the water is moving above moving towards it, subverting common sense.

“Soul Attracting Pond!” The God List genius complexion changed, and said, “Damn, how could Soul Attracting Pond be here?”

Dao Qianzhong, Hua Dichen and the others, their faces also simultaneously changed.

“Soul Attracting Pond? According to rumors, even the Martial Ancestor peak Powerhouse cannot step into this pool, otherwise, the soul of itself and the Martial Spirit of itself will be hooked away by the pool …” Qin Nan flashed in his eyes Wiped rays of light.

These things, he all saw in the Central Region 10000 elephant jade slip.

“What to do now? Why don’t we join forces and run this Soul Attracting Pond together?” Huo Wulong couldn’t help it.

Other genius expressions moved, Soul Attracting Pond formidable power is absolutely fabulous. If you want to go past, I’m afraid we can only join hands.

Suddenly, the creak sound rang out from above the water, and everyone looked for it, and they saw an ancient and shabby ancient ship shaking, until they were in front of everyone.

“This ancient ship can actually prevent Soul Attracting Pond? Well? On this bow, there are 3 hand seals.”

God List genius glanced open the mouth and said.

Ten 3 hand seals?

Everyone froze. Didn’t they have exactly 3 people on their trip?

God List genius took the lead and put his own hand up. The first hand seal immediately shone with a faint rays of light, and immediately said: “You all put your hands up.”

Dao Qianzhong, Hua Dichen, Huo Wulong and the others immediately stepped forward.

It wasn’t until the ten or two hand seals turned on rays of light that everyone realized what they were doing, looked up, and moved towards Qin Nan.

“Come here, press the hand seal.” God List’s genius was indifferent, aloof and remote, as if ordered, not to be rejected.

Dao Qianzhong and the others made him approve, but this Qin Nan has not yet received his approval.

Qin Nan ignored his attitude, stepped forward, pressed the hand seal, and set foot on the ancient ship.

Sure enough, the ancient ship began to squeak and squeak, and moved along the water, moving towards the top.

“Oh, Qin Nan Junior Brother, not Senior Brother, I want to say you, first pass. We are there for the golden coffin. You never shoot. Maybe you want to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight. Seriously injured, will we solve it again? If you think so, that’s not good. “Hua Dichen vision flashes, differently said.

In fact, on this ancient ship, it is a great opportunity for him to shoot. As long as Qin Nan is entered into Soul Attracting Pond, Qin Nan will also become a soulless zombie if he does not die.

It’s just that he can’t take a shot. Once he takes a shot, he will be passed to the Dragon Emperor Institution, and then he will have bad luck. That’s why he deliberately spoke and provoked alienation.

Dao Qianzhong and Huo Wulong moved in their hearts.

Although Qin Nan is weak, it is inevitable that he cannot guarantee that he will give them a shot at a critical time?

“I’m weak in cultivation level, so I can’t be with you …” Qin Nan frowned.

“Oh, nonsense, you can leave the ship yourself now, so that you can still save your life, otherwise, don’t blame me for being impolite at that time.” Huo Wulong opened the mouth and said, his attitude was extremely strong.

“Yes, leave the ship yourself.”

“Qin Nan, just go back.”

The other geniuses then opened the mouth and said.

They are not stupid, and they can see that Hua Dichen wants to use them to kill Qin Nan, so they simply drive Qin Nan away.

Hua Dichen eyebrows slightly frowned, this group of geniuses is really not good.

At the moment, his thoughts started to run fast, and he had to figure out a way, Murder a person with a borrowed knife.

Qin Nan expression is calm.

Although it was not his words, he could not gather the 3 hand seals, and other geniuses could not start the ancient ship.

“If you don’t retreat now, these people will have to take a shot, could it be that release the cultivation level and fight here? Here is Soul Attracting Pond. If there is a fight, I’m afraid it will lead to …” Think of a response.

However, it is at this time.


God List genius coldly spit out 2 words, his arm was raised directly, 5 fingers spread out directly, a horrible divine light burst out from his palm, and evolved into a fist of Immemorial Giant, moved towards Qin Nan fiercely called.

One shot is killing move, even the ordinary Martial Ancestor 9-layer can’t resist.

Speaking late, at that time, Qin Nan pupils shrank raised his left arm directly and blocked his chest.

Hong long!

A loud noise.

Qin Nan’s silhouette, like an arrow off the string, was directly hit and flew out, falling into the dark channel.

The other geniuses on the ancient ship had a look in their eyes, didn’t expect this God List genius. They shot directly, completely recklessly, and the means were very spicy. With such a hit, the Qin Nan must have no hope of surviving.

“Awesome, powerful, it is indeed a God List genius. Today is really an eye-opener, but hey …” Hua Dichen’s face was full of pity. In fact, her heart was already full of emotions, and she could not wait to end up with this God List genius immediately. For brother.

“Qin Nan, Qin Nan, let you be right with me. This is where you end up. I can just kill your life with just a few words!” Hua Dichen’s lips floated, and her heart was very happy.

ancient ship moves on.

Soon the genius on the ship immediately forgot the storm.

For them, Qin Nan was killed, and they were too lazy to pay attention.

It was just the genius on the ancient ship that absolutely did not expect. After a moment, in the dark channel, one silhouette stood slowly, his eyes were cold.

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