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Chapter 1003 Suicide Training Field

“Many thanks Qin Nan donor!”

Chen Buhui said quickly, in his eyes, it was clear.

“Let’s go and take a look at the cavern.” Qin Nan stood up. Although he hadn’t fully recovered yet, this injury on his body was no longer a problem.


Chen Buhui and the others showed doubts, and then followed Qin Nan into them, and his eyes were surprised.

The forbidden might ability just now, they all saw it with their own eyes, but in this caver, except for the scratches, there were no big defects. The ancient corpse in the cave palace still sat cross-legged, as if nothing had happened Too.

“Sure enough.” Qin Nan looked towards the ancient painting, with a flash of light in his eyes, and said, “Immortal Demon Cave above this ancient painting is three large characters that are passing away. If I didn’t expect it to be bad, the Ancient [古] Character disappeared, We can go deeper. “

Everyone saw it, it really was.

“Could it be that it was a trial test?” Chen Buhui thought.

“Yes,” Qin Nan nodded.

From the beginning of the ten red lights, and later maps, and everything in the Immortal Demon Cave, all of them are trials and loops, very delicate.

No error can be made in any link, otherwise, it will fail completely.

“It’s about 3 hours before the Ancient [Ancient] Character disappears. Let’s cultivation first.” Qin Nan opened the mouth and said, sitting cross-legged, and took out Ascension Heavenly Crystal.

Chen Buhui and the others did not want to waste time, and began to refining Dark Cold Ancient FLower.

“This Ascension Heavenly Crystal is wonderful, and it needs refining with blood essence …”

Qin Nan watched it for a while, and a drop of blood essence was squeezed out from his fingertips. Just dropped on the Crystal Stone, a red rays of light shone from it.

The power of one after another mysterious, flowing out, was actually submerged in Qin Nan within the body, and directly combined with those 9 Martial Trees.

At this moment, whether it is a Self-Martial Tree or a War God Martial Tree, the leaves, branches, trunks, etc. are beginning to grow upward.

Countless shares of founder mystery of Emperor Technique emerged in Qin Nan’s mind and were automatically deduced.

“It’s really a good thing.”

Qin Nan was happy, and quickly converged, while improving Martial Ancestor’s Tree, he used this mysterious power to perceive Destruction Emperor Technique.

Time passed and 3 hours passed quickly.

During this period, Qin Nan completely refining Ascension Heavenly Crystal. All 9 Martial Trees within the body have grown to the peak. It is only the last step and they can all break through and enter a new level.

As for Destruction Emperor Technique, it is still a small step.

Qin Nan glanced at Chen Buhui and the others. After refining Dark Cold Ancient FLower, their auras had all broken through. Now with a smile: “Let ’s go, Ancient [古] Character has disappeared.”

Chen Buhui and the others simultaneously eyes opened.

Just then, the skeleton Xiao Hong suddenly said: “Master, not every Powerhouse, after death, want to have Successor to inherit his legacy.”

Chen Buhui and the others hearing this, startled.

They were a little negligent. Many Powerhouses left inheritance, and deliberately seduced all the geniuses to come. In fact, they were for reincarnation, and even some Powerhouses, because they were unwilling to die, were completely distorted, and only cruelly killed the genius and gained their hearts. Satisfy.

“Well, I see.” Qin Nan expression grave rose, but there was no fear in his eyes.

This Demigod cemetery is bound to be dangerous, but this Demigod cemetery also contains many treasures and has many fortuitous encounters.

If you want to improve your strength, you can’t back down even the mountains of daggers and seas of flames.

Qin Nan immediately looked towards the ancient paintings, no longer thinking about it, on the tiptoe, his body was not included in the ancient paintings, and Chen could not and the others immediately followed.


Everyone seemed to step into the door of a New World and came to a new space.

“this is……”

Qin Nan looked up, surprised.

Under their feet is an ancient training field. On the training field lies many decayed corpses. As for the training field all around, it is endlessly dark, like stepping into the void without any aura. And there are no creatures.

“Less … Young Master, we, shall we not be lost?” Two dogs and a mouse became stuttered when they saw this strange scene.

At this moment, in another direction of the training field, there was a wave of water ripples.

4 silhouettes, evolved.

At a glance, Qin Nan, he was quite impressed by these four people, which is the Direct Disciple of the 4-Star force Mount Qingcheng.

The 4 Disciples of Mount Qingcheng, seeing Qin Nan and the others, were also slightly surprised, and then quickly turned around and moved towards all around.

There were two more fluctuations on the training field, and two batches of people emerged. They were Direct Disciple from Limitless God Union and Sword Sect.

“What is this place?”

“Why did you get here?”

The eyes of the people looked at each other, their eyes were full of precautions and vigilance.

“All of these people should have discovered the map, passed the trial, and then transferred to this ancient training field, which means that now, this place will be the second assessment …” Qin Nan expression calmly, after the analysis There was a little doubt in my mind.

Level by level, each level is carefully designed.

So it feels like the Master of Demigod’s Tomb seems to be playing a game?


At this time, the fourth batch of people and horses emerged.

Qin Nan turned his head and looked at it suddenly. Didn’t expect the caller to be Song Dong and the other 2 Direct Empior of the Dragon Emperor Institution.

“Qin Nan, did you pass the assessment?”

Song Dong 3 people saw Qin Nan all at once, their faces were incredible.

You know, Qin Nan is just a guy ranked 301 in Emperor’s List. With his strength, even if he has joined this bald monk, he can’t pass the mark.

The other 3 batches of Direct Disciple glanced at each other without speaking, but instead with the spiritual thought of each minding their own business.

“You can pass, we can naturally pass.” Qin Nan lightly said with a smile.

“Really? Congratulations, Ah!” Song Dong 3’s mouths appeared with disdainful sneer. If they didn’t know the training field in front of them, they didn’t know how to take the shot, and learned Qin Nan .


Suddenly, a deafening bronze bell sounded like a thunderstorm.

Many of the geniuses present were complexion changed, and simultaneously looked up.

I don’t know when, in the mid-air of this training field, there is an extra black robed man. Under the robe, except for a pair of scarlet eyes, no faces can be seen.

I don’t know why, I’ve seen all kinds of ghosts and goddesses in the Direct Disciple, they are all heart-haired and cold.

Qin Nan frowned, he just turned the left pupil, and he saw a weird white light.

could it be that this black robed man, was a light?

“Sisi, geniuses, I really envy you for having such a young body …” Black robed man screamed, “Welcome everyone, come to the suicide training field.”

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