Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 952


Chapter 952 stalemate

"What a Magnetic-Essence Divine Light!"

Seeing this, Mr. Yin fell down Not so surprised!

"As much as you can fly all over the sky with scales and sharp blades, you can't beat my Return to Origin poke!"

He spread out his palm, and the Return to Origin poke flew into his hand, pinching it in palm.

At this time, Shuyang daoist manipulated the black blade in the sky, turned it into a large piece of black, and pressed it horizontally in front of him.

Looking from a distance, there is a feeling of a dark cloud overcoming the city.

These black blades are all shed by the Great Demon Pangolin. They not only contain the power of Magnetic-Essence Divine Light, but are also extremely sharp. Once they touch the flesh and blood, they will be torn to pieces.

It is conceivable that if Boss Yin is submerged, the skeleton doesn't exist.

"Good job!"

Boss Yin hit Return to Origin again, the silver light bypassed the black cloud and attempted to attack the Shuyang daoist body directly.

directly attack the root of the problem, this is the sure way to save the enemy.

Shuyang daoist had a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking each other, but he didn't relax.


silver light flew halfway, and suddenly sank to the ground, almost out of control.

Mr. Yin was in a cold sweat, and quickly performed a secret technique to recall, only to see that his face turned pale again.

The Return to Origin stamp was about to land, and it was suddenly lifted up. After a few turns, it flew back to Boss Yin's hands.


A large black cloud came to the top of the head, moved towards Boss Yin wrapped all over his body, and the black pressure covered the ground.

In the new camp, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Not good!"

Boss Yin holds the Return to Origin poke, and has always been in a position to do nothing.

Return to Origin If you take a few steps, you will be out of control. You can't let go too far, and it will be abolished.

No, it is dangerous to be swarmed by the black blades in the sky again.

"Wait, Boss Yin is not so simple!"

After all, Feng Family has confidence in Boss Yin and calms the restless people around him.


The black cloud exploded, revealing the blood-stained body of Boss Yin, but his eyes were bright and scary.

He held the Return to Origin poke, and a dozen fragments fell on the ground, obviously after some struggle.


Daoists from many schools couldn't help applauding. Boss Yin was besieged by a group of knives. pregnancy.

This may seem simple, but in fact it requires both wisdom, courage and determination.

Shuyang daoist took back the Qianbo Illusionary Carp Blade, but he was also quite astonished. According to his estimation, Boss Yin had already been executed.

didn't expect , the other party could make a comeback in Danger Land, but he underestimated the other party.

"Next time, I won't let you get away with it again!"

Shuyang daoist was slightly startled, then sneered, if he can hurt you once, he can kill you next time.

I learned from the fight just now that the Return to Origin poke was safely restrained by the Qianbo Illusionary Carp Blade, and the Taoist plan worked.

"Come again!"

Shuyang daoist opened his arms, and the black blades lifted off again, overlapping in the air, like a Big Black Fish living in the sky, exposed in the clouds A corner of a huge body.

Boss Yin's body loosened forward, looking at his feet in surprise, two traces were drawn from his feet behind him.

It turned out that, unconsciously, he was pulled by the Magnetic-Essence Divine Light and moved forward sharply.

However, this is only the impact, the Thousand Waves Magic Carp Blade is aimed at the Return to Origin stamp.

Obviously, the power of the opponent's attack increased tenfold this time.

Boss Yin breathes deeply, holding the Return to Origin poke, and his wrists shake quickly.

Swipe, in an instant, under the high-speed stab, Return to Origin poked in the air, leaving countless afterimages, turning into stars in the sky.

Each silver star corresponds to a black curved blade.

Boss Yin changed his strategy, and he was actually going to face the thousand waves of magic carp blades and smash each blade.


Shuyang daoist's expression changed, then he stabilized his mind and continued to manipulate the black blade forward.

The Black Blade comes with the Magnetic-Essence Divine Light, which can easily deflect the Return to Origin poke and even get it back into his hand.

Yes, the Taoist side is also very interested in the Return to Origin stamp, and ordered to take it back.

In the previous two shots, Shuyang daoist tried to take the Return to Origin poke, but Boss Yin responded in a timely manner, but he still failed in the end.

But now, the opportunity has finally come.

Boss Yin is arrogant, distracting the power of the Return to Origin poke, giving him a chance to catch everything in one go.


Shuyang daoist manipulated the black blade, Magnetic-Essence Divine Light densely packed appeared, intertwined into a big net, and the silver stars in the sky must be caught in it.

"Good opportunity!"

Seeing this, Boss Yin clenched a few teeth again, and the silver star suddenly accelerated.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

The silver light accelerated gradually, piercing the air, leaving a terrifying wave of air.

A terrifying scene happened. When the big net woven by Magnetic-Essence Divine Light came into contact with the silver light, it was not trapped in it, but was easily torn to shreds.


Shuyang daoist shouted, and immediately woke up, “It’s a mistake!” Cause him to disperse the power of the Magnetic-Essence Divine Light.

As expected, the Shuyang daoist was fooled.

Dingding dong dong, in the crisp sound, a little silver light exploded on the black curved blade, splashing silver filaments.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

In an instant, a drizzle of silver and black intertwined, so brilliant.

Silver is the aftermath of the Return to Origin stamp. As for black, it is the fragment that was smashed by the Return to Origin stamp.


Shuyang daoist's heart sank, but fortunately he responded quickly, and moved towards the many sparse black clouds.

Magnetic-Essence Divine Light attracts each other faster than anything, snapping together in an instant.

Boss Yin still wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but he saw that most of the remaining black blades were retracted, faster than when they came, and rolled back like lightning.

"It's a pity!"

Boss Yin sighed and missed a great opportunity.

In this wave of confrontation just now, at least half of the black curved blades were knocked out.

Looking at the other party again, Shuyang daoist retracted the Qianbo Illusionary Carp Blade and looked at him vigilantly.

It is conceivable that opportunities like this one will not happen again in the future.

"A great opportunity, it's a pity!"

Although Boss Yin regrets, he is not discouraged, and this time it is really not completely without harvest.

Thousand wave magic carp blade is more than half damaged, and its strength is greatly reduced. In the future, it will be difficult to create the previous oppression.

At the top of the city, the dust daoist has been relaxed. Although there is a slight loss, the Shuyang daoist is safe and sound, which is a good thing.

The scales of the Great Demon Pangolin are precious, but they are no match for the life of the Shuyang daoist.

Although the Qianbo Magic Carp Blade is damaged, it still has the strength to fight, and the outcome is unknown.

The battle is not over yet!

The new camp side sighed with embarrassment, and had the opportunity to destroy the Thousand Waves Magic Carp Blade and even the daoist of Slaughter Dao's family.

As a result, the other party has gone too far.

Cai Feng Family reminded everyone, "What are you thinking, the other party is an elite who has been carefully cultivated by Taoism, and has a Fengchen daoist to guide him. How can it be so easy to kill?"

Shuyang daoist came forward, on behalf of Fengchen daoist instructed, must be fully prepared.

"Everyone is watching quietly, how does Boss Yin come back victorious!"

After hearing this, many daoists from various schools were excited again.

Although the Return to Origin poke is powerful, it depends on who is using it. If it is any one of them, it is impossible to have a half-percent level of Yin boss.

(end of this chapter)

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