Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 875


Chapter 875 Breaks the game and fights back

This is a game, and it's a serial game.

The previous assassin was just a striker. If he could assassinate the Orthodox Emperor and retreat, the two companions at the back would support him in retreating.

But if the assassination fails, and someone chases after them, the two sides can turn the tables and kill the pursuers.

Originally, this plan was aimed at Duke Meishan, the strongest in the capital.

But now, Gong Meishan didn't come, instead, Fang Dou entered the game instead of him.


Aiming at the assassin of the face, being chased and teased by Fang Dou, he had already held back his anger and started ruthless.

Prick the daoist robe with the fingertips, sense the tenacious smooth texture, and guess it is the magic weapon for body protection.

“What about the magic weapon?”

Assassin thought to himself that the power of his own shot could break two rows of your ribs through the daoist robe, insert it into the body, and pierce all the internal organs. , died horribly.

As a result, he put his palms firmly on Fang Dou's ribs and exerted force.

At the same time, there were two assassins behind him, one held an iron cone and hit the back of Fang Dou's heart, while the other smashed his copper hammer on the back of his head,

"The third one, you What's going on?"

Assassin, who was holding a copper hammer, said in dissatisfaction, "Why didn't you attract Duke Meishan? Who is this?"

The third child known as Assassin, He hurriedly explained, "Master, don't underestimate him, this is the Sword Immortal of the contemporary town, an empty Disciple. A few days ago, the Sword Immortal in the middle of Shu almost died at his hands!"


Assassin Master was surprised, and then laughed, "It's good, killing him is much more valuable than killing the emperor!"

Immediately, he said He taught the discipline with a face, "You Senior Brother assassinated Emperor Gongliang, although not well-known, but accumulated experience, this time I specially entrusted you with the task of assassinating the Orthodox Emperor, but you missed it!"

The third rubbed the back of his head, "Master, it's not that I don't work hard, I really can't find a chance!"

"I finally got close to the Dog Emperor today, but I was still disturbed by him!"

Speaking of the halfway, he couldn't help but ask, "Senior Brother, is someone dead, why are you still working hard?"

Assassin, holding a sledgehammer, seems to have assassinated Gongliang back then The emperor's assassin, in a low, muffled voice, said, "It's not dead yet!"

The master and disciple took a breath, "Really tenacious!"

Master held up the bronze Hammer, "Fix him twice, and smash him to the bone, and that's almost it!"

At this time, the assassin Senior Brother suddenly shouted, "Not good, get out of the way!"


next moment, as if the thunderball exploded, the surging electric light was like a wave, swaying the three assassins.

Assassin's innate talent is to run for his life, so there is a saying that he can't hit a single hit and escape thousands of miles away.

Originally, the three of them suffered a sudden attack, and they all wanted to take the opportunity to use the escape technique to unload their force and evacuate by the way.

But the attack that broke out on Fang Dou was far more terrifying than imagined, sticking them to his side, and waves of power rushed forward and washed three assassins.

"Don't think about it!"

Assassin Master was superior in the end, waited until the power of the explosion in front of him was slightly attenuated, and slashed with his cuff.


The three assassins staggered out and finally separated from Fang Dou.


Fang Dou slapped the dust on his body, tidied up his clothes, and looked towards the other three.

Since he comprehend to Sword Immortal, the immortal sword is one, has reached some kind of realm of Return to the Natural State.

All sword moves have been forgotten, only the instinct of waving hands and feet is left, as if all the exquisite sword techniques have been integrated into the bloodline.

Correspondingly, the body that was supposed to be flesh and blood, since it was transformed into a fairy sword, apart from the outline, the texture and hardness are the same.

Just now, he stabbed his throat with a dagger, why only a red dot was left, because what the opponent stabbed was actually an immortal sword.

Later, three assassins set up an assassination attempt, which should have been nine deaths and still alive, but was still survived by Fang Dou.

In the final analysis, it's not that assassin's business is not good, it's that their target is people, not fairy swords.

Fang Dou relied on a strong cheating-like body to force the three assassins to join forces, and finally beat the opponent back, which is really shocking.

I am afraid that the Meishan Gong came in person, and he may not have such a dazzling act.

Assassin Master stood firm, then moved towards the third child and beat him, "I told you to deceive Meishan Gong, how did you provoke him?"

The third child has three more in a row, In his mouth, he said, "Master, I don't want to!"

"Did you know that the most troublesome thing for us to catch the Flood Dragon is to catch the Flood Dragon with one net!"

"If you are not careful, the net will break, the boat will capsize, and everyone will die!"

The assassin Senior Brother next to him, opened the mouth and said, "Master, we should discuss how to retreat. Go!"

Master stopped, "That makes sense!"

"My queen, you and Junior Brother leave first!"

assass Senior Brother explained, "I assassinated Emperor Gongliang, the most valuable and most attractive to each other, Master and Junior Brother just took the opportunity to escape!"

"That's right!"

assassin Master patted His shoulders, "Take care!"

Then, he looked at Xiang Laosan, "Did you hear?"

The third one bowed his head in shame, "I'm not as good as Senior Brother!"

Master assassin nods and said, "You'd better prove that today's decision is correct!" In cooperation, the strength has greatly increased.

Fang Dou saw the three silhouettes spinning back and forth. When attacking, they were all enemies hiding the sky and covering the earth, but when he counterattacked, he could not capture any enemy.


Fang Dou breathes deeply, and his mind is raised to the unprecedented Void Spirit Realm world, starting Human and Sword Unity.


Assassin Master's hammer flew from a distance and smashed Fang Dou's head.

Fang Dou spread his palms, wrapped around the round hammer suddenly, next moment, and pulled back with force, as if he was using the force of this pull to quickly approach the assassin master.

"Not good!"

This is the flying speed of the Primordial Spirit Yu Jian, acting on Fang Dou like a ghost.

The three assassins watched the courage entirely to break, and knew that the tacit understanding of the battle could no longer be maintained.


Assassin Master didn't care about the magic weapon of the round hammer, he pulled back the third child, the outline continued to dissipate, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Fang Dou came quickly and was about to catch up, but was stopped by assassin Senior Brother.

"If you don't kill me, don't touch me Master Junior Brother!"

Fang Dou stopped and looked at him, "You killed Emperor Gongliang?"

"Not bad!"

assassin Senior Brother tone barely fell , and saw Fang Dou rushing in front of him, without the slightest hint of fireworks, holding his bun in his palm and gently picking it .

The next moment, assassin Senior Brother has been decapitated with Heaven and Earth spinning before his eyes.

"Don't worry, your same sect has gone too far, I can't catch up!"

Fang Dou raised his head and saw two thin lines in the moonlight He jumped out of the city wall and disappeared from sight.

After the opponent sacrificed and blocked, the other two assassins managed to escape.

Fang Dou was not disappointed. He was not a loyal and dutiful son of the Imperial Court. The goal of this shot was to capture and kill an assassin.

"With this murderer, it's time to explain it!"

Fang Dou carried his head and slowly returned to the Imperial Palace.

(end of this chapter)

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