
Chapter 700 General Mu Lian

When the sun rises, all darkness disappeared.

Yuantong returns to the village and finds patriarch, indicating that it has been resolved.

Besides the joy, patriarch showed melancholy on his face, and said, “Juniang is also a pitiful person!”

Other than that, he couldn’t say anything else.

Last night, many people in the village thought that robbers had entered the village, so the patriarch covered it up.

“Master, you are really an eminent monk.”

After experiencing this, patriarch became more and more convinced that Yuantong possessed the Divine Ability of subdue monsters and defeat demons, not the fake monks of swindle .

So, patriarch took the lead in listening to the scriptures and reciting the scriptures, and even the people of the whole village studied day and night, just like the candidates before the exam.

“This is Human World!”

Yuantong observes the people in the village. In order to have a full meal, they are busy running around all day, and even switch to the faith of Shimen in order to survive.

The various things in this Human World, the joys, sorrows and sorrows, are nothing more than just wanting to live.

“Not good, the white clothed Buddhist soldiers are here.”

On this day, someone outside the village shouted in horror, and then a large cloud of smoke rose.

Patriarch turned pale, turned around and begged, “Master, the lives of our entire village are counting on you!”

Patriarch and a few villagers just reacted.

“Not good, patriarch, this monk ran away!”

A villager was terrified and moved towards patriarch, cursing loudly, “He lied to us!”

“Shut up!”

Patriarch had seen the power of Yuantong, and knew that he was going to stop the white clothed Buddhist soldiers from entering the village.


“Where to go, the direction of the Buddhist soldiers!”

The road outside the village entrance is the only way to enter and leave the village. Rammed earth is used as the foundation, which can accommodate bullock carts to drag heavy objects on it.

The usual convenient traffic thoroughfare has now become an avenue for white clothed Buddhist soldiers to attack.

“General, there are people in the village!”

This is a pioneer of five hundred people, all with short hair, wearing white clothed, and shining eyes. The dreaded ‘white clothed Buddhist soldiers’ in Jiangnan.

The first person, also with short hair, is tall and taller than ordinary people.

This person’s name is Mu Lian, and he is a gradually raised general among the white clothed Buddhist soldiers. Although he is not from Shimen, he is a believer to get to where he is today, and his means and vision are indispensable.

Mu Lian looked at the few villagers who were scared witless ten feet away, and raised his eyes slightly. He knew that without his own action, the Buddhist soldiers under him would catch up and kill them.

“Old rules!”

“Everything I let out of the door will be punished!”

This sentence is murderous-looking, but the surrounding Buddha The soldiers had the usual indifference on their faces.

Three or two Buddhist soldiers held weapons, nothing more than convenient shovels and swords.

A few villagers were originally going out to collect firewood, but they didn’t expect to encounter the evil spirits that demanded their lives. They were so frightened that they ran away.

Just after running a few steps, the villagers heard the wind blowing from behind, and the pursuers had arrived. Their legs were so frightened that they fell to the ground on the spot.


The iron rod broke through the air, forcing everyone to breathe, and they were about to be beaten until their brains burst and die without a whole corpse.

“show mercy!”


A steel rod flew sideways, blocking several weapons of the Buddhist soldiers, and then a crash sounded.


Several Buddhist soldiers were completely unprepared, feeling the power of rebound, rolling back like a tidal wave.


General Mu Lian showed surprise, extended the hand, and flicked into the air a few times, catching a few Buddhist soldiers who were beaten back into the air.

“There are experts in the village!”

Five hundred Buddha soldiers began to spread out, moving towards the people who came to surround them.

The person who came was Yuantong, both of his hands folded and walked in front of everyone.

“Dare to ask General Gao’s name?”

Mu Lian said with a smile, “Interesting!”

“I am under the Ming throne, General Mu Curtain!”

“Why is this master blocking my way of Buddhist soldiers?”

Yuantong folded his hands together, “It’s not intentional embarrassment, but the people of this village have already Take refuge in my Buddha.”

“Please also ask the general to restrain his subordinates and not kill them by mistake!”

At this time, Patriarch came one after another with a group of villagers.

“Exactly, our village believes in the Buddha, and we invited this eminent monk to come back to Scripture Lecture!”

After all, patriarch has seen the world, and in the face of many Buddhist soldiers, he can still speak up.

But the villagers around him were a little bit bad. Seeing the vicious Buddhist soldiers, the oval-thick Zen staff, the gleaming crescent shovel and other sharp weapons, their legs trembled in fright, and they almost stood. unstable.

Yuantong could even hear the sound of many people swallowing one after another.


General Mu Lianfaint smiles, “I don’t believe it!”

The lieutenant beside him, who is also a short-haired monk, scolded sharply, ” Do you know how many fake monks we killed and the common people who pretended to be converted!”

Yantong sighed, no matter how shrewd people are, they can’t compare to these white clothed Buddhist soldiers.

“No, we are not fake, we truly believe in the Buddha.”

Patriarch became nervous. The other party had five hundred strong Buddhist soldiers, blocking the only exit. The massacre was launched, and none of the people in the village could escape.

“We can still recite Buddhist scriptures!”

“Er dog, hurry up and recite two sentences!”

Hearing Patriarch’s urging, the young man beside him reacted , stammering and reciting, “One day, the Buddha was…”

He was illiterate, but he just forcibly memorized the scriptures that Fang Dou recited. In addition, he was nervous at the moment, so he recited it intermittently. Very reluctantly.

Mu Lian listened for a moment, then said with a smile to the lieutenant beside him, “It’s still a bit prepared!”

The lieutenant asked, “General, kill or not?”


“See that monk?”

“Uh, I see!”

“If you can beat him, you can kill him!”

The implication is that if you can’t beat Yuantong, you can’t kill the people of this village.

The lieutenant looked surprised, “General, even you can’t kill him!”

“I’m not an opponent!”

Mu Lian said seriously, “King Ming I have also said that I, Mu Lian, have the first vision, the second leading troops, and the third cultivation base.”

He looked towards Yuantong, “This person is a powerhouse no less than the four great generals! “

The lieutenant was shocked when he heard this, and General Mu Lian’s evaluation of the monk was so high.

“Then what should we do?”

General Mu Lian smiled and recruited Yuantong, “Master, since this village is protected by you, then we white clothed Buddhist soldiers, also Don’t enter the village!”

He moved towards the five hundred Buddha soldiers behind him and waved, “Return the same way!”

Patriarch and many other people, after hearing this sentence, their whole body froze. Almost collapsed, and finally escaped.

Yuantong put his hands together, “many thanks General Mu Lian!”


General Mu Lian said, “We let this village go, we must If you want an explanation, please also ask the Master to come with us to meet King Ming.”

“Oh, trivial matter, do you want to report to King Ming?”

Yuantong frowned, one village’s People, do you need to report to King Ming?

“It is very necessary!”

General Mu Lian said, “Master, King Ming’s requirements for faith are extremely pure, and no deception or concealment is allowed, please forgive me! ”

(end of this chapter)

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