
Chapter 696 Hungry Ghosts

Patriarch pleads in every possible way, please stay for a few more days.

This is the wisdom of a nobody, he made up his mind to hold Yuantong’s thigh tightly.

Once the white clothed Buddhist soldiers are killed, they can raise the banner and claim to be followers of Shimen.

The son of patriarch, but clearly conveyed that in the county town that was slaughtered, only the followers of Shimen could live.

As the army of the white clothed Buddha grew stronger and no longer accepted the people who had temporarily converted, the killings became more serious.

Patriarch is experienced and knowledgeable. When other villagers were still afraid of the monk Yuantong, he saw an opportunity to save the lives of a village.

On the Sun Valley Square, all the villagers were very serious, staring at Yuantong.

It is still quite difficult for ordinary people to read the scriptures through Yuantong, but the villagers have made rapid progress under the encouragement of their desire to survive.

“Sure enough, fear is the foundation of faith.”

In the evening and sunset, many villagers in the square dispersed, chanting as they walked away.

“Master, please go back to rest and come back tomorrow!”

Patriarch was afraid that Yuantong would leave, so he wanted to serve him closely, and would not leave for a moment.

Yuantong smiled and said nothing. He came to this village to meet the white clothed Buddhist soldiers.

The area near the white clothed Buddhist soldiers will expand to this area in the near future, and this is the opportunity that Yuantong is waiting for.

“The village, it’s bad, the tomb of Zhang Third Brother’s family has been dug up again!”

Patriarch was worried, “Why is it here again?”

In this situation, he should have seen it in person, but he had Yuantong beside him, and he looked ugly, “Master…”

Yuantongqian said with a smile, “It’s okay, This poor monk also wants to go and see, if the dead are allowed to expose their corpses in the wilderness, there will be peace, and this poor monk can recite the sutras on their behalf!”

“That’s good!”

patriarch thought to himself, those white clothed Buddhist soldiers who killed and massacred the city were commonplace, but it made people forget that chanting sutras and transcendence was a monk’s housekeeping skill.

A group of people went to the cemetery outside the village, which belongs to the ancestral tomb, where clansman will be buried after his death.

“Master, in recent years, there have been wars and famines, and there have been fewer people, but more wild dogs!”

“These wild dogs are used to eating human flesh, and they are so vicious that they dare to even live. Biting.”

“Recently, there are vicious dogs from other places who came to dig graves outside the village to eat the bones of the dead.”

On the way, Patriarch shook his head repeatedly, “Poor The clansman, there will be no peace after death!”

While speaking, everyone had arrived at the ancestral tomb, and saw 3 or 5 people surrounding a mound, and the soil dug out was still fresh.

In the pit, the thin-skin coffin was opened, and the bones were scattered on the ground.

“Sure enough, wild dogs eat people again!”

Yuantong is silent, this breath is not right!

The rotting bones, with tooth marks left on them, look like some kind of large wild beast.

“Forget it, pick up the bones and bury them again!”

patriarch greeted a few strong guys and continued to fill in the tomb.

Yuantong recited a passage of scriptures to save the dead, and it was getting dark soon.

“Patriarch, this kind of thing has only happened in recent years?”

When patriarch heard this, he hurriedly said, “Yeah, since last year, wild animals have been haunting everywhere. There are more and more dogs, chasing and biting the villagers who are alone.”

“At night, there are wild dogs digging up the graves and eating the bones of the dead!”

Yuantong suddenly asked, ” What’s going on with the family who didn’t come today?”

The topic changed so quickly that Patriarch was stunned at first, and then answered.

“Jiniang’s family is not easy. Orphans and widows are a big family!”

“Last year, Jiuniang gave birth to quintuplets and is still confinement. He fell down the mountain and died.”

“Jiniang raises five children alone, it’s not easy!”

Yantong also clicked one’s tongue in wonder, “It’s not easy, five The child is still alive, and this mother is not easy!”

He already had doubts in his heart.

Having one child and five children, they can still raise one, and one died prematurely, which is a miracle at the moment.

The second suspicious point is that during the daytime square gathering, everyone’s life is at stake, no matter the old or the weak, even the elderly on the sickbed are supported at the scene.

The Jiuniang family didn’t come, don’t they want to live?

Unless, Jiuniang’s family has a secret that is not visible.

“Patriarch, can you take me to this Jiuniang’s house, and I will give them the scriptures!”

Patriarch did not suspect him, but said, “If you can, It is a blessing for Jiuniang’s family to have the Master give the scriptures in person!”

The door of Jiuniang’s house was closed, and the lights were not turned on when it was dark.

Before patriarch knocked on the door, he muttered, “Juniang doesn’t know what’s going on. When it gets dark, she doesn’t light the lamp. Could it be that there is no lamp oil at home?”

dong dong dong, the wooden door is knocking!

“Who is it?”

A woman’s voice came from the door, and there were a few uneven sounds of crying babies.

“Juniang, it’s my uncle, the Master wants to give you a scripture, open the door!”

“Patriarch, I’m a woman, so it’s not convenient to open the door!”


Patriarch was anxious, “Juniang, with my old uncle here, what are you afraid of?”

“Also, how many days have you not been out these days?”

Juniang in the room gradually became irritable, “Patriarch, hurry up!”

Patriarch was also anxious, “You child, why are you talking to Uncle?”

Putting a hand on patriarch’s shoulder, Yuantong said gently, “Let me come!”

Yuantong took over patriarch’s position, stood in front of the wooden door and asked softly, “Juniang, do you know, In the realm of evil ghosts, there is a kind of hungry ghost!”

Jiuniang inside the door did not respond at all.

Yuantong continued, “Hungry ghosts are gluttonous and gluttonous in their lifetimes, but after death they become hungry ghosts hell. They cannot be satisfied all day long, and they desperately try to eat everything in front of them.”

“There are also hungry ghosts, but they are those who transformed from living people into hungry ghosts during times of war and famine!”

“The reason for this kind of hungry ghosts is that some people couldn’t help being hungry and ate people’s food. Flesh, you only need to taste the first bite, and it will gradually fall.”

“Eat enough flesh and blood from a hundred people, and you will turn from a living person into a hungry ghost.”

“Jiuniang , in recent years, the bones of the dead outside the village have been eaten by evil ghosts, I am afraid it is this hungry ghost hiding in the dark!”

“Calculate the time, the time when the evil ghost appears, happens to be When you give birth to a child, you are in urgent need of feeding!”

As everyone knows, a woman needs nourishment to feed her baby, and she must eat nourishing things.

If the mother can’t get enough to eat, how can she feed the child?

Juniang’s family, unprecedented with five children, needs far more than ordinary people.

These days, the average family can’t get enough to eat, even more how is Jiu Niang’s family, the pillar is dead, only the orphans and widows are left.

The more Patriarch listened, the more frightened he became, and he took a few steps back, “Juniang, why are you…”

“Patriarch, I can’t help it either!”

From the door came the faint cry of Jiuniang, “The child wants to eat milk, I have nothing to eat, so I can only eat human flesh.”

“Jiniang couldn’t bear to kill her relatives, she just went to dig Dead bones, is this wrong?”

“Unfortunately, you saw through it today!”

“It’s just right, the child wants to eat milk, and I can eat the two of you, too. Squeeze some milk!”

tone barely fell, the wooden door opened, and a black figure with a foul stench moved towards Yuantong, patriarch assaults the senses.

(end of this chapter)

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