
Chapter 693 Relentless

“Let’s talk about it later!”

Fang Dou Flying Sword is in the middle of the God-given chest.

This move was too sudden, Weng Jingyu started, thinking to repair the God-given Master, why should he kill him.

The Flying Sword did not enter the heart, and there was no trace of blood, and it blended into the body smoothly all the way.

Flying Sword is like an embroidery needle, moving along the meridians in the body, cutting the connection between the golden flower and the flesh and blood.

Xiu Tianci was amazed, “Master’s Sword Art is really exquisite.”

Fang Dou’s move brings the characteristics of tailor Sword Art to the extreme.

After three or five breaths, Flying Sword like a hot knife through butter, plucked off the golden flower of five treasures.

Xiu Tianci took a few breaths and reached out to hold the Five Treasures Golden Flower. This little thing caused him a lot of pain just now.

The third and fifth two looked at each other with heavy expressions.

The ability to crack the golden flower of the five treasures is far beyond their imagination. It seems that Fang Dou is not a vain name.

“Eldest Senior Brother, the three of us, together, will surely be able to subdue this villain!”

They knew that their skills were not enough, so they encouraged Weng Jingyu to join forces.

Weng Jingyu was a little hesitant. The purpose of this trip was to persuade him to return to Xiu Tianci. Now that Fang Dou has also appeared, Xiu Tianci plans to return to Jiangnan together, and the purpose has been achieved.

The situation at hand is really inappropriate.

The third and fifth gritted their teeth and shot at the same time.

One person holds the cloud map and the other holds the emerald green circle. In an instant, there is boundless glow and greenery, swept away like a frenzy.

Fang Dou stood still when he heard Xiu Tianci shouting, “Master, give me this battle!”

Xiu Tianci opened his arms and raised his head several times. Indistinct blisters shone with silvery rays of light.

These ‘blisters’ are like thunderballs, and densely packed is difficult to measure.


Lightning ball filling the whole sky, collided with the attacks of the third and fifth, and immediately exploded Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Xiaguang was torn apart again and again, with emerald green brilliance, cracking like spider webs.

“The third, the fifth, the senior of the old altar sit down, especially the two of you are the worst, and your eccentricity is higher than the sky!”

“You also have only sneak attack behind your back. I’ve been able to do it!”

Xiu Tian gave a roar, “The kindness of the five treasures golden flower, Young Master, I have a lot of points, I will return them all!”

The thunder bead is dense like rain, frying With two people on the verge of collapse, the magic weapon can hardly be grasped.

At this time, Weng Jingyu shot, azure light shot out, turned into a crescent moon, and cut off the barrier that the thunder bead turned into.

“show mercy!”

As a major event, he always misses Junior Brother, and he will insert himself into the battlefield where the two sides fight as soon as he makes a move.

“Did I let you do it?”

Fang Dou shouted angrily, and the thunder fell from the sky, blowing Weng Jingyu upside down.

At this time, the third and fifth, together with Weng Jingyu, realized that the gap with Fang Dou was so big.

Weng Jingyu flew thousands of times and zhang upside down, only to be able to stand on the ground and hurriedly said, “Fang Dou, this matter is a misunderstanding, my two junior brothers have no malicious intentions!”

Fang Dou faint smile, pointing to the golden flower of five treasures, “This is not malicious?”

Weng Jingyu choked for a while, and turned to Xiu Tianci, “Heaven, persuade Master!”

In the past, Xiu Tianci couldn’t say two sentences, but after experiencing the danger just now, his mind changed.

When Fang Dou didn’t come, the third and fifth two couldn’t wait to assassinate him.

At that time, Weng Jingyu did not come forward to stop it!

“Sorry, as a Disciple, Tianci should obey the teacher’s orders.”

“Master Jingyu, I have always admired you and honored your teacher, please don’t persuade me. Disobeying the teacher!”

These words, Weng Jingyu was speechless.

Fang Dou saw nodded with a smile, this child is not pedantic and saved him a lot of things.

“Xiu Tianci, the killing intent of these two just now is obvious, I have seen it!”

Fang Dou pointed to the third and fifth two, “You decide how to deal with it. !”

Xiu God nodded.

Weng Jingyu hurriedly said, “Tianci, don’t be impulsive, no matter what they are, they are the Disciple of the teacher.”

The implication is that if Xiu Tianci hurts the third and fifth , is bound to offend the old altar daoist.

At this time, Fang Dou spoke leisurely.

“disciple, do you know what the Master looks like now, what is the root cause?”

“I heard that the Master killed Yuan Tianhe of Big Dipper Dao Sect!”

Fang Dou nodded, pointing to the third and fifth, “Yuan Tian, how is he better than them?”

Xiu Tianci shook his head, “This guy has what skills and abilities, he can’t compare at all! “

This is the truth, Yuan Tianhe is a contemporary descendant of Taoism, and the younger generation can compare with him, and he can count two slaps.

The third and fifth are so mediocre, even the old daoist himself may not remember this Disciple in seven or eight years.

“Then why are you hesitating?”

The edge of words, the edge of the sword!

Xiu Tianci suddenly realized and looked at Fang Dou with reverence, “Disciple got it!” it’s here.

Even if you kill the third and fifth, can you be more serious than me?

The safety of you and me, master and disciple, lies in the strength we master, not the kindness of the enemy.

Weng Jingyu had to say more, and suddenly a cloud of mist descended from the top of the mountain, trapping him in it.

So, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t move his hands and feet, he could only watch everything happen.

The third and fifth still wanted to struggle, and they kept threatening, “Xiu Tianci, if you dare to kill me, Master will definitely not let you go!”

Xiu Tianci was too lazy to care about them, “The two of you, the most valuable thing in your body is the identity of the senior Disciple of the old altar.”

“It doesn’t matter, after all, you are a person with status.”

“I can’t kill it hastily. Kill, give due respect!”

Speaking of this, Xiu Tian gave Forehead Sword a flash, Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit drilled out of the top of his head, and the Big Dipper was engraved on his back.


Primordial Spirit, the ultimate weapon, is used to split the wind and clouds, and the momentum is like a tide.

“How come this is Big Dipper Dao Sect’s Taoism?”

Weng Jingyu, the third and the fifth, all felt absurd when they saw this scene.

The sign of the Seven Star Flying Sword is somewhat similar to the spell of the Big Dipper Dao Sect.

However, formidable power is incomparable.


The third child’s eyes widened, and the Seven Star Flying Sword fell down, holding up the brightly lit cloud map, and was about to wrap it.

The fabric was torn, the magic weapon split in two on the spot, and Spiritual Qi dissipated.

Next moment, the third child was stabbed to the core.

The old fifth was devastated, hurriedly threw the emerald jade ring, turned and was about to leave, shouting, “Eldest Senior Brother save me!”

Weng Jingyu felt helpless, he was also powerless to defend himself, can’t save you.

The emerald jade ring splits into countless rings, wrapping the Seven Stars Flying Sword layer by layer, trying to trap it for a while.

However, Xiu flicked the fingers, and the sword light accelerated sharply.

The jade ring suddenly cracked, and the fragments fell on the ground.

Flying Sword was castrated, running through the old fifth body, bringing up a touch of blood light.

After the blink of an eye, the two corpses were on the spot.

Xiu Tianci flicked his fingers and retracted the Flying Sword, feeling annoyed in his heart. This action is still beautiful for the Master to use, and he can’t learn it by himself.

“What about this person?”

Fang Dou’s eyes fell on Weng Jingyu.

Weng Jingyu’s heart was tense, and he suddenly hung up.

(end of this chapter)

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