
Chapter 687 Killing Countermeasures

Somewhere in Celestial Grotto.

Several Taoist daoists are gathering together, and they are talking about Fang Dou.

“Shen Jian recuperates in seclusion!”

“Withered wood and Huang Guan, they can’t get away either!”

Several daoists present, all Are raw faces, they are older and normally don’t need to show up.

However, every time Daoism influences the world’s major events, their hands and feet are behind it.

“Let’s talk about it!”

“Fang Dou, what should I do with him?”

Among these daoists, the old daoist is impressively listed , He was a little sullen, bowed his head and did not speak.

“Old Tan, why do you look so unhappy?”

The daoist sitting next to him, with a thorn and a dead branch in his bun, asked curiously.

Before Laotan daoist asked a question, a companion kindly reminded him, “Don’t mention it, there is a Junior that Laotan likes, and he doesn’t want to be his teacher, so he left a few days ago!”


“Oh, so that’s how it is!”

They also heard about it, the old altar daoist spent more than ten years to influence, and finally failed.

At their age, they know it’s not easy to find the Disciple they like.

“Laotan, don’t be too sad, you will have your own destiny in the future!”

Laotan daoist waved his hand, he was depressed, but not this.

Fang Dou, he heard the name earlier than everyone present.

Even, he and the other party have a feud for taking disciples.

Xiu Tianci, what a wonderful child, who has become a Primordial Spirit at a young age. His spell for Taoism is also comprehending and progressing rapidly.

If you can worship him and train carefully, you can become a daoist at the age of thirty.

It’s a pity that such a good talent has cheapened the loose cultivator named ‘Fang Dou’.

Old altar daoist, when I heard Fang Dou’s name again, it was now.

He finally understood why Xiu Tianci was so determined to Fang Dou!

Fang Dou is a genius who is not born in the world.

Such a person is rare in the world.

It can be said that the probability of being able to become a daoist is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns than those who practiced Primordial Spirit before the daoist.

Among the daoists, there are also a few people who, as long as they don’t fall by accident, can achieve realm above Chaoyuan, and even sprint True Immortal is not impossible.

“I’ll send down the decree to let He Rollerblaze kill Fang Dou!”

Other daoists heard it, and nodded agreed, “He Rollerblaze has a 70-80% chance of winning. !”

He Rolling Shutter is one of the legendary old monsters, his seniority is higher than Kumu and Huangguan, and he is also innate talent.

However, the hit was a little bit luckier, and up to now, it has not been able to achieve daoist.

The reason why Rolling Shutter was chosen this time is because this person, who is also in the realm of the Master, has already cultivated the existence of Primordial Spirit.

This person has Taoist secret skills, and also has the existence of the Primordial Spirit Yujian, which is the most suitable for Fang Dou.

The old daoist became even more worried after hearing this, for fear that Xiu Tianci would act recklessly rushing to learn that Fang Dou was in trouble.

“Why did the roller shutter fail?”

Suddenly someone asked a question.

The scene was silent for a moment. If it failed this time, there would be nothing to do.

He roller blind is already the most suitable person I can think of.

If it still doesn’t work, the only way to kill Fang Dou is to rely on crowd tactics.

These veteran daoists know the horror of cause and effect better. They already know that the cause and effect of Fang Dou’s whole body is extremely dense.

The juniors are hands-on, even if the contamination is limited.

But if they, as daoists, start to kill Fang Dou, I am afraid that the cause and effect of that terrifying body will be passed on to them both principal and interest.

Therefore, although there are many Daoists in Taoism, no one is willing to do it by themselves.

“Don’t think too much!”

“This person is entangled in cause and effect, and he is also a chess piece. Even if he has achievements in the future, he will definitely be used and die tragically! “

“I’m waiting for the daoist, the life essence is long, and we should seek for the future, not for a short time!”

“After the roller blind, if you can’t kill Fang Dou , let’s leave it alone and leave it to Junior below!”

“Yes, let’s set a reward, whoever kills Fang Dou will be his disciple!”

“Who will accept the disc?”

“When the time comes, let’s talk about it!”

After a few words, the daoists have finalized the matter.

The old altar daoist left the Celestial Grotto, took a few quick steps, and came to beyond a thousand li.

“Disciple is coming!”

After a while, Weng Jingyu rushed to the front of his elder disciple.

“Master, don’t you always go to a party with Martial Uncles for a drink?”

“Drinking is a name, it’s actually talking about things!”

The daoist of the old altar immediately ordered, “Hurry up to the big river, and once you see Xiu Tian bestowing him across the river, persuade him to return immediately, and don’t allow him to cross the river!”

“Xiu Junior Brother!”


Weng Jingyu was slightly taken aback, “What’s the matter with him?”

Laotan daoist tossed his sleeves, “Don’t ask more, go!”

Weng Jingyu cupped the hands , “Disciple obeys!”

The old altar daoist watched the elder disciple leave, relaxed.

He knows that elder disciple has a honest and honest personality, which is different from other Disciples, so he will definitely be able to handle this matter.

If you change to another Disciple, normally you are jealous of Xiu Divine Gift, and you will definitely take the opportunity to hit a person when he’s down.

Laotan daoist, after all, appreciates Xiu Tianci very much, and he is not far from being implicated in his death.

Weng Jingyu was walking on the clouds, and after walking for a few miles, he suddenly heard a shout, “Eldest Senior Brother, walk slowly!”

He stopped and saw the third, The fifth and two Junior Brothers are chasing after them quickly.

“What’s the matter, the two Junior Brothers?”

“I heard that the Master told you to do things, the two of us made our own decisions and wanted to help!”

Weng Jingyu Hearing this, he shook his head quickly, “No, you guys go back to the mountain for cultivation!”

“Eldest Senior Brother, please, you know how we are, and we can definitely help!”

The third and the fifth begged softly back and forth, gradually softening Weng Jingyu’s ears.

“Okay, just follow me, don’t make trouble!”

The third and fifth heard this, and quickly patted their chests to promise, “I will do it!”

The two Junior Brothers, behind Weng Jingyu, looked at each other with a cold look in their eyes.

Xiu Tian bestowed that wild species, and dared to compete with them for favor. Even though people are gone, the Master still remembers them.

Okay, this time the Master’s idea was completely eliminated.


“In front, is the bank of the big river!”

Xiu Tianci took the rays of light under his feet, and immediately fell from the air, stepping on the ground .

He traveled day and night, and finally felt that he was on the edge of the river, so he specially came to meet Master Fang Dou.

Originally, he closed his door for cultivation in Gouqu Mountain, but suddenly received a letter.

The news in the letter made Xiu Tian send startled, it turns out that the sect of Ma has been destroyed, but Master Fang Dou got into trouble and was chased and killed by the Taoists all the way.

Xiu Tianci couldn’t sit still any longer, so he hurriedly left Gouqu Mountain and wanted to cross the river to meet Master Fang Dou.

Although he had a lot of doubts about the sender of the letter, the Master’s safety was very important, and he couldn’t think about it.

“It’s finally here, Master has not crossed the river yet, wait until I cross the river to pick up someone!” He Flying Sword Technique, bring it up a level.

If Fang Dou met, he would definitely give birth to the sigh of ‘Farewell for three days, look at it with admiration’.

(end of this chapter)

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