
Chapter 682 Emperor Beng

When the Duke of Meishan spoke, how could there be a father and son of the emperor and his ministers, like a great rebel Old traitor.

Not only the innocence monk, but also the two daoists with dead wood and yellow crown, are also slightly shocked.

This great Confucian who worries about the country and the people has changed too fast and exceeded his expectations.

“Not good, he kicked the ball back!”

With a little thought, the dead wood daoist guessed the intention of Duke Meishan.

Aren’t you going to pursue Emperor Longguang? Well, I won’t stop him. He is the emperor of True Dragon, where the luck of the country lies. Anyone who dares to kill will suffer backlash.

This kind of cause and effect, don’t talk about it, even if the three join forces, they can’t bear it.

As for the abolition of the emperor, no one in the world can do it except the famous religion.

Meishan Gongming doesn’t care, everything will be handled by you.

In an instant, Emperor Longguang became a hot potato.

“Mister Meishan, I heard that you are lonely and mean, but now that you see it, your name is not in vain!”

Mister Meishan doesn’t change, “I can get Taoism. The daoist is so praised, it is the blessing of three lifetimes!”

The two daoists, Deadwood and Huangguan, felt a little headache, the other party clearly refused to enter the oil and salt, and it was useless to provoke him.

“Mister Meishan, if you really don’t care, then we will enter the Imperial Palace and kill Emperor Longguang!”

Huang Guandaoist saw this and threatened.

Duke Meishan shook his head, “Kill it, you can kill Emperor Longguang, but can you make the world have no more emperors?”

“The Taoist act is so tyrannical, one day, It will cause the emperor to fear again, when the time comes, there will be more Ma Jiao, more Emperor Longguang!”

These words, the dead wood and Huang Guan were speechless.

“Senior is wrong!”

Monk Tong Xin said, “Killing Emperor Longguang is for the past and future, but you can’t talk about it now, you It’s sophistry!”

“Haha, Little Monk is right!”

The dead wood daoist said happily, “If there are still Majiao and Emperor Longguang in the future, we Taoists will still have someone to come forward. , teach them, mediocre people will worry about future generations.”

“Emperor Meishan, Ma teach this matter, Emperor Longguang must pay the price!”

Emperor Meishan spread his hands, ” I don’t think you will interfere!”

He looked like he was lying flat and letting him beat him, which made people worry.

The two withered trees and yellow crowns, but until Meishan Gong, are far from harmless on the outside.

This skinny Little Old Man once worked in Shuzhong, which made Sword Immortal in Shuzhong dare not set foot in other places.

Over the years, Sword Immortals have come out of Shuzhong one after another, but without this great Confucianism.

Even the three Sword Immortals couldn’t drive away Duke Meishan who was sitting in front of the house, which shows how powerful he is.

Huang Guan daoist, suddenly pulled a strand of hair from the top of his head, leaving blood stains at the roots.

I saw him quietly wrapping his hair around his fingertips, mutter incantations in his mouth, and performing Taoist Divination Technique.

“Let me see, what’s your confidence in doing this!”

The dead wood daoist is still haggling with Meishan Gong.

“Emperor Meishan, you are a famous sect, but you want to protect the country and the country.”

“The Son of Heaven is the father of the king. If you can’t keep Emperor Longguang, wouldn’t your famous sect be a sinner?

Duke Meishan’s expression was somber, “Yeah, if that’s the case, the only way is to commit crimes.”

The dead wood daoist thought to himself, this old man is not someone who is easy to deal with, really Not easy to do!

“Withered wood, we are all wrong!”

The yellow crown daoist raised his palm, and the hair wrapped around his fingertips had already sent away the ashes.

The ashes like snow slipped through the fingers and fell down.

“Emperor Longguang’s life is about to end, and there are only a dozen days left of life essence!”

Deadwood daoist suddenly realized, so that’s how it is.

In order to establish Sect this time, Majiao did not hesitate to consume the fortune of the dynasty, and set up a great formation of ‘the mountains and rivers inside and outside’.

However, Taoism and Shimen joined forces to slaughter the city with thieves, wantonly slaughter people, and shake the foundation of the Imperial Court.

After the demise of the Majiao religion, the Imperial Court’s luck suffered successive damages, and it has been a great injury.

In the past, when the riotous people revolted, it was said that Emperor Longguang was a ruthless ruler. It was originally a verbal statement, but now it has become a genuine’s ruthlessness.

The demise of Ma sect, the Imperial Court was severely damaged, and the emperor Longguang was the first to bear the brunt.

The Emperor Longguang was seriously injured and is now lying in the imperial city dormitory, dying.

In particular, this is because luck damages the foundation, and nothing Xinglin’s tricks will work.

Even if the imperial physician who gathered the top of the time, surrounded by Emperor Longguang, he could only do nothing, watching his breath pass away, step by step towards death.

“so that’s how it is!”

The dead wood daoist finally guessed why the Duke of Meishan was so determined.

There is no doubt that Emperor Longguang will die. Does it make a difference to him whether he collapses on his own or is killed by Taoists?

If the Taoists can really bear the name of slaying the monarch, it will definitely damage the luck of the Taoists.

“What a sinister intention!”

The dead wood daoist nods, “Emperor Longguang repays this, and it is also a sin.”

Having said this, he and Huang Guan Du understood that the Taoists had to leave the capital.

The culprit this time, the Ma Jiao Guanglin daoist has died, and Emperor Longguang is not far from death, and there is no room for him to take action.

“Empress Meishan, mention your conditions!”

Emperor Meishan exhaled, “Emperor Longguang has no empress, after he dies, the empress dowager should decide and choose him. Prince Liang of the Third Brother ascended the throne as emperor.”

“When the new emperor ascends the throne, he will issue an edict to execute Qilian Imperial Tutor and his henchmen!”

“In the Imperial Court, no I will have a little opinion on Taoism!”

This sentence, said from the mouth of Meishan Gong, undoubtedly represents the commitment of the famous religion.

Monk Tongxin has no doubts whether the famous teacher has the ability to do all this.

What kind of terrifying power is this to control the emperor’s personnel and destroy the deep-rooted Imperial Tutor henchmen in one word?

But when I think of it, the scholars in the world, including the officials, are all disciples of famous teachers, and things are as it should be by rights.


Deadwood daoist and Huang Guan daoist looked at each other, nodded, and then looked towards Monk Tong Xin, “What’s your opinion on Shimen?”

” Me?”

Monk Tong Xin waved his hands again and again, “I can’t represent Shimen!”

“However, Saint in the door said, everything is based on Taoism!”

After the two of the dead wood listened, they said to Duke Meishan, “It’s fixed!”


Thirteen days later.

In the middle of the night, the imperial city dormitory.

Outside the great hall, concubines, palace maids, Court Eunuch, and the imperial physicians waiting outside crowded the corridor into tight air.

“Get out of the way for Ai’s family!”

The queen dowager, supported by her personal maid, walked quickly through the crowd and walked to the door of the bedroom.

Someone noticed that Concubine Li, who has always been favored, was not by her side. This was a sign that Qilian Imperial Tutor was going to be unlucky.

“How is the emperor?”

In the bedroom, Emperor Longguang had snow-white hair, eyes closed, and his expression was painful.

“Concubine Jin, Crown Prince!”

Finally spit out these two names, Emperor Longguang tilted his head and gasped on the spot.

Outside the hall, the Empress Dowager heard the news, as if was struck by lightning, “My son!”

It was night, Emperor Longguang died!

In the ruined capital, there was a cry, like a storm, sweeping the entire capital.

It’s just that among these weeping people, I don’t know how many are suffering for themselves, and how many are crying for Emperor Longguang.

Ten days ago, the Taoists had already evacuated from the capital, so naturally they couldn’t see it.

(end of this chapter)

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