
Chapter 680 Negotiated

“Yuan Yangzheng, they are afraid of death, but I am not afraid of fire!”

Huo De said with a cold face.

“Your life-stealing cicada, you can let the horse come over. I, Huo De, who blinks an eye is a coward!”

Yuan Yangzheng smiled, looking at Huo De and his companions .

“Senior Brother Huode, I beg you, stop talking!”

The companions hugged Huode, “Leave the green hills so that there is no need for firewood to burn. “

“Let’s back down for the time being and go back and come to rescue the soldiers, everything is easy to talk about!”

Some people suggested, “Shouchan is so dangerous, you must inform the two of you.”


Other people listened, their hearts farted, daoist is well-informed, I’m afraid they already know, and they use you to inform.

But to see through and not to say, it is nothing more than finding a step to go down!

“That’s right!”

The furious Huo De gradually calmed down and thought.

There is a door!

A group of comrades met, and there was hope in their hearts.

“But it’s impossible for me to give in!”

After thinking for a while, Huode said angrily

“Senior Brother, you…”

Before waiting for his companions to persuade, Huo De said, “Yuan Yangzheng, you are lucky, if I am alone for a few days, I will be irreconcilable with you after all my life essence is exhausted.”

Immediately, he pointed to his companions, “But with the same sect present, I can’t bear them to accidentally get hurt!”

“You win this time!”

Huode finally bowed his head Now, he stretched out two fingers and poked in the direction of the imperial city.

A spectacular scene happened, the burning imperial city, all the flames slammed upwards, revolved and gathered, turning into hundreds of Fire Dragons.

These Fire Dragons ascended to the sky at the same time, burning the sky into discoloration.

A moment later, the fireworks of the imperial city dissipated, leaving only the charred wreckage, emitting plumes of blue smoke.

“Your Majesty, rejoice!”

Although old Court Eunuch is old, but at the moment, he has the wind under his feet and comes to the front of Emperor Longguang, just about to kneel down to answer.

“No gift, just say it!”

“Your Majesty, there is a scholar who persuades the Taoist priest who set fire to stop. At this moment, there is no more light in the imperial city. !”

“Scholar, is it a famous teacher?”

Emperor Longguang fell into deep thought.


Outside the imperial city, Huo De pulled his hand and looked towards Yuan Yangzheng, “I’ve accepted the Huo, what do you want?”

“Why not? , let’s have a cup of tea together!”

Fang Dou pointed to the imperial city where there are charcoal everywhere, “With ready-made charcoal, wherever a copper pot can be used to make tea!”


Huo De rolled his eyes, turned and left.

He is not worried that Yuan Yangzheng will not believe what he says, and there are two Taoist daoists behind him.

Huo Dexin has a hunch that the current game is between Taoism and famous religion.

Famous teachers are so sinister and insidious, taking advantage of Taoism and Ma teaching both sides suffer, now come forward to sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

I heard that there are still great Confucians in the capital, but the two Daoists of Taoism are injured, and the next thing is not easy to handle!

On the way back, Huode said nothing and was full of worries.

Guys, make eye contact with each other and are very opinionated.

Just now I said that you were unyielding and unyielding, with a heroic appearance, but in a blink of an eye, you went down the stairs and said that you couldn’t bear to implicate us!

Ugh, this is too shameless!

“I understand!”

Huo De suddenly said, “Yuan Yangzheng can’t manipulate Shouchan, he can only use it as a deterrent, he is cheating me!”

It would be useful to understand earlier, now? Aftermath.

“The trend of famous sects, as well as the things about stealing longevity, must be told to the two daoists!”


“stealing longevity, interesting !”

What happened in this scene has not been concealed from the two daoists, Deadwood and Huang Guan.

Yuan Yangzheng’s activation of Thief Shouchan and the familiar red thread reminded them of that scene.

Meishan Gong fished from the air, broke through the Celestial Grotto, and took away the stealing cicada. The four daoists could not stop it.

At this moment, I see Shouchan again, how can I not understand, this is Duke Meishan’s shot.

As daoists, their vision of looking at things has long ceased to be superficial.

The Shou Cicada might be in Yuan Yangzheng’s hands, but the one who really used this treasure was Duke Meishan behind him.

“The famous teacher finally shot!”

The dead wood daoist sighed, actually has several points of relief.

“Shoushou Chan, it is a piece of heavy weight!”

Huang Guandaoist nods, although this ancient worm is powerful, once it is exposed, the threat will be great Reduced.

In addition to protecting Emperor Longguang, Meishan Gong’s move has a deeper purpose.

Mingjiao wants to talk to Taoists.

“The negotiation is good!”

In the overall situation of the capital, only Taoism, famous religions, and Shimen remain.

Not even Imperial Court is qualified to get involved.

“Then go, I will meet this Meishan Gong!”

Huang Guandaoist got up, but was stopped by dead wood, “Don’t worry!”

“Three families Gathering together, how could Shimen be missing?”

Huang Guan daoist shook his sleeves, “What are you asking them to do, they won’t come anyway!”

“Even if they don’t come, they won’t come. Let me know!”

The dead wood daoist said, “Don’t underestimate Shimen!”

After a while, Shimen’s reply was the same as usual.

All the saints and monks have something to do and can’t come. Everything is decided by Taoism.

In short, Shimen’s position is always on the side of Taoism.


Huang Guan daoist shook his head, “These bald donkeys are really hateful!”


“If you don’t reach out and don’t hit the smiling face, they have such a low attitude. Even if they know it’s wrong, they can’t do anything!”

Deadwood daoist said with a smile, “That’s what makes them great!”


“The saint monk of Shimen is reluctant to come, but the heirs of Shimen are here!”

“A few juniors, what can they do?”

Crown daoist No thought.

The dead wood daoist’s eyes suddenly glowed, and he stepped out, Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, breaking the space, and ripples of light appeared beside him.

Next moment, he has entered a small space.

There is a sparkling lake at the foot, and a blossoming refining emerges.

Tongxin, Wuming, and Mou Tuo and other disciples of Buddhism were dumbfounded. When they saw the arrival of the Taoist daoist, they quickly got up.

“Withered Senior Mu, could it be that Junior has done something wrong, and made you come here to ask for sin?”

Withered Wood looked towards Huang Guandaoist, pointing at the childlike monk , “Look, there is no shortage of talents in Shimen!”

Huang Guan daoist nods arrogantly, “Not bad!” can be counted on one’s fingers

“You come with us.”

Without waiting for the childish monk to object, the two daoists with the dead wood and yellow crown took him out of this small space.

“What’s going on?”

The remaining ignorance and Mutuo, looked at each other in blank dismay, could it be that Taoism is about to attack them?

Mutuo subconsciously wanted to catch up, but was persuaded by ignorance, “Wait a minute, ask yourself, are you two daoists’ opponents?”

“What should I do then?”

Mutuo glanced around all around and saw that all the monks had nothing to do. He hated, “Why don’t you speak?”


Yuantong The monk stood up and saluted the two of them, “In my opinion, it is better to inform the holy monk first and act according to orders!”

A moment later, Wuming and Mutuo contacted the holy monk through channels, with expressions on their faces. Shock.

“The holy monk said, let him go!”

What’s the answer?

A group of monks looked at each other in blank dismay!


(end of this chapter)

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