
Chapter 678 Burning the City

After Huo De left, Huang Guan Daoist opened his mouth, he frowned and asked, “This Fang Dou, I really want to hear it!”

Deadwood said with a smile, “We didn’t meet an interesting little fellow on Buddha’s birthday!”

“It was him!”

Huang Guan daoist shivered abruptly, looking at Dead Wood, “The people in Shimen!”

Dead Wood daoist shook his head, “It’s not that simple, if you don’t believe me, go ask, he and Shi The door has absolutely nothing to do with it!”

Huang Guan daoist did not believe in evil, and immediately ordered to investigate Fang Dou’s net worth background.

At this time, the news of Yuan Tianhe’s murder had already spread back to the capital, and all the Taoists were amazed.

The fall of Heaven’s Chosen Child must be a matter of the attractive spectacle of the general public.

Fang Dou’s move, in their eyes, is a catastrophe that pierces the sky!

“From now on, he won’t want to get a good night’s sleep!”

Don’t worry about the irreconcilable chase, just worry about the Heart Demon that he will bring. Enough to torture people alive.

“Fang Dou, I’ve heard this name before!”


The information in three words is summarized one by one and reported to two Bit daoist ears.


Deadwood daoist read a sentence, exclaimed twice, and waited until after reading all, look up to sky and heave a deep sigh.

“What an amazing person!”

If the causal thread could be turned into a body, Fang Dou would be a walking skein.

“It’s not related to Shimen, and he enshrines the famous teaching Saint, and also cultivates our Taoist cultivation technique!”

“By the way, Master is a side door daoist, a half front!”

Huang Guan daoist added, “The water and fire daoist robe he wears is still the handwriting of Feng Chen senior!”

“It’s really not afraid of too many things!”

The dead wood daoist shook his head, “This and the others are not easy to kill!”

“That’s right!”

Huangguan daoist sighed, they are daoists, The cognition of causal horror far exceeds that of ordinary cultivators.

The whole body like Fang Dou is causal and involves interests of all sides. Once killed, it is very likely to trigger a chain reaction.

Maybe, it will cause some terrible old monster!


Withered wood daoist looked towards his companion, “Otherwise, if you are tired, go out!”

The implication is that yellow The crown daoist shot and killed Fang Dou.


Huang Guandaoist had a wonderful expression, reacted abruptly and coughed violently, “No, I hurt my lungs and need to rest and can’t leave!”



“It’s a coincidence, my hamstrings are injured, and I can’t walk!”

The two old foxes agreed, sighing and looking at each other, “Let the junior below do this kind of trivial matters! “

After half a day, a message came from the capital.

“The daoist ordered to kill Fang Dou, reward him with a personal preaching technique, and empower his cultivation base for fifty years!”

After this reward was handed down, everyone in Taoism went crazy Well, that’s a good thing about ascending to the skies with a single leap.

The cultivators of Dao Sect in the south and the north are all excited and take Fang Dou as their prey.

“Dan Rong Fellow Daoist, are you going?”

Dan Rong rolled his eyes, I killed myself? Can’t fix it.

However, more and more Taoist cultivators left the capital one after another to join the pursuit of Fang Dou.

“The main body is self-sufficient!”

This side of the capital is also very unhappy.

The Taoists slaughtered the Majiao and occupied the capital.

After all, the Imperial Court’s support for hemp education is done in secret.

Majiao does not have any official status, and it is a non-governmental organization after all.

The battle between Taoism and Majiao is a civil fight, not involving the Imperial Court.

It stands to reason that Taoism won and wiped out all the sectarians, and even the culprit Guanglin daoist died.

In this way, we have achieved the greatest results, and we should withdraw from the capital.

However, the two daoists did not leave here, and other Taoist cultivators also stayed in the capital to eliminate the remaining enemies and help the people rebuild their homes.

Emperor Longguang hid in the capital and never showed up.

As the emperor, his majesty is still there, and Taoism is not good at coercion.

However, Qilian Imperial Tutor, the biggest backer of Majiao, suffered.

Guanglin daoist started his business with Qilian Imperial Tutor, grew Great Influence step by step, and even joined Emperor Longguang in the end, which is also Qilian Imperial Tutor.

It can be said that the biggest benefactor of Majiao is Qilian Imperial Tutor.

The Imperial Tutor mansion of Qi Lian’s family had been demolished in the previous double Fang Dou method.

However, after the war was over, the Taoists did not stop and continued to approach,

On this day, the fire was soaring, and the Qilian Imperial Tutor’s mansion was also buried in the fire sea. among.

“The water is gone!”

“The water is gone!”

It was late at night. The Qilian Imperial Tutor family was lucky and escaped before the fire broke out. Standing on the street, looking at the burning houses.

Qilian Imperial Tutor, hating his gnashing teeth, turned around and headed to the Imperial Palace on the spot.

“Your Majesty, Taoist bully intolerably, dare to set fire to my house!”

“Please uphold justice!”

Taoist is so domineering, let Qilian The Imperial Tutor hated it deeply. Although the sect religion was destroyed, the Imperial Court on their side still dominated the world.

How can trifling Taoists be so unscrupulous?

“Your Majesty has a purpose, please ask Qilian Imperial Tutor’s family to temporarily stay at the Xikuoyuan!”

After a while, several old Court Eunuchs came out and sent Qilian Imperial Tutor to the hospital. All go.

“I can bear it!”

In the darkness, several people whispered.

If Emperor Longguang did not appear, the Taoists could not enter the Imperial Palace, so they could only find a way to force him out.

The matter of Majiao this time was controlled by Emperor Longguang, and we must give an explanation to the Taoists.

Seeing Qilian’s Imperial Tutor detaining the palace, all came back without success. It was obvious that Emperor Longguang had his attention and couldn’t hold on to it.

“Then burn the imperial city too, see if he can sit still!”

The person who spoke was like Huo De, he was ordered to come and force Longguang out God, this is the only way to go.

“Star Monarch bestows Dharma, with fire to make virtue!”

“Southern Bright Trigram Fire, illuminating the world!”

Fire virtue mutter incantations, fingertips Let out a fire.

In the blink of an eye, from the firelight, a line of fire soared into the air, falling into the imperial city like a rainbow bridge.

See you in a moment, thick smoke billows, and firelight burns half of the sky red.

Following the fire in the Imperial Tutor House, the imperial city also began to ignite, the court ladies, Court Eunuch, fled everywhere, and some people came to put out the fire with buckets and water trucks.

The imperial city is the residence of the emperor. It should be well-equipped and naturally have a way to deal with the fire.

A bucket of water, moved towards the great hall that was on fire, but the fire didn’t go out. Instead, it sprang out several dozen meters away, involving the sturdy Court Eunuchs who were fighting the fire, and burned out a heart-wrenching tear. The screams of the lungs.

“The Star Monarch is angry, this is Heavenly Fire, no water can put it out!”

Someone held a rosary and knelt down and kowtowed to the raging fire.

Seeing this strange scene, many people collapsed on the spot and gave up the idea of putting out the fire.

The imperial city covers more than 100 acres and houses tens of thousands of people. If this fire is allowed to burn, even the entire capital will suffer.

Huode looked coldly and looked at the raging fire in the imperial city.

“Look carefully, Emperor Longguang immediately escaped from the city gate, so he stepped forward to block him!”

His face was slightly yellowed by the firelight, “Dare to! If you provoke my Taoism, what if it is the emperor?”

“At worst, change someone else to do it!”

Several other Taoists heard it and nodded one after another, saying that it was the way it should be. !

(end of this chapter)

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