Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 632


Chapter 632 Overbearing

Ming Xi looked at Fang Dou and Ming Gao, feeling absurd in his heart.

His usual style is fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, crushing his opponents with absolute strength with an attitude of no one else.

Originally, Ming Xin also thought that he had nothing to fear.

It wasn't until I met Heaven's Chosen of Dao Sect of Wude a few days ago that I knew that I was just a little frog viewing the sky from the bottom of a well.

The young Taoist priest, named 'Huode', with arrogant arrogance, gave orders to their Senior Brothers to hand over the talisman money.

Ming Xin was unhappy in her heart and wanted to refute, but didn't expect Huo De to sweep it away, and the endless power crushed her, almost killing her.

This power, far beyond Ming's imagination, comes from the daoist behind Huo De.

Obviously, the daoist has not yet appeared, but the young man Huode is their spokesperson.

Five virtues Dao Sect, with an unrivaled hegemony attitude, made Ming Xin feel unprecedented fear.

But what happened before my eyes.

Ming Gao and Dan Rong, in front of him, talked about how to make 'Huode' encounter an accident!

This is simply daring!

"Hey, as a descendant of Dao Sect of the Five Virtues, Huo De naturally has to take the lead and take the lead in breaking the battle!"

Fang Dou slowly said, "It is also possible to encounter danger. !"

"However, Huo De has the protection of Daoist, and now he has to gather the people of Dao Sect to break the formation together, the probability of accident is very small!"

Ming Gao reminded Fang Dou , the other party is not a small fish, but a descendant of the top Dao Sect.

"There is no accident, we can create an accident!"

Fang Dou happily said, from the outsider's point of view, he is really chatting and laughing with Ming Gao,

"Enough is enough. It's not suitable for people to talk about it in depth!"

Ming Yu was afraid to say anything more outrageous, so he hurriedly stopped this conversation.

So, after a short conversation, the two separated.

Fang Dou just took a few steps when two people suddenly flashed in front of him, with a stiff expression and a cold aura that no strangers should enter.

"Someone wants to see you!"

After a while, Fang Dou came to a secluded place and finally saw the Lord.

Before the other party could speak, he heard Fang Dou asking, "What is the name of Dao Sect?"

The young Taoist opened his mouth and said, "Kong Xuanzi, what are you doing? Standing and talking?"

Fang Dou looked all around, "There are no desks, chairs, or beds here!"

"I won't let you sit, kneel down and answer!"

After Kong Xuanzi finished speaking, he waited for a few breaths and saw that Fang Dou was still standing still, "Why are you still standing?"

"Sorry, I can't bend my knees!"

Kong Xuanzi coldly snorted, "Mount Huang's Dao Vessel comes from my vacuum Dao Sect. When you see someone coming from the Main Sect, kneel down and salute each other. This is the most basic etiquette."

"I don't need to teach you about this!"

Fang Dou indifferently said, "Sorry, I can't learn it!"

Kong Xuanzi was about to get angry when he heard Fang Dou say, "Do you know the difference between a domestic dog and a wild dog?"

"A domestic dog, as long as you're full, can be beaten and kicked, and it won't resist, and will even hold its tail between its tails to please you! "

"But, once the dog is out of the house, its temper is wild. Sorry, you can't pull it back even with the meat and bones."

Fang Dou spread his hands, " even more how, you're not holding meat and bones, or sticks, don't you intend to be bitten all over with blood?"

Kong Xuanzi said with a laugh, "Comparing yourself to a dog, you have self-knowledge! "

"Saint's eyes, what is the difference between the common people and the dog?"

Fang Dou continued, "If you have something to say, you don't need to kneel down. If you keep insisting , I have to go!"

At this time, the two people next to Kong Xuanzi, the Taoist priest who brought Fang Dou, began to scold and reprimand, "Dan Rong, you are so bold, could it be even Mount Do you care about Huang's life?"

"Vacuum Dao Sect, if the teacher has no name, it will kill me Mount Huang, what is the difference between that and the evil demon?"

"The crime is You are not a Venerable Lord, you are rebellious and rude!"

Fang Dou retorted, "I'm sorry, I don't study history, I only know that Mount Huang's Taoism has stood up to this day, and the so-called Main Sect has not a single cent. of grace.”


Kong Xuanzi stared at Fang Dou, "You have a lot of ambition, but I hope this ambition will help you live! "

"Are you threatening me?" "

Fang Dou's expression became cold.

Kong Xuanzi was relaxed, "Forget it, a little bit, don't hurt the peace!" "

"Dao fusion scholar, is a famous expert in the southern Dao Sect, worthy of my equal treatment!" "

"Please come over this time, there is something to talk about! "

Fang Dou said immediately, "Is it about Fu Qian? "

Kong Xuanzi was stunned for a moment, said with a smile, "I forgot that you have a good relationship with Hangyin Guan, you should have received a lot of money already, how is it, you should have been thinking about it in private for a long time?" "

Fang Dou asked, "We have been working on the issue of talisman money for a long time, and the investment in manpower and material resources is too great, what compensation can we have? "

"As far as I know, the Wude Dao Sect doesn't give half a big character!" " nod

, "This is always expected, from the perspective of others, aloof and remote, there is no concept of fair trade. "

Kong Xuanzi asked, "What do you think? "

"I promise!" ”

Fang Dou spoke calmly.

Ku Xuanzi and the two behind him were silent for a moment. This was too happy to promise, and it was not in line with Fang Dou’s tough attitude earlier!


"Dan Rong, why did you agree so happily? "

Kong Xuanzi looked at Fang Dou, without the slightest reluctance or humiliation. Home, it has long been confirmed that we agreed! "

Fang Dou sighed, "Even if I don't agree, compared to Your Excellency, I can find someone who agrees in Mount Huang's dao vein, right? "

Kong Xuanzi laughed heartily, "You are a wise man!" "

He pointed to the left hand side, "This is Suzhen Martial Uncle, his original sword intent, if you don't agree, in the name of thieves crossing the border, break the Mount Huang Dao vein and exterminate you whole family! "

"The red-headed thief knows, what do they worship?" "

Fang Dou said word by word, "Void Dao Zun! "

"It's good to know!" "

Kong Xuanzi waved his hand, "For your sake, let's go!" "

Fang Dou turned and left, with only a single thought in his mind, Kong Xuanzi must die.

That night, outside the five major formations in the capital, a silhouette haunted, approached one of the formations, and was sucked in. In the formation.

“Someone has come to die again! "

"Why is there only one person?" "

"Impossible, to go into battle alone, even a Taoist daoist has no such confidence!" ”

The silhouette shows the true face, it is the real body of Fang Dou, he is wearing a daoist robe, wearing an Astral Fiend crown, and he comes with empty hands.

"I am Fang Dou, please see me." Guang Lin daoist! "

Hearing Fang Dou's name, many people in the group exclaimed, "It's actually him!" ”

Many teachers and messengers felt the sensation of the Taoist temple on the top of their heads and confirmed that it was him, not a Taoist person who faked it with the Illusion Technique.

Under the world, in the In addition to the Ma sect, there is also the Taoist crown, Fang Dou alone.

"Don't act rashly, I'll tell the Master! "

A teacher left in a hurry, but he knew that Fang Dou's impression in the daoist in mind of Guanglin, although the name was 'Martial Nephew', was higher than their direct disciples.


(end of this chapter)

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