Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 630


Chapter 630 Biography

Fang Dou's inner heaviness added a bit more.

The goal of Majiao is the world, the goal of Taoism is Majiao, the goal of Shimen is Taoism and Majiao, and the famous religion hidden in the Imperial Court is aimed at... a world without Emperor Longguang.

Everyone has desires, and the desire to form a group will be infinitely magnified.

The battle of the great road is not about words, but about interests.

For the sake of profit, strangers can draw swords against each other, and relatives can turn their faces into enemies.

The cause and effect of this event is far more than Fang Dou imagined.

"I see!"

After a long time, Meishan asked openly.

Fang Dou raised his head slowly, he knew that even if he asked again, he would not be able to ask anything.

The Duke of Meishan made a divination just now to let him 'see clearly'.

This old man who loves fishing also understands the truth of 'fishing is not as good as fishing', and clearly tells Fang Dou that if he wants to eat fish, he will fish by himself, and we will give you the fishing rod and technique.

However, the only thing Mr. Meishan missed is that Fang Dou has rice buckets!

Any esoteric skills need to be passed on from word of mouth to get their essence.

Especially the difficult and profound Innate Easy Counting is the most difficult of the six arts. If you want to learn it by reading it once, it is impossible at all.

Therefore, Meishan Gong's intention is to teach, but only wear fur.

After all the calculations, I didn't count Fang Dou with Mi Dou. I just watched it once, not only the fur, but also the bones and blood and marrow were taken away.

"many thanks, Duke Meishan, pass on the kindness of skills!"

Fang Dou stood up and saluted in the middle of his thanks.


The Duke of Meishan said, "The purpose of your visit has been exhausted, you don't want to stay in this capital anymore, go do something!"

said After all, he waved his hand, indicating that Fang Dou can leave.

"By the way, if you still meet your friend, don't forget to tell him."

"Qi Zi's red line is not so simple, you can give me back my name. Teach!"

Fang Dou's heart tensed, this old fogey seems to have hidden meaning!

“Junior remembered!”

Fang Dou gave a salute, turned and left!

After a long time, another person from the thatched hut visited. If Fang Dou was still there, he would definitely recognize him.

The person in front of him is like the County Magistrate of the year, Guan Ziqing who wrote the inscription for Jiming Temple.

"Grandmaster, do you have guests before?"

After Guan Ziqing came to the thatched hut, he saw traces of outsiders.

He was favored by Duke Meishan, and was able to come to the house to ask for teaching.

In the capital, members of the famous sects were talking, and Guan Ziqing was the most likely Confucian scholar to become a great Confucian.

Because of this, Mr. Meishan respected him very much and cultivated him carefully.

"Well, an interesting little friend!"

Guan Ziqing didn't ask more, but took out the notes and asked Meishan Gong for advice.


Fang Dou opened his eyes, and the harvest of the trip to the capital appeared in front of his eyes, which was really beneficial.

However, before leaving, Duke Meishan's exhortation put a heavy stone in his heart!

The implication does not mean that if the red line is alerted and returned to Disciple, the famous religion will be able to cut off the cause and effect of the famous religion brought by Qizi.

even more how, this time, I was taught Innate to change the number by Meishan Gong.

"Not good!"

Fang Dou is now, with the Yin-Yang Qi Observation Technique and the famous Innate Yishu, who is willing to compare the strengths and weaknesses of the two.

So, he found a quiet place and began to compare cultivation.

Yin-Yang Fish appeared in both eyes, copper coins were thrown in his hands, and the two Divination Techniques were staggered.


Fang Dou suddenly discovered that the two methods of divination have their own characteristics, but they also have many similarities.

"Sure enough, that rumor is true!"

According to the rumor, the three schools of Taoism, Shimen and Mingjiao are the three remaining after the billowing waves washing the sand. The essence of sect inheritance that has been eliminated in history has been absorbed.

For example, ancient witchcraft, yin and yang techniques, etc., essence has been absorbed by the three schools.

Think about it, in order to break through the realm, Fengchen daoist sometimes incarnates as sword cultivator, sometimes becomes Confucian scholar, absorbs the leaders of hundreds of schools and establishes Taoism.

The seniors of Taoism, Shimen or famous religions in all dynasties will make such a choice if they have the thought of 'the other mountain's stone can polish jade'.

As a result, the essence of other sectors was absorbed into and strengthened the inheritance of the three.


Fang Dou thought more and more deeply, and suddenly fell on himself.

He, Fang Dou, is also in the same way, each of the three has his own way, plus the sword cultivator in Shuzhong, the southwestern witchcraft, the Yin-Yang Qi Observation Technique and so on.

If Fang Dou becomes a daoist in the future, the classics handed down must also be a collection of hundreds of schools.

“so that's how it is!”

Mentioning the Yin-Yang Qi Observation Technique, Fang Dou recalled that on the star-gazing platform, before the death of the Yin-Yang patriarch, he inherited the Yin-Yang Qi Observation Technique entrustment to him.

Originally, Fang Dou thought that the other party wanted him to choose a successor on his behalf and inherit the Yin-Yang Qi Observation Technique.

But now that I think about it, the other party has long expected that the destruction of the Yin Yang Family is irreversible, but the Yin Yang technique can continue to inherit, and the hope is on Fang Dou.

The rice bucket buzzed and spit out a seed named 'Innate Yin-Yang Book of Changes'!

The seeds fell into my mind, Fang Dou thoughts move, ghosts and ghosts, thinking of the previous question, 'how can we erase the cause and effect of the red line of alertness'!

Suddenly, in the back of Fang Dou's mind, a group of three-dimensional Yin-Yang Fish appeared, spinning around each other.

After a few moments, the answer comes out.

On a certain day in the future, the famous sect will be doomed, Fang Dou will go there with the red line in hand, he will be able to repay the cause and effect, and the front edge will be eliminated.

Innate Yin Yang Yi Jing, is far more powerful than 'Yin Yang Qi Observation Technique' or 'Innate Yi Shu' alone.

It's just that the answers you get need to be deduced in-depth in the future to get more specific and in-depth details.

Fang Dou is very satisfied, at least he has given himself a direction, and he is no longer confused about the future of the future.

Also, what is the turning point of the current situation?

Fang Dou thoughts move, Yin-Yang Fish spins again, but this time, the speed becomes much slower, and it obviously consumes a lot of effort.


The final answer is a 'ma'.

What does hemp mean?

Fang Dou also pointed to a sword, and engraved hemp characters on the stone beside him.

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, I'm looking for you, something big has happened!"

Daoist Fubo walked over quickly, saying as he walked, "Big Dipper, Wude and The descendants of the three major Dao Sects of the vacuum who are walking outside have all been present, and they have invited all the Daoist branches to meet and discuss the major event of breaking the formation!"

His eyes fell on the stones, seeing ' Ma' word, blurted out, "Why do you write the Taoist name of the Sect Lord?"

Fang Dou was about to explain when suddenly dive light flashed, "Yes, this can also be two words, Guanglin!"

It seems that the answer is both the hemp of the hemp education and the Taoist name of the Guanglin daoist, Guanglin.

The key to this breakout lies in Guanglin daoist.

Fang Dou made up his mind that the ontology was going to take a trip.

"many thanks, Daoist Fubo reminds him, no thanks!"

Fang Dou solemnly saluted Daoist Fubo.

Fubo Taoist priest was stunned, so I'm just passing on a message, is it worth it?

(end of this chapter)

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