Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 620


Chapter 620 Departure

Taoist priest Fubo asked himself, if he faced the freezing air of the frozen arrow, he would definitely have nothing to do.

The light gauze magic weapon just now was frozen, which made him very distressed.

So, Fubo Taoist Immediately, flew above to avoid its edge.

didn't expect , Fang Dou still has this hand, moving the Frostbolt and Frozen Air to other places.

On the surface, there is nothing strange, but the Taoist priest Fubo knows that it is definitely not the case.

The Taoist movement technique is easy to get started and proficient in suffering.

If you carry a big stone tree trunk or something to fool the layman, it's easy.

But if you want to move intangible things such as water and fire, it is much more difficult, especially the most hot fire and the ice of Extreme Cold, which can destroy the spell the most, and set yourself on fire if you are not careful.

The frozen gas Frostbolt cast by giant beast looks like the Innate Divine Ability in bloodline, and even flames can freeze and freeze.

Fubo Taoist secretly used the spiritual fire in his body to resist the severe cold from the air, so as not to stiffen his hands and feet.

This kind of terrifying freezing air is the nemesis of the transporting technique. If it is the five ghost transporting technique, I am afraid that the five ghost heads will freeze into ice cubes and smash to the ground.

didn't expect , Fang Dou lifting the heavy as if it were light

The ice arrow hiding the sky and covering the earth flew ten feet in front of him, as if entering another dimension, never to be seen again.

"You are all optimistic, this is the 'little shifting technique' of this sect!"

Hundred zhang looked at it with admiration, and the abbot brought this spell and cultivation to the point of perfection, even the freezing air of monster beast can be sent away.

Mount Huang Disciples all showed a look of amazement. They have also learned this spell, but to reach the point of Fang Dou, it takes at least a hundred years of study.


Fang Dou moved around for a long time, then suddenly let out a loud roar.

Both of his hands clasped together and swallowed them sharply in front of him. In the spherical space with a diameter of one kilometer at the center, the frozen air and ice arrows disappeared.

"Baby, give him a few more hits!"

The bald man sneered triumphantly, and the frozen arrows of freezing gas are constantly in the distance, see how much you can destroy.

The giant Great Demon beast snorted a few times, the surrounding air became cold, the water vapor condensed into ice, gathered into ice arrows, and aimed the sharp arrows at Fang Dou.

There are millions of ice arrows, aiming at Fang Dou at the same time, and Fang Dou will be frozen into chilled freshness with just one command.

Suddenly, Fang Dou exhaled violently, "Fall!"

Hula, the sky seemed to be torn apart, and the space above the monster beast's head was split open.

A sharp ice arrow, wrapped in a large piece of freezing air, ripped apart the air, and fell towards the monster beast.

The bald man was caught off guard and rolled over, trying to hide under the monster beast, but it was too late.

The ice arrows were as dense as raindrops, pinning the bald man on the monster beast's back, smashed into meat sauce in an instant, and finally sealed by freezing air ice.

“ao ao ao!”

The monster beast couldn’t understand why he was stabbed by the ice arrow, and it was very painful.

The sharp ice arrows pierced through the scales, tearing flesh and blood, and the splashing flesh swept through the freezing air and froze into large chunks of ice.

The body stretched for thousands of meters, and blood flowers bloomed everywhere for a while.

"so that's how it is!"

Seeing this brilliant record, the Taoist priest Fubo finally understood.

The frozen air of the Frost Arrows removed by Fang Dou was not discarded at will, but accumulated and exploded in an instant, finally hitting the monster beast.

"wu wu wu!"

The monster beast was riddled with scars all over his body, but he suddenly found out that his master was dead, and his heart was even more sad.

Gradually, monster beast's eyes became blood red, staring at Fang Dou opposite.

"Evil creature, cultivate wildly!"

Fang Dou breathes deeply, clasping his hands in front of his chest.


Seeing this, Mount Huang Disciples asked Eldest Senior Brother hundred zhang, "Eldest Senior Brother, Martial Uncle, what is this? Big move?"

"It seems to be..."

Hundred zhang stared at Fang Dou and noticed the aura around him, suddenly shrinking and condensing inwards, restraining all the changing edges, becoming The most primordial clump of air.

This airflow, which seems to be chaotic, actually hides the mystery of all things changing.

"One Qi secret technique!"

On the other side of Lijiang Dao Mai, Fubo Taoist priest is training Disciple, "You guys are optimistic, the secret technique of Mount Huang Dao Mai, although not necessarily strong. I have inherited the Lijiang River, but it also has several points of merit."

"Dan Rong is a famous legend of Mount Huang, and the spell to be cast will definitely have the formidable power of earth shattering!"

A huge monster beast, blood boils all over the body, and blood mist erupts from wounds.

The kilometer-long bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl cracks open, all around the wind swirls and converges, and finally compresses into a crystal clear and near-transparent hockey puck.

The inside of this ice ball is full of freezing gas evolution, and the temperature has dropped to a terrifying level.

Once it cracked open, it would be enough to freeze this section of the river into a glacier.

“One Qi!”

At this moment, the trick that Fang Dou was brewing came into being.

Clap hands and slowly push out, as if pushing a mountain, slowly and firmly.

A transparent airflow, jumping like a small snake, instantly burrowed into the ice ball contained in the monster beast's mouth.

The monster beast was about to spit out the ice ball and smashed Fang Dou, when he suddenly found that the ice ball couldn't be spit out in his mouth.

Next moment, cracks appeared on the surface of the puck, snapping into two halves.

The compressed freezing air instantly increased ten thousand times in volume, filling the entire mouth of the monster beast, even penetrating the skin and freezing the entire huge head.


Viewed from above, the body of the giant Great Demon is frozen in place, starting from the head, the frost spreads on the surface of the body, and instantly flows throughout the body .

In less than ten breaths, this huge monster was frozen from the inside out, and it became a huge iceberg.

Even, even the river around monster beast, from near to far, the ice began to spread out.

The freezing air is so strong that some of the sprays are frozen in time and maintain their original shape.

"Fellow Daoist Danrong, great job!"

Fubo Taoist sincerely praised, Fang Dou shot lifting the heavy as if it were light, and killed the giant without any effort The Great Demon beast, he sighed.

"This person is a minion of the Majiao, and he was ordered to lurk here to kill his fellow comrades in Shangjing!"

"It seems that the Majiao is jumping off the wall!"

Fang Dou and Taoist Fubo summed up for a while, and continued on the road with the two Disciples.

The material on this monster beast was originally valuable, but it was frozen at the moment.

The ice layer is extremely hard, far exceeding that of steel.

The time to go to Beijing was imminent, so I had to endure it.

After I went to the entire group, it took more than half a day, and the iceberg still didn't melt.

“sou sou!”

Several silhouettes appeared, looking at the frozen giant beast corpse below, silently facing each other.

"Xun Baldzi's skills are ordinary, but the monster beast he subdued is the descendant of the Tianhe water demon, and he was killed!"

"It seems that this monster beast was killed! Most of the people who go to the capital of the second Taoist family are elites!"

The following people, all of whom were from the Majiao religion, came to help the bald man.

"I thought that with Yuchi Fellow Daoist joining me, I would be able to help one or two, didn't expect..."

"It's also a blessing for Xun Bald, can't wait for us! "

After these people finished speaking, they respectfully said to a companion, "Yuchi Fellow Daoist, the person is dead, can we go to the next place?"

This Yuchi Fellow Daoist, right index finger, with a steel ring, looking closely, it is actually a sword.

The identity is self-evident, it is a sword cultivator.

(end of this chapter)

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